How embarassing
How embarassing
Other urls found in this thread:
>haven't had sex in two weeks
fuuuak Sup Forums im losing my mind
White b/g
Red Text
straight to the trash bin.
>actress was 23
im 23 years old and have never even held a girls hand, barely even talked to a girl unless I had to for a school project or something. Is there any hope for me?
It's an Aslyum movie, I think you're missing the point
>comedy involving a female virgin
>comedy involving a male virgin
Really made me think
It was actually a comfy movie.
I'm almost at wizard level, 10 months to go.
Should look into elemental schools near me.
Maybe a girl on your same level of NEETdom.
Holy fuck, could you imagine not having sex for FORTY DAYS?
no wonder he went insane in the movie
Same and I am going bald
Trump and survive a global conflict/crisis that makes WW2 look weak
Buy guys and start working out
Learn manly skills
Browse Sup Forums
Gods Chosen People won't be the only ones rising from the ashes.
Dood I haven't had sex in a week and feel the cobwebs coming in. Like how do you do it
>You're 18 and have never had a girlfriend
What did he mean by this?
This movie is so unrealistic omg
There is no way a man would EVER hold out for that long
Like seriously, I would probably fuck a dog if I had to go that long without sex
I'm 20, going bald, have terrible skin (Acne and several moles on my face), and I have a huge nose. I only stay alive for the newest capeshit, star wars, and to play WoW I live a sad life, I think.
Oh, and my Mom tells me on a daily basis that I'm letting life pass me by. Feels bad man
How will enrolling in an elementary school help you lose your virginity?
I was in my twenties when I lost my virginity. I'm 47 years old now and I'm still a pretty cool guy!
I think he wants to become a teacher and fuck all the hot MILFS who come pick up their kids
I was 69 years old when I lost my virginity. Now I'm 420 years old and still very likeable!
Make America Great Again
The jews have turned this society into a corrupt hell
>19 year old virgin
Am i finished?
Nope, you just need to make america great again soldier
Your people miss you
You're a real clown buddy!
>2 weeks
GTFO normie
haha :o)
>Implying Trump doesn't support Israel
i'm too old for this place
My best friend since middle school didn't lose his til he was about 20-21. I had been fucking bitches for 5-6 years at that point, lol. I used to fuck with him mercilessly about it...
...he's dead now.
if you're not super ugly you can still be funny and impress a girl.
Girls aren't nearly as awful as shitholes like Sup Forums would make you think.
If you're really fat just diet a little and get some exercise.
If you date a girl and she finds out (or figures out) that you're a virgin she is going to tease you at worst.
There is no "point of no return" when it comes to just having relationships, virginity isn't a barrier only your own choices and potentially your appearance are.
Then leave. There's a new sherrif in town and Reddit is his name.
>implying Trump didn't cancel his summer Trip to Israel and unconfirmedly he gave Sheldom (((Adelson))) the finger for a hundred million in lost campaign funds after word that they might assassinate Trump on his trip with a fake terrorist attack came in.
It's speculation but so is the Kushner connection and Trump's obvious anti Jew World Order attitude
He killed himself?
>it is now considered embarrassing to be a virgin if you're older than 16
I can't wait to see the 2036 remake "the 13-year-old virgin", when it will be embarrassing for a girl to not have done double-anal by the time she's twelve.
I want to get off this ride.
I lost my virginity at 18...
I'm turning 19 next week, only fucked 3 more times this year
>ahh !
>i've only got 2 orbiters
>life is suffering!
Now this is a newfag
In two days I'll be a 29 year old kissless handholdless virgin and I haven't left my house in 10 years
It was the same girl too tho
>haven't had sex
my mind's far from gone...
22 here. it hadn't bothered me the past two years due to depression and anxiety.
but I've started taking a massive amount of omega 3 fish oil and feel like a normal person again it's literally all I can think about. fapped twice today and still horny as fuck
>congratulations señors
>on your gangbang
It really does say señors.
>Kissless virgin
How bad?
I lost my virgnity at 27. Who the fuck cares? People place way too much importance on this shit.
>frequent first kiss dreams
>haven't had a sex dream in years
>omega 3 fish oil
how does that help against depression and anxiety nigga
>start to lucid dream
>try to rape the first girl I see
>wake up before I can push it in
every time
>Lost virginity at 17
>At 23, no sex drive because of porn addiction and weed habit
I've made some bad choices.
because I had a deficiency of it
seriously. For the first time in years I can think clearly and feel normal.
feels weird man
Yeah, right?
27? please tell me not with a whore or a slut.
20 yrs old and STILL haven't experienced sex or a girlfriend
>frequent first kiss dreams
alright real talk for a moment, you actually have had your first kiss right? This is just memes right?
And a little kiss?
>had sex at 15 with a 14 year old girl
>only time i ever had sex
>30 now
How did i do
Not one kiss.
You can finally start wizchan and get out of here
I'll kiss ya
Oh yes, that's when you'll improve your life. If only there would be a war so you could start working out.
No, it was with a girl who I got into a relationship with for about a year and had a bunch of sex with. She was fucking insane but having sex with her was really fun. I understand now why people stay in terribly dysfunctional relationships. Anyway, masturbating with lube is a pretty acceptable substitute.
Not even that
19 year old kissless virgin
arguably worse because it means you can get laid but you still don't. At least the people here who are completely irredeemably revolting have an excuse
Man I know that feeling I've been having a dry spell of like 20 years
I mean wtf is up with that
This. Great filter, never fails.
Reddshitters are some of the worst people on the internet omg
>all these sub-20 year olds
None of you know true hell
Me tho.
>only kissed one girl in my life
>it was my sister because she wanted to practice kissing
How did i do?
20-year here, but I have kissed couple of girls and fingered and gotten a blowjob from one
You are in another level.
It's a 99/100
Did she touch your boner at all?
My first and only gf was an 18 year old virgin
Mfw i got to taste that prime teen pussy for 2 years
Haven't had a gf since, but I don't really care since girls get worse once they hit 20
Would have killed myself if I didn't get the virginity out of my system tbqh
Now fuck her
no, she was going on a date with a guy who was 3 years older than her and she never kissed anyone before and was afraid she sucked at it.
44 here all of you sound like little baby shits
>last day of middle school
'>girl goes to peck me on the lips
>i flinch
>she doesn't go for it again
>ITT kissless neet virgins spam jokes about not having a gf as a form of projection to try and make others feel like shit so they feel better about being in the same boat
loving every laugh
Going movies and dinner with friend I frequently fuck and going on a drinks date with a slut I haven't seen in a few years tomorrow night.
This isn't a regular occurrence for me, but I'm hype
I haven't had sex in like 2 days or something and I'm honestly considering suicide, this feels so horrible.
Its coz sex is more fun as a teenager, once you're in your 20s orgasms feel weak and girls are used up and old
Bitch, please
45 righ here madafackas.
ask anything
>one day wake up for breakfast
>sister is pissed as fuck at me for some reason
>ask her if shes on her period or something
>says i raped her in her dream last night
What does this mean Sup Forums?
Where is you wife's son?
>had sex 5 days ago
>won't get it for at least another 2 days
She wants some. She's pissed coz it was just a dream.
19 here and nope, not even a kiss. not even a handhold. i'm that fucken ugly
>wake up
>fuck bae
>at work now
>4 hours since sex
Post self
don't worry lads i was on a nearly 1 year dry streak before I got with my gf
it can happen to anyone