How do we solve the muslim problem, Sup Forums?
The clock is ticking and we don't have much time left.
How do we solve the muslim problem, Sup Forums?
The clock is ticking and we don't have much time left.
It's too late for that. We're now considered the problem, brother. Hope you make the last of your life fulfilling.
>not cutting at the same angle as the lines
Wir sollen allem der muslims nach
Südamerika deportieren!
Take off, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure
Obviously op's pic is bait but holly shit I'm triggered
Our greatest advantage is intelligence. We need to start the selective breeding of humans, so that every human produced is intelligent and healthy. The best way to do this is to use special sperm banks or some kind of donor registry, but not anonymous, since anonymity could lead to defective donors.
The white western world could pull this off. East Asians could as well. But all the other races are probably too backward to figure this out and make it work. So they will be at a severe disadvantage to us when this elective breeding thing gets rolling along.
Selective breeding will make us unstoppable. Invincible!
they'd just drive off the spics and soon walk over your border
Yes, that's the whole point of the image dumb leaf
It's easy
See a Muslim, kill them.
It's too late for a peaceful resolution, that time is long past.
This, if we get enough nationalist governments around the world i'm betting we can convince the general population to genocide against Muslims.
let#s assume someone goes out now and shoots up a mosque
would that change anything?
Did the charleston church incident help in any way?
The new major of Mecca must be Jewish...that will show those kleinesscheißenuntermenschen
First we organize, then seize weapons, capture govt installations and buildings, capture govt leadership. Begin recruitment of surrounding natives, train, expel invaders, rebuild, repopulate, ensure the enemy knows to fear you. Animals only understand fear
It's cheesecake, you morons. You can't eat a piece of cheesecake that big. It needed to be cut into smaller slices.
Wish you white boiz would try to pull off something to get some negative media attention, but most of you seem content posting pepes and dreaming up fictional situations like
It's an example of Jewish distribution ideology.
>You can't eat a piece of cheesecake that big
Just watch me m8.
You just have to convince those on the front lines that your cause is just.
The police, the local militia and national guard, the military.
Not exceedingly difficult and becoming increasingly easier every day.
Just because you can't doesn't mean I can't.
We let it happen to you, so you and your bitch leader can die to the Muslim hordes you keep importing while Austria, Hungary, the entirety of Eastern Europe, and whatever western European nations aren't completely retarded can build their walls and watch you rot.
You deserve it you fucking snake in the grass.
>You can't eat a piece of cheesecake that big.
Clearly you aren't an American
Gas chamber
The first thing to do is ignore the retards telling you there will be a White uprising - there won't be. The second thing to do is devote time and energy to serious nationalist electoral politics. That's the only way we can win this thing.
You German krauts are masters of ethnic cleansing. You guys set the bar for the rest of us.
Why are you asking us? You know what needs to be done
First step :
Become like Liban
>Antagonize muslims with non-muslims
>Obtain a common front against muslims
>Create christian militias
>Defend a definite territory
Second step :
Become like Spain
>Go full Deus Vult with your militias
>Slowly take back your land
The hard thing to do is to antagonize non-muslims with muslims to the point they want to genocide them, after this steps all will flow like water.
Yeah that's been working out really well for you hasn't it ahmed?
don't you have children to rape? get the fuck out.
So why aren't you rising up right now, Pedro?
With awful looking pie.
All we need is a good ol' massacre in Germany. C'mon ISIS. Don't fail me now.
why would you give away awful looking yet delicious pie to the enemy?
Who says I'm not?
Asymmetry > symmetry. Symmetrical or patterned things are unnatural and degenerate. When i encounter such symmetrical things I like to mark, unbalance or otherwise disorganize them so that they better fit the world.
You are not an American. You are a proxy-fag.
>not throw
one incident won't
but repeated incident, as mulsims extremist have shown us, are very efficient in inciting fear
It hasn't been tried. Nationalists in the UK are too busy running around staging demonstrations and marches as if that could somehow have an effect. Though why I would debate with an American mongrel I have no idea. You faggots wank over your useless guns and cultureless burgerscape while the Zionists run your government and the 62% rapidly becomes 49%. You're an irrelevance here. The US is not a White country.
We say you're not, because you're not.
it sounds horrible but that is probably the only way for things to change for the better
What good would inciting fear amongst Muslims do? All you'd achieve is to make them more militant and the mainstream more sympathetic to them. What you people need to grasp is that the public don't care about the things we care about. You win them over by offering sound governance and making racism a triviality, not by making it your fucking selling-point. That's political suicide.
Don't be stupid guys, bringing them harm will only increase the leftists sympathy toward them. Especially if they play victim.
You have to wait for them to start the war, and the way that's going, it isn't going to happen. In EU, its was a march of unarmed soldiers, they got right in no problem, they were even welcomed.
In Canada, it's globalism and multicultuism war on nationalism. How do you fight that? Facts and education only go so far. It's hard to change minds when you're branded as a racist facist nazi bigot hate speech promoting misogynist scumbag.
what we need to do is point out the real leftist position: all a leftist wants is to feel self righteous and morally superior in accordance with the tenets of the post-modernist religion of acceptance, and if a few innocent lives is the cost to pay then so be it. They don't care about innocents dying, they only care about their reputation.
Basically, we can use this fact to tell people that with the left wing method of bending over and taking the dick just to feel better about yourself, innocents will keep dying over and over and over again.
then we need to tell people that there are only two real solution to islam extremism in the west.
extremism is always born in the same way; it is the result of an ideology being unchallenged. A moderate muslim is in reality an assimilated muslim, not an actual muslim. Modertates exist mostly in countries where muslims is not the majority as their ideology is constantly challenged by other ideologies. So the first solution would be to ensure that there is no such thing as a majority muslim population ever again.
Of course this is way too extreme which leads us to the most human solution: close the borders and contain the muslims in muslim countries.
Fucking tourist detected
Just put bacon on everything. Gets rid of Muslims and vegetarians. Win-win
You can't our Jewish Overlords would get pissed. People forget that they aren't allowed to eat bacon either.
>You can't eat that much cheesecake
You can't fix brainwashed people. That applies to muslims and liberals.
You have to reach them on the primal level.
This is how the Muslims do it.
This is how the Jews do it.
This is how terrorists do it.
This is how the media does it.
This is how the politicians do it.
This is how the economists do it.
All in their own way. They use fear.
You're sitting in the basement of a house that's fully engulfed in flames, talking about fire prevention. It's too late Hans. They used your white guilt to beat you. Enormous violence is the only way out now. RIP Europe.
nice analogy, m8.
I hope your house is safe.