How do we solve the muslim problem, Sup Forums?
The clock is ticking and we don't have much time left.
How do we solve the muslim problem, Sup Forums?
The clock is ticking and we don't have much time left.
It's too late for that. We're now considered the problem, brother. Hope you make the last of your life fulfilling.
>not cutting at the same angle as the lines
Wir sollen allem der muslims nach
Südamerika deportieren!
Take off, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure
Obviously op's pic is bait but holly shit I'm triggered
Our greatest advantage is intelligence. We need to start the selective breeding of humans, so that every human produced is intelligent and healthy. The best way to do this is to use special sperm banks or some kind of donor registry, but not anonymous, since anonymity could lead to defective donors.
The white western world could pull this off. East Asians could as well. But all the other races are probably too backward to figure this out and make it work. So they will be at a severe disadvantage to us when this elective breeding thing gets rolling along.
Selective breeding will make us unstoppable. Invincible!
they'd just drive off the spics and soon walk over your border
Yes, that's the whole point of the image dumb leaf
It's easy
See a Muslim, kill them.
It's too late for a peaceful resolution, that time is long past.