You bloody wanks can't protect shit. You or your fuckin' bobbies.
You bloody wanks can't protect shit. You or your fuckin' bobbies
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probably the same reason nobody takes their fucking military seriously.
What happen?
Uh oh, Muhammed at it again! time to leave some prayers on facebook and wait for the next one britbongs.
says an amurica fag nice towers you got there
Oooh! Is that real!? I hadn't heard about it.
I'm guessing it's not true though. It's 1:30 am here. it wasn't on the news earlier and it's too late for it to have happened in the last hour or two.
And we annihilated a lot of muslims in retaliation. What will you fags do?
can user post vid of the explosion
Yeah no you got your asses raped by shepherds and angry muzzie teenagers with AKs
Recall how many heads we've taken for 9/11? you pussies are going to roll over and wait for the next one.