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Heya 8.




Manchester, man. How the hell did they get a bomb into a massive concert venue?



Oh, I didn't notice 19 confirmed dead. Was wondering why it was getting so much attention. But from what I read there were reports that they weren't checking people on their way in. Probably the silly Brits' false sense of security.

That's ridiculous. Christ.


That's the world we live in now man...







Import mahometans, receive jihad. It's always been that simple

they have to go back


But if they go back, then we'll just send our young adult males to fight them over there.

ad hoc ergo propter hoc







Trump updated his twitter banner to one of the pictures of him touching a wall longingly.



I updated my Facebook banner to him touching a globe longingly.


What a time to be alive.


Hey Winter.


Hey. Up to anything tonight?


Oddly enough work.



And what would that work be, if you don't mind me prodding?


Just computer stuff. Howabout you? How goes it?


I got nothing. It's barely been a week of summer break, but I'm ready for things to pick back up again already.



Anymore doge?























Might be back later.





I am but a simple farmer, tending to my booty collection. Can anyone help grow my wonderful crop?







Thank you, my brother





Also, whys this thread so empty, it's may long weekend

Anyone have the thing with the crocidile and die webdm, it had hypnosis I believe.

Anyway, this all I got.

The May long weekend is this coming weekend.

What. Maybe it's Cus I'm a leaf, but I got Friday and today off work.

Yup, that's likely it. Ours is just next Monday.

Alright, gotta bounce out for a spell. Happy posting, gents.

Is there no Furry Porn discord?