What will trump's cabinet look like?

Because Trump will inevitably shlong Clinton in the general election, I was thinking about who Trump's cabinet will comprised of.

>pic related
These are who I think he should appoint:

VP- Jim Webb
Sec. of State- Ron Paul
Sec. of the Treasury- Rand Paul
Sec. of Defense- General Mattis
Attorney General- Chris Christie
Sec of Health and Human Services- Dr.Ben Carson
Secretary of Education- Dr. Thomas Sowell
Secretary of Homeland Security- Ted Cruz

Why Cruz?

For that matter (Not ripping on you) why specifically these people for the jobs?
I feel this can be a good discussion for anyone who doesn't know.

I think he should make condoleeza rice AG

I'd honestly like to see Trump try and appoint el rato as the new supreme court justice. Just as another huge fuck you to every cuckservative and leftist in government.

I don't think el rato would resist either. I can't see him being on Trump's cabinet though.

Jim Webb isn't happening, as cool as it would be. I'm going with the Gingrich rumor in all honesty.

Literally the dumbest fucking cabinet since Chester A. Arthur's. The only qualified people on there are Webb and Christie.

Sowell compared Trump to Hitler so I'm not sure that would work. Other than Cruz, that'd be a dream team

>Chester A. Arthur

Literally who: The President

I think that he would do well for the department of homeland security. He would most likely do what was most needed, but within the limits of the constitution.

Disband the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services. No secretary needed.

I will not vote for Trump if he puts Christie anywhere in his cabinet. That's literally the one thing that will make me not vote for him.

Fuck off shill.

Let this meme die
We need to get rid of the "not a true conservative" retards, not give them credibility.


VP will be either Little Marco or Lying Ted, get used to it.

stop being a nigger

Trump is a centrist pulling away from late party stupidity and attracting moderates and apoliticals. In that characterization Webb works and Newt does not.

I want an all white cabinet. Thomas Sowell is 1000. Ron Paul would be a shit Secy of State, and Jim Webb is a crypto-cuck.

He already announced a Treasury Sec, it's Carl Ichan

Bullshit. 10 to 1 Trump picks a white man.

>In that characterization Webb works and Newt does not.

The whole point of a running mate is to draw in people who you haven't been attracting already.
Trump needs the RINO and/or religious right support, not the moderates he already has in his pocket.

in that scenario Trump would attract apoliticals and centrists and Newt would attract the tru-conservativesTM

> Webb
I think a cross-party ticket would do well, especially in contrast to the hard left politician Clinton will surly appoint.
>Ron Paul
He is would be great for foreign policy, which will contrast to our current interventionist government.
>Rand Paul
Audit the Fed.
>Gen. Mattis
For obvious reasons
Because it is most likely inevitable, Trump has willed it.
>Dr. Carson
At this point he has to be appointed to something, with his heavy involvement in the campaign.
>Dr. Sowell
He is an expert in education, and has wrote many books on the subject.
See my post above.

>Gen Mattis not qualified for Sec. of Defense

And I will not vote for him if he puts Ted Cruz anywhere in his cabinet. If he does, I will literally become a #cruzmissile.


>Ivanka VP

I wish a nigga would

Webb was a disaster in the Democrat "debate". Boring. Lost. Fumbled questions. No clear vision. No presence. He would damage Trump's chances not enhance them.

If you want a SotT just for auditing the fed, you'd be better of with Cruz, who has both the political support and experience AND has been campaigning for an audit since Ron Paul first suggested it before Congress.

Homeland security will be Rudy Giuliani...Cruz can be made a federal judge and then the next SC vacancy he can fill