What's your MOTY so far Sup Forums?
Pic related is mine
What's your MOTY so far Sup Forums?
Pic related is mine
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It's probably this. Saw it just three days ago and it's 9/10, good comedy.
The Witch and 10 Cloverfield Lane were good too, and so was BvS.
Green Room
Love & Friendship
Tie between this and Blood Father
2016 has been kinda shitty tbqhf
Where did you see Blood Father? What city??
Civil War
Los Angeles
My dad works in downtown LA, so we went on one of his days off.
Nice guys is my second fav movie this year. Hell or High Water is my absolute favorite
Captain Fantastic
green room
Green Room is the only good movie I have seen this year.
Nice Guys was mediocre.
I guess The Witch and 10 Cloverfield Lane were also mediocre too.
fairly weak year so far imo. everything below #8 is 5/10 or lower.
legitimately kino
Does Ben Foster have a lot of lines?
I hate that guy
The Jungle Book
I liked Eye in the Sky, but I can see how the politics might turn people off.
Is Cafe Society actually good? I've only herd bad things about it.
Looks interesting might check it out
He does since he's a main character but he's great in it
i thought Eye in the Sky handled its politics admirably, but it completely failed at pretty much everything else.
Cafe Society is great. it's incredible to me that Allen is still able to make films that funny and touching with seemingly no effort.
Hunt for the wilderpeople, followed by nice guys and 10 cloverfield lane, then green room.
Tickled so far, but I haven't seen all the Cannes stuff yet.
War Dogs
wtf i hate capitalism now
Top five so far:
>Kubo and the Two Strings
>Captain America Civil War
>10 Cloverfield Lane
>The Nice Guys
>The Witch
Honorary mention to Star Trek Beyond. I really hope Kubo does well at the box office, it's rare to see stop motion movies let alone ones this good.
The Wailing, then The Nice Guys.
Finnegan was my fave
Fuck Off, Plum was best bro.
Definitely not that. Shane Black is atrocious director and that film was pure garbage.
trash taste tbqh
There hasn't been much competition, but I'm going to have to agree with you OP.
it comes out on VOD Aug 30
the only movie i saw that came out this year was finding dory
Suicide Squad and Nice Guys are my fav
>its an unbelievably pleb poster
10 Cloverfield Lane, I guess.
found the DCfaggot
>rips into 10 cloverfield lane, star trek, nice guys, anime shit and captain america
>m-muh d-dc cuck
laughing right in your face mate
you're a man of excellent taste
Midnight Special or Elvis and Nixon
it was good but not that great.
why the fuck would you bring your only daughter where she can get hurt, and dead??
pic related is same fun, but more unique
>The Wailing
Is that movie piratable somewhere?
Shannon plz
But i agree
Will you get into those places from Sup Forums?
Aww Elvis & Nixon was great wasn't it?
It's got CIA in it so it's automatically a 10/10
Nevermind, I found it
The film was good but you're right ...Shane is a bad director
Please go to Reddit, your taste is awful
cannot wait for thorkino
10 Cloverfield and Greenroom were the only new releases I've enjoyed, Cinema has gone to shit
Enjoyed the nice guys quite a bit
Also saw an Australian movie called 'goldstone' which was pretty good also
too bad.. long time ago there was a board for good s/t/uff
>Nice Guys
Wait this isn't memeing, some of you actually liked that sack of shit?
Hating on it is the meme.
Never have i never want this movie to end. It struck deep and i love it.
The captain is the sexiest.
been a better year overall compared to 2015 so far, hopefully it will reach 2014 standards by the end
where can I watch this?
>CAlling anything between 2 and 12 'good' or 'best of the year'
Holy fucking shit
Good taste family.
Neon Demon
13 hours
The VVitch
Cafe Society
The Girl on the Train
Hacksaw Ridge
Honorary mentions;
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
The Shallows
Jack Reacher: Never go back
>this is the people you share a board with
I forgot this in honorary mentions. It's like a modern die hard, very nice.
man Letterboxdfaggots really love that BvS film don't they
The reviews are pretty funny for it, the five-four star reviews.
It has nothing similar to Die Hard. It was a parody of the first film. Fucking Butler citing Nazi dialogue as a "hero of the film"
fucking kek
>modern die hard
Wut? More like Red Dawn or shit like that and even that comparison is pretty hazy
>Brownies and numales bitchboys get mad
Every fucking time.
Warcraft and Money Monster suck dick, rest were good.
I re-watched it with my mom
and then sister
and then grandpa
it's really a fun film
Civil War
the nice guys
10 Cloverfield lane
Thanks. For too few people have seen it. It doesn't get enough love
Your pic related is easily a MOTY
How has nobody mentioned this, it's got Paul Dano, MEW, a God tier soundtrack, and is legitimately one of the most joyful movies I have ever seen.
Check back when people can pirate it
Fuck you're totally right, damn Sup Forums can be real bitches sometimes
>marvelcucks this insecure
BvS was better than Civil War #gettinriches #triggerinbitches
Don't be upset that you can't figure out how to torrent movies pleb
That sounds pretty cozy senpai. Haven't been to see a movie with my father in years.
are these two really that enjoyable?
This movie was the most generic crap ever. Wasn't neither interesting nor funny.
Yes simply
And it is still better than anything else released this year
It really felt like watching a tutorial/guide to Screenplay 101.
I was quite annoyed by this feeling.
Call me jaded or cynical whatevs
plebs - my sides, you really are THAT ignorant. You aren't even fucking pretending
Daily reminder the the witch is good is a meme. It's total shit and you're just being rused to waste two hours of your life.
Because it was a 7/10 movie. If it had been 90 minutes of Dano watching MEW from the trees then it would have been GOAT.
It was quite bad. The cinematography and directing was vanilla and uninspired.
Looking for a list of this years finest? Look no further (this list excludes some films that were made in 2015 but released in 2016)
1. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (this is not a ruse, I'm a sucker for a good comedy and this is the best comedy I've seen in a long time)
2. The Nice Guys
3. 10 Cloverfield Lane
4. 13 Hours
5. Hail, Caesar!
6. BvS
7. The Witch
8. Captain America: Civil War
10. X-Men: Apocalypse
fite me irl
t. plebeian
The plot in the Nice Guys was overall mediocre.