Gonna rent my first flat in two weeks...

Gonna rent my first flat in two weeks, what are some basic shit you wish you'd have known when you were at this point in your life?

Make sure that you have multiple months rent saved up. Don't blow it partying. A financial cushion at this time in your life will be the difference between constantly moving forward, or having to move back in with your parents

I wish I had known that I should invest in bitcoins soon.

You need more tongs, spatulas & spoons.
When you're down to 3 rolls of tp left, act like you only have half of 1.
Don't get a pet because you're lonely.

Its harder than you know to live on your own. Go the extra distance to take care of little things when you have time, being lazy becomes a luxury so don't let tasks pile up or you'll suffer for it

In a smiliar situation. Was thinking of buying a place in a shittier part of town and getting roommates. Anyone tried that?

If having guests over, even if you're clean, open your windows 90 minutes earlier, if you come home and you can smell something, either do a load of washing or clean the kitchen,

Take the time to use fabric softener

To add to that, keep 2 spare rolls in your room just for you in case of a real emergency

I wish I had known that it was financially foolish to spend money for my own apartment when I could have lived with my parents. I could have invested $2000 per month for several years in stocks or something that would grow in value that I would have today. Instead, it was just consumed and I have nothing to show for it.

Or buying a place would have been a much better choice.

You will always hate housemates after 2-3 months

Ive had over 15 different housemates and i only liked 1 of them in the end. Some where even my close friends at first.

Also don't let bitches come between your friendships. Unless she does anal.