Is this zombiekino?
Is this zombiekino?
absolutely. favorite TV show airing
1 > 2 > 4 >>> 3
dont understand what people see in rita
It's comfykino.
I love this show so much
So looking forward to the return of the sleazily sexist Det. Cavanaugh. Adds +5 to every scene.
hi, im a newfag
what does kino mean
where did it come from?
>that picture of rose at the airport with a kid
>black guy flashing gang signs like a fucking nigger
>tfw no rose mciver gf
It's pretty good but it bored me. I don't even remember what episode I was up to because when you skim through them there's nothing memorable enough to recognise. And it has a day time television feel to it.
No overly-practical BFF.
dont remind me
I can't find it
please post
I'll fight you
Real zombies love their girlfriends all month long.
Zombies don't bleed user
Why do I want to fuck every woman on this show so badly?
because you're sexually frustrated
Please explain
Shows can't be kino you fucking turbopleb, television equivalent of kino is programme.
Also, fuck no.
I has no idea.