Guys, it has "It Ain't Me" and this song actually fits damn good.
Guys, it has "It Ain't Me" and this song actually fits damn good
Unironically looking forward to this flick.
The 2010's Lord Of War
>it's a "Jonah Hill overcomes his pudgy looks with unlikely jock charisma and acts as an icon of hope for ugly, unaccomplished millennial viewers" flick
literally typecast after wolf of wallstreet. Can't wait till he goes away.
It was pretty enjoyable
this looks so horrible. A serious issues movie dumbed down with dubstep and bright flashing credits and fetishising their rich life style with party scenes and hot chicks to appeal to brodudes from the guy who made project X and other highschool movies.
And it glorifies these assholes. Fuck this trash
Green text the scene for us OP.
>i only watch le obscure kino. If it's not a silent french film from the 1930's it's fucking garbage
nice projecting faggot. this movie looks like shit and its cultural cancer
>Its okay because Im going to force in some lame half assed "war is bad" message to try and absolve myself from glorifying this shit! The message totally wont be lost on the dumb kids this is marketed to!
Jonah Hill found suffocated in his home
Traces of bagel, cream cheese and James Franco's semen were found crammed in his windpipe
Seth Rogen had this to say "uhuhuhuhuhuhuh"
Relax user, it's just a movie.
Wow. Someone is triggered
I'm sorry, but normal people don't wanna sit around watching obscure movies with actors only their grandparents would recognize
>hehe, if you dont want to see this movie and voice your opinions why it means youre le triggered
nice buzzwords newfags. Way to double down on your already retarded projection.
Cant stand looking at Jonah hill. His fat ass build with his big hooked nose disgust me.
Are you done sperging out? Here, I found this rare super 8 reel for you
>Its okay because Im going to force in some lame half assed "war is bad" message to try and absolve myself from glorifying this shit! The message totally wont be lost on the dumb kids this is marketed to!
Terminator 2 also had a bunch of anti-violence, anti-war messages crammed into it:
It was still:
Violent as fuck.
Minigun as fuck.
It had:
Badass electronic music
Badass electronic people
Still a fucking good movie
It's Spring Breakers for boys, hence the stupid fucking argument in this thread.
>The message totally wont be lost on the dumb kids this is marketed to!
How is that even the director's fault, faggot?
>Terminator 2 also had a bunch of anti-violence
Terminator 2s entire appeal was seeing 2 robots shoot at each other with an overall theme about anti-nuclear weapons (which was already a sort of out dated theme since the cold war had just ended)
This movie without a doubt will war profiteers and then in the last few seconds have some lame "war is bad though kids!" message because even the coke heads who wrote this know how much in bad taste it is. You think any dumb 19 year old is going to care about anything other than the car and the pussy?
You do know this is inspired from a true story, right? Did you even take two seconds to read what it's about?
>You do know this is inspired from a true story, right?
no fucking shit, how does that change anything about my point of them glamorizing them?
I don't know how the message of the movie will be lost on people when Miles Teller literally tells the audience that war is an economy and then goes on to say how all he sees when he sees soldiers is dollar signs.