Funny movies to watch stone... about to smoke a blunt and need a very funny movie to watch

Funny movies to watch stone... about to smoke a blunt and need a very funny movie to watch

Grandmas Boy
This is the End
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

There, that should keep you busy. Now never come back to this website again you insufferable faggot

Thanks but I've seen them already
I'll go where I want, faggot

Blazing Saddles

The Holy Mountain

best experience ever while stoned

looks shit

It's not funny tho.

I came to post Schindler's list

It's good just not comedy

Harold & Kumar

no, no, seriously it's a fucking trip.
It looks like shit but it's very controversial. It can be funny or it can be very deep, depends on how you read to weed.

Where the buffalo roam

A scanner darkly


Walk hard

that's a great movie not really what i'm looking for, I want to laugh


Requiem for a dream

Pootie Tang

you can't say you smoke weed if you haven't watched that

Natural born killers

smiley face anna faris


Dog day afternoon

what a fucking retarded thing to say, you fucking gatekeeper faggot

i dont even know what that means bro

Tucker and Dale versus Evil

thats one of the funniest movies to watch stoned imo

love that fucking movie, me and my friend decided to watch it thinking it would be shitty, well we were wrong

Watch Kung Fu Hustle!

i love that movie, so funny


>come fight me shorty