Sup Forums agrees
Sup Forums agrees
ill fuck any chick remotely hot
no, anyone that thinks a nose ring is a deal breaker is just making excuses why they cant seem to fuck
>i-im just w-waiting for the r-right one, not some s-slut with a hoop in her nose
Nah Sup Forums doesn't agree
extra sauce please
>I want to fuck girls with mental issues like self mutilation
I know her. I used to work with her.
2/10 or 8/10, piercings or no piercings, either way you kissless faggots aren't getting any girls
do you think piercing ears is indicative of self-mutilating "mental issues" user?
Fuck yea OP. Of course I'd still fuck them, I just think these trends are fucking stupid. Just like every other trend that was and will be. I don't get it at all. Average to slightly above average chick's doing just about everything they can to make themselves below average with these shit trends
>bright colored hair dye
>shitty tattoos
>stupid random piercings
One day they will all look back and cringe like a Mother fucker. Bet
nose shrapnel is definitely a deal breaker, especially when they're over 25 and should have some fucking sense by then
No, because ear lobes serve no other purpose but locations for jewelry. Putting shit into important parts of your respiratory, digestive, or reproductive organs is fucking retarded.
>when youre so autistic you Photoshop people to look the way you like.
Normally id say fick off faggot but honestly you should Stay here on Sup Forums you fucking sperg. the more time you stay here, the less i see you tards in real life.
>putting things into your endocrine system is not logical, i like trains
this is legit autism
This is now a get thread.
Also nice get
Do you think babies should have their ears pierced?
Also, I'm not this faggot.
Things that have been the norm for a long fucking time and will continue to be for a long fucking time
>ear piercings
Things that are a recent trend and will be looked back on with heavy regret and cringe
>random face and nose piercing
Pfft, Sup Forums's opinion on women is a dehydrated man's opinion of water.
"Hey Sup Forums, would you fuck th-"
Absolutely. Fuck tattoos
What do you care what her name is? You're never going to meet, talk to, date, fuck, or in any other way ever going to interact with her.
youre thinking of your haircut user,
girls can just take the rings out of their nose when theyre over it
Chop their foreskin off too while you're at it.
Totally fucked up her nose removing the nose ring. Destroyed the side of nostril and shooped out part of her nose, now it's asymmetrical .
Dude people have been piercing their faces for fucking ever, and I bet they don't give a fuck what you think, fucking faggots grow up and stop pushing your stupid opinions on other people. Like fucking christians
>#1 dumbest post in a fucking stupid thread. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder you fucking cucks
Tattoos or not, Poison is hot as fuck. God, I miss her tumblr.
took a fuckin minute to see that shit
tattoos, piercings, overdone/fake eyebrows and long/painted nails are complete boner killers.
If this messes with you
And these bother you
Then this must really fuck you up
Anybody have a link to that girls dump? I know it's there
It comes down to personal preferences and visual stimulation.
I personally find piercings and tattoos hot. In moderation though. You fags ever suck on a pierced clit? I have. It's fucking awesome.
ITT: Underage b& faggots who don't realize the only reason they dislike tattoos and piercings are because the only people in their peer group who have them are skanks from broken homes. And retards.
Thanks for reminding me why I stopped lurking Sup Forums, you fucking morons.
whoa, you're one tough non-lurker
I wouldn't go as low as 2/10 but the right is better.