why are American television pundits on either side of the spectrum so insufferable?
Why are American television pundits on either side of the spectrum so insufferable?
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Because going to the extreme is bad. They are also solely viewed and surrounded by like-thinking people. Who nod their heads at whatever the acceptable opinion is.
But I love the whole left side...
3 of these don't belong.
Because constantly being on television babbeling on about politics, and every tiny minimal aspect of it, makes you insufferable, due to the fact that nobody agrees on everything.
Grandpa pls go
Mahr is alright when he isn't blatantly shilling for Hilary or being an old man yelling at clouds.
Colbert is just pain stakingly unfunny. American pundits are all shit tier anyway tbqh. Hannity is probably the biggest idiot there, maybe O'Reilly.
I like Maher. He's a smug asshole, but I like him. O'Reilly is sort of a doofus and he blatantly lies about his own achievements, but he's alright.
Or when he's shilling for Israel
Or jerking off his audience
Or being an anti-vaxxer
Or being a fedora tier anti theist
If he got rid of his audience he'd probably have one of the best panel shows on tv right now
>implying America has a left wing
>implying America isnt a one-party system with the media giving an illusion of choice, debate and difference
No matter who wins, dems or the repubs, theyre all bought by the corporations and the corporate lobbyists write your laws.
If you think theres a difference between the two major American political parties you have been swindled, bamboozeled and brainwashed.
That's your problem.
>yfw in 2004 when Bush was running against Kerry and they are both members of the Skull & Bones secret society
From what I've seen lately, he's toned down the fedora shit a lot more, and the rest fall under shilling for Hilary or old man things.
Because none of them are the least bit intelligent; they are sardonic, at best.
Because they're all bought and paid for corporatocrat shills who eschew actual journalism in favor of pre-approved talking points straight from the major political parties and sensationalist non-stories designed as ratings driving distractions.
Watching them go in on Trump lately has been the first time in recent memory that the US news media has been engaging in actual journalism without caring whether or not the politician they're reporting on will like them for it or not. If they'd just cover everyone the way they've been covering Trump we might actually have a real press again.
Meygn Kelly is a hottie
bcuz americans suck the great satans moneycock.
At least we have based Ben Shapiro watching over us
>Daddy Ailes no longer around
>Fox News probably about to be hit with multiple lawsuits
>Trump doing everything in his power to get BTFO in November and he's taking the Republican Party with him
>Resorting to tabloid tier conspiracy theory stories about Hillary's health, ending with no less than three doctors basically laughing at him on his own show and refusing to speculate
How long until Hannity kills himself?
After losing the election Trump is going to walk away with millions of dollars embezzled from the RNC.
He'll start his own media network replacing Fox News as the go-to information source for right-wingers and conspiracy nuts. People who are boosting Trump the most in this election will be getting new shows on his network, that's how he won their support. Hannity and Alex Jones are on top of the list.
its almost like the two party system is a facade for fascism or something and they both corrupt and both dont care for the country or citizens
>implying a few million is enough to topple Rupert Murdoch's GLOBAL media empire
Keep dreaming, americuck.
>He'll start his own media network replacing Fox News as the go-to information source for right-wingers and conspiracy nuts.
Ask Glenn "JUST" Beck how that's working out for him.
Also I'm not sure how you launch a media empire when most of your potential audience will be dead within 10-15 years.
Political pundits are hacks, they get their opinions center stage for all American people to hear and the only insight they offer is shit my grandma could've said at Christmas.
You realise their corporate masters are the ones telling them to attack Trump right? They're all actually good frienda with him in person.
My nigga
>How long until Hannity kills himself?
Never. He's an obvious propagandist who just does it for the money
Alt righters don't watch fox.
>he wants the Reddit audience
>HBO entertainers
>Former Comedy Central host and now CBS talk show person
Sorry OP. Conservatives are way worse in every aspect and you can't use comedians as examples of the left no matter how much you wish for an equivalent.
O'Reiley is the most honest to his viewers out of all the them. He's the only one I would ever actually want to have a conversation with.
John Oliver is the most insufferable one in that pic. Its not just his extremely leftist policies, its the fact that he actually seems like a literal retard, who has simply conned similarly retarded americans into thinking he's smart just because he has a British accent. The irony is that his accent is lower class shit-tier english
Fox News is conservative kino
>bipartisan garbage system
>americans cannot into subtlety and want caricatures
>least common denominator
>media can't hire anyone but bland white males
Because they are unable to make fun of themselves. If they do it's just strawman they invented. Comedy stops being fun when you're serious about it.
t. John Oliver
shoo shoo slimy limey
>either side of the spectrum
>far right lunatics
>centrists who agree in principal but ask if it could be a bit more nicer
>either side of the spectrum
oh and also
>two comedians
This, the right wing on tv is actually pretty kind and respectable to somewhat civil minorities
My old man watches Fox Business all day with some Brit named Barnie and some black guy.
You will never, ever see more blatant shilling in your life. Like FoxNews on crack.
who /RT/ here
why do yanks get such boners for this shit? some smug cunt sitting behind a desk telling you what to think and making some painfully unfunny quips their pool of writers plucked from reddit came up with.
you lot fucking love it. what's wrong with you?
>you lot fucking love it
Not really. A teeny tiny fraction of Americans watch that shit.
or dodging every valid point he disagrees with with a lame joke
Wolf Blitzer is more braindead than O'Reilly.
Thin jewish Rich Evans
They're entertainers playing to people. They know full well what they're doing.