I want to start a marketing company, but one thing I'm totally stuck on is a good catchy name. I want something that has one of those creative feelings behind it and is memorable.
Agencies use names like:
Impact Group Escalate Now Ignition Momentum Worldwide Marketing Werks The Eleven Agency (because they go to 11, not 10)
Post creative ideas along with an email address. If I like your idea and use it, I'll email you and send you $100 via Paypal, Chase QuickPay, Amazon.com or however you wish.
Thanks Sup Forums!
Christian Wilson
Ian Phillips
ExpoLink BrandStage Firmlight Namecast
You can have them for free. Spend your bucks on the domain name, it's probably parked.
You were never going to send the money anyway.
James Sullivan
Mason Williams
I will send when I see one I like. I want something creative like those I posted. "EscalateNow" "Impact Group" "Marketing WERKS". Etc. Like clever car names.
And obviously, they can't already be registered. I need one that is available.
Jeremiah Wilson
Use a name that signifies wealth, complexity, and class.
Think "Strafford-Oakmont" from wolf of wall street.
Something like Bradford-Heathercroft
Jackson Walker
"EscalateNow" isn't really that creative, though. It's a pretty shitty name. If you're going for shitty, try "RapidGrowth" or "Reach Farther". If you want an identifier like "group" or "firm" or something along those lines, I mean, just Google synonyms for growth, prosperity or exposition and put "group" at the end.
Also, most good domain names are taken. That doesn't mean you can't buy them. It just means that the domain name will be more expensive, as they're usually just parked for resale.
Luis Evans
Yeah, but one I liked wanted 36k for it. lol
Henry Sanchez
Which one was that?
Dominic Morales
I had an idea for it. Sounds dumb by itself, but the idea was cool. Not paying 36k though.