Ask a guy that works for a Jew anything

Ask a guy that works for a Jew anything..

What city is this
& do you guys serve knishes ?

Damnit OP. I hate to white knight here, but you might want to delete this. Sup Forums now has enough to tear your life apart. Don't be a fucking newb.

how's the pay, competitive

might want to have a few of those things on your neck looked at. and post dick

What do they smell like?

We all work for jews

OP we're gonna DOX you & your kike overlords if you don't answer my got damn question you lil nigger

Ya done goofed m8

Anyone mind trying to find out where and who works for this place, identify OP and post pics

Help me

jesus could you be anymore of a five year old.

6301 coastal highway
Ocean city
MD 21842

You done goofed op

Proof that is OP



Let's be as offensive as possible and then send screen shots to the owner. Should get OP fired. Serves you right, faggot!

I'm on it

OP here guys. This picture actually proves nothing as far as identity goes. Anyone could have taken a picture of this person. Thousands of people were in ocean City this weekend.

the jewth fairy

>damage control
You done fucked up op. Nothing you can do about it now.


post dick and all is well

Post Dick with Time Stamp and Sup Forums back off.

Kek he is about to be spammed with merchants

nice pa request buddy.

How many with the nasty neck things?

NYPA nigga

How quickly can you get another job? That's my question to the guy that works for the jew.


dick and timestamp. dick must be laying on the jew logo


Found the OFFICE FAX Number:
What should I fax to owner?
OP's cancerous neck of course
I mean how many freckly necked pale kids does jewboss have?

will include holocaust denial Sup Forums threads and jew caricatures pics so that jewowner knows where his employees post during work breaks

not if you don't work. Stay woke, live off welfare and eat hot pockets in your moms basement, and we can defeat the zog machine

Why was AMAT stock such a good investment this morning and still good for open tomorrow?

oh shit, penny stock
pump and dump
schemes on Sup Forums?

That's my plan. I'm just waiting on my step dad to die so I can move back on with my mom and live in the basement. Should be anytime now he's already had three heart attacks and he's not the type to change his lifestyle for health reasons.

Mr. Creosote comes to mind

Kek nice post proof though

Do you often put juice in the oven?

Top kek right here


How much Christian blood does it take to make matzoh for Passover?

The holocaust didn't happen

Must fax this pic

What's the fax number?
