So... you people sure brag a lot about your "good" taste in music.
Can you prove it?
So... you people sure brag a lot about your "good" taste in music.
Can you prove it?
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No. I don't have a good taste in music. None of us have.
Yeah, I like the music I listen to.
The music I listen to frequently makes me feel good because I enjoy the sound.
I listen to music I like, not to music others like.
Listening to other people's judgments is the sign of a libtard cuck.
These are the only answers you need. And also the fact in every genre, there's something you might enjoy. Even in reggaeton
Listening to how other people judge music is fine, that's called discussion. Sucking down someone's opinion as your own just because makes you a libtard cuck.
lmao op said "prove it". sounds like you guys have shitty taste in music
i listen to music i like hearing its good but its bad music but i like it so its good but hey i know im getting horny and haveing sex with every woman o n this boarde
I listen to just about anything so I can't say I really have bad taste in music, probably just excessively mediocre. I like it though.
The only thing I will say is that vaporwave is trash.
i like neutral milk hotel, death grips, radiohead... i think that shows you i have excellent taste
or a repube for that matter
OP listens to the same shitty Sup Forumscore records we all do, we're all torn on about three albums tops
I shall prove to you my superior taste:
You might listen to that shit since you're new.
>Not listening to music in other languages exclusively
Stay goober
post-Pinkerton Weezer is just as good as their early output
I beat my dick listening to Stromae
Not really.
>vaporwave is trash
Try Dark Web by Giant Claw or I'll Try Living Like This by death's dynamic shroud.wmv if you'd like. They're 2 very well made albums that come from the genre vaporwave, and don't rely on the slowed down audacity shit at all.
Listening to Dark Web now and while I'm still not 100% into it, it does sound like Giant Claw actually invested a LOT more effort into his music than the average Vaporwave artist which I can appreciate.
Stay goober
>Stay goober
Taste is subjective you fucking homo.
>Remain goober