Let's remake a movie that no one under the age of 65 gives a shit about!
Let's remake a movie that no one under the age of 65 gives a shit about!
Other urls found in this thread:
>A Jew takes down the Roman Empire
It's another Jewish victimization tale, a holocaust story in disguise along the lines of Exodus Gods and Kings. Not watching this kike shit desu
Safety First
Sex & The Single Girl
The Doris Day series of films (Pillow Talk, Party Line etc.)
Heaven's Gate
The Beach Blanket series of films
The Pod People
The Cave Dwellers
Trips of truth
>Set to be Summer's biggest loss
I'm going to laugh when it's still less of a flop than Ghostbusters.
It's only got a 100 million dollar budget. These things play well with brown people overseas.
Kubo and War Dogs are it's competition, and they will flop.
Why on earth would anyone remake this movie?
Seriously. It holds up well even today, and it's not like a remake would add anything of value. This is the first one that really doesn't make any sense to me. Why would you remake something that won 11 oscars?
Don't forget Manos. Some executive would actually think it's worth remaking.
a similar thing happened a while back
How does Timur Bekmambetov keeps getting work he's fucking atrocious, one of the most out of touch producers out there
Not to mention it won an Oscar, then was remade and won an Oscar again. The well is dry, dudes
I wouldn't mind seeing it
Casting Worthington in anything is disgraceful.
Judah Ben Hur
>125 million dollar budget
>500 million dollar gross
They did fine.
why cant they just make a good movie instead
lets remake spiderman and tell his origin again! weve only done that six times in the last twenty years.
>Rome (the white empire/man) is evil
>Minorities are the good guys, gotta fight whity
I bet you hate Gladiator for the same reasons since they murder those innocent white visigoths in the beginning.
ben hur
ben still-hur
ben hurr durr
>another soulless cash-in flops
Oh boy, I can't wait and despair.
Because it's 2016.
Because creativity is risk. It always has been, but now studios have established franchises and fanbases they can milk instead of finding new ideas. It doesn't help that when they go out on a limb it generally doesn't work out, though.
ben hur
dan dot
lol so true
really makes you think
>It's a Sup Forums gets offended over classic chinema thread
fuck off neckbeard. Original Ben Hur is true kino
Fucking retard.
>It's another Jewish victimization tale,
Ben-hur is a Christian movie. He ends up converting to Christianity at the end of the film.
Ben-Hur adapted from Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ "the most influential Christian book of the nineteenth century", is a Jewish victimization tale? Go back to your containment board you stupid fuck.
other peoples money
>go out on a limb
>by making something extremely lame and derivative
Another example of an absolutely shithouse film riding the 3D hype train to success off the back of Avatar.
Wasn't even filmed in 3D. Just tacked on to suck extra dollars from fad plebs.
desu jupiter ascending was pretty creative
but it was just incredibly shit
What does that have anything to do with flopping?
His films are absolutely fucking shithouse but he's got a proven track record since Night Watch of getting films with big budget looks produced relatively inexpensively. This is the first of his films to have cost $100 million to make. I think he will lose a lot of the good will he has built up in the past once this flops hard though.
Gladiator is too fun to hate,...but I was rustled
>those innocent white visigoths
Implying the Romans weren't invaders killing the native population.
I never said it did. I wasn't the original guy you responded to. I'm just emphasising that its success was solely due to 3D hype.
>Remake a revered historical drama, that itself was already a remake, as a shitty CGI-filled Sword and Sandals action movie in an attempt to get younger audiences
>Be surprised when old people think it's shit and young people don't give a fuck because lol christianity
They're really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel
I hope this flop teaches a lesson to some executive somewhere but it probably won't
>tfw actually like Jupiter Ascending
>if only for this questionable fellow
You need to be 18 to post here.
What was the point of that post? Who the hell are you talking to?
The faggot OP who said only old people care about one of the greatest movies ever made, obviously.
But hey, go back to your feet threads, don't need your kind here.
>it's a "Hollywood pans a Christian movie" episode
I liked it as well but I could literally feel the tumblr vibes it generated which bothers me if only a little
>born too late to explore the world
>born too early to explore the galaxy
>born just in time to see the movie industry collapse under the weight of its own greed and hubris
It's a shame.
I like Jack Huston and Toby Kebbel.
Ben-Hur is one of my favorite Christkinos (the others being Quo Vadis and The Robe), but this remake is surely trash. Well under age 65 here btw.
It's the video game crash all over again
Stop! You've posted this like three times in a day! If anyone with any kind of shred of influence in Hollywood gets reminded of this movie, we are going to be force fed another abomination
What was wrong with this? I thought it was a fun watch.
Not like you'd watch it
People always complain about remakes, but only watch established brands
What was the last "good" film you supported by buying a ticket?
>I hope this flop teaches them a lesson
It never fucking does the only way this'll stop is if the hollyjews run out of money which is never going to happen.
except Ben-Hur is literally about a Jew coming to the realization that the freedom of the Jewish people is through Christ
fuck off you stupid Sup Forums inbred
Didn't it win like 13 oscars or some shit?
I don't know what Ben Hur is.
Honestly not as bad as remaking Ben Hur.
The original Clash was a big special effects movie and it's still cool but It's not the end of the world making it again with modern effects.
It was kinda crap overall and I actually thought the sequel was better but still
>Its a Sup Forumstard escapes his quarantine episode.
ben hur: he don't go
>100m budget
>100m loss
Well this can't be anything but creative accounting and money laundering.
A lot of the majesty of old special effects spectacle movies is wondering how in hell they did that shit.
With CGI, everyone knows "oh its CGI."
Wasn't there suppose to be a film featuring Lawrence, played by Robert Pattison?
I can see Kubo doing pretty well in foreign markets, especially China/Japan.
Why don't they just keep making books into films instead of remakes?
Pic related was very well received universally?
If they re-made this film and the jew producers portrayed muslims as monsters, what would the sjw's do? They can't attack jews but they can't ignore islamophobia. Would white people take the blame?
Conservative whites
Off the top of my head:
10 Cloverfield Lane
London Has Fallen
Green Room
Midnight Special
Nice Guys
Neon Demon
Suicide Squad
I sometimes forget that movies are the real meme on Sup Forums.
Kubo will do fine with the "cult movie" crowd, same as the rest of Laika's stuff. It probably won't break the bank, but it'll have its audience.
I've never seen this, nor have I read too much into it. Is it worth to pirate?
>I sometimes forget that movies are the real meme on Sup Forums.
If you watch 52 films released in that year each year, you're doing better than 90% of this board
Isn't that sad?
Not that it even matters.
Every Laika movie ever could barely manage to break and they'd never go out of business.
>let's remake an absolute classic kino as a flick!!!!11!!!!!!1
>10 Cloverfield Lane
The ending ruins the entire movie.
>London Has Fallen
>Green Room
Average slasher
>Midnight Special
>Nice Guys
>Neon Demon
>Suicide Squad
12 year old detected.
>Green Room
Confirmed for not watching the movie, or not knowing what a slasher movie is which is probably worse.
The Lobster
The Revenant
The Hateful Eight
Ben who?
Just getting tired of seeing the same movie over and over again
>It's another Jewish victimization tale
I don't know how the goyim didn't see through the charade in the 20's or 50's, but this remake is going to bomb bigger than shit because nobody gives a fuck about their Jew bible stories anymore.
Nobody asked you pin-dick
Go tell your mother what a pleb she is for not appreciating the glory of Rome S2
>I'm going to laugh when it's still less of a flop than Ghostbusters.
The "you go girl" crowd saved Ghostbusters from being a total disaster.
This one probably won't even have that kind of support.
Wow another movie about Jews being enslaved (they weren't) and the struggles they went through (they didn't). I think I'll pass.
>Because creativity is risk.
There is a niche crowd for any given genre, and as long as you manage your budget to accommodate your likely crowd, you mitigate risk.
The problem with Hollywood is they try to appeal to everyone with every g'damn movie, and when you try to appeal to everyone, you appeal to no one.
>Not Jews using a different name
Jews, Christians, Muslims, they're all fucking Jews....some are just in denial.
i didn't even know there was a ben hurrr remake
great job, marketing
I'd really like to see it in theaters. I heard that Christ has an even larger role in this one than in the original.
Yes, Queen of the Desert, directed by none other than Werner Herzog. James Franco was also in the film and he was awful, so was Pattinson. The film was a complete shitshow overall, a tedious cliche-ridden slog.
>the original Ben-Hur costed around 150 million when adjusted
>yfw it was more expensive than this one
>the original
I meant the 1959 version.
>Implying anyone on Sup Forums would know Wyler's version was a remake
Well I did. What are you going to do about that, fag?
I thought you meant the 2003 version
Yeah, you're right.
Actually I think most of Sup Forums haven't even watched Wylers version and just know the film because it has been panned over the last few days.
Well this makes sense seeing as the remake now is clearly not an honest attempt at a re-imagination of Ben-Hur, even though they might try to convince you otherwise, but just a cash-in, and the original Ben-Hur was a big production with real horses and shit
tip my fedora at you and call you edgy
or tip you, you burgerfag
which ever one upsets you more. i can't be bothered to shitpost user i'm too tired
I bet this one is better than this 2016 remake.
Let's remake a tv show that no one under the age of 65 gives a shit about!
original blockbusters arent a risk when they are good
As funny as that joke called Inception was, do you have an actual example of one?
Helo reddit.
Kubo's ad budget must be enormous, I'm seeing it everywhere
I doubt it, they expected Mulan to do gangbusters in China back in the day and nobody really cared. Same with the recent Godzilla I think. Those people have enough original films based on their culture that they don't want or need an American bastardized version.
Hey tumblr, how you been?