Political Compass Thread

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So democrats and republicans are both Nazis?
Makes perfect sense

well the democrats did enslave the blacks

Any other recommended tests?


>Filthy leftist
Why dose this not surprise me?


What a fag.

I'm a fascist libertarian.

Calm down Hans, keep posting pictures like that and mama Merkel will send the Polezi to say hi.

In a thread discussing politics, especially if this discussion tends to be about extremist views, it´s a completely legitimate thing to show awareness about the historical, despicable fascists views, that to this day infest minds. We as humans must always remember the fallacy of the so called "aryan race" and face our collective guild as germans to never let something like it happen again. We do this by accepting people from all over the world, disregarding their ethnicity, education, talent and religion, and we will continue doing so.


I'm a fascist who for the most part agrees with both national syndicalist corporatism AND hayekian economics.


r8 me


Your economic views need totalitarianism in order to function and even then are incredibly inefficient/10

>t. INTJ

Link for the test?

Mah nigga

Link to personality test you use?

I actually completely disagree with Sweden's left parties. They are massive cucks, especially "Left Party - Vänsterpartiet" and "Green Party - Miljöpartiet". I would rather vote for the right wing parties, which is more like your left, than giving a vote to continued immigration.

Thankfully the Sweden Democrats exists which has been called anti-immigration and nationalist. I've been voting for them the last 2 elections.

What do you call it when you think stuff like gay marriage and smoking weed is degenerate and overall bad for society but you think they should be legal anyway because the government isn't your mom.

Just google myers briggs personality test.

good man.

INTx is literally reddït: the personality


r8 me Sup Forums


The questions are too vague, how can I be in favour of trump and equivalent yet according to this I'm borderline on the authoritarian left

Because Trump is pretty fucking centrist. Tariffs, single payer, and progressive taxes are centrist/center-left positions

Am I liberal scum?

Libertarianism, liberalism, or anti-authoritarianism

this is why I don't trust those political ideology websites to know what the fuck they're talking about. A small but oppressive government is still oppressive and believing in one disqualifies you as a libertarian, and there's nothing fascist about being part of the religious right if you have no interest in oppressing other's rights. Libertarianism and fascism are two opposing sides, and you can't be both at once, and the impossible combination of them is not conservatism.

National Socialist in the very sense of the word, not what those on the related pic represent.

Fuck those faggots and their so-called 'Nazi'-motives. Real men don't burn down houses with women and children inside.
...except if it's a jewish one. Of course.


>he thinks internet IQ tests are real

isidewith.com has a pretty good test but it's pretty much strictly for American politics

>he missed the 2 300+ post IQ threads on Sup Forums today

>nazi opposite to gay

I always get libertarian for the compass.

that's INSF you stupid cunt

isidewith does a couple of major Sup Forums countries.



Hans, you're save here. You can stop.

Threw a few tests together here

woops forgot to include my personality test

>they got 300 Sup Forums posts, twice!
>this means they must be real!

There's been about 12 300+ Hillary is best candidate threads and even an holocaust did happen thread. Doesn't mean either of them are true.

faggot keynesian

>seven color rainbow





what does the purple area mean? i only ever see people fall in the green or blue.

No one has claimed they are 100% accurate. But there is something between 100% and 0%. Do you honestly believe the result is completely arbitrary and not a indication what your real IQ might be?

Here's the test if anyone is interested: test.mensa.no/

Libertarian socially right wing economically.

My political orientation, in 14 words.


What does this mean? Am I a conservative or a libertarian?


>Real men don't burn down houses with women and children inside.
When was the last time this actually happened?

Hail fucking Hitler
&gas the rest.

it means you're retarded like every other conservashit on this board

I love how on the weekends these threads are filled with lefty faggots

You're just a generic neocuck

Paleocon or paleolib probably

Neocons are generally 0-4 economically and 2-6 socially


what's the sauce for that test?


You don't know what either of those things are.
You're a decent Ron Paulite.

thunks, user. I'd been seeing this shit all over the place, but I had no idea what it was from

seems like the best answer so far.

>le leftism is inherently totalitarian meme

It is. Collectivism, Communism, Socialism, Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Leninism, Marxism, Maoism, Minhism, Stalinism, Tredauism, Kimism, Chomskyism, Progressivism, Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, Interventionalism, Fascism, Nazism, Autism, Feminism, Racism, Liberalism... Orwellianism...



Except for the part where it's not.
You're full of shit and you know it.

How does that work? Cyberpunk corporate rule with thought police controlling citizen's actions?

r8 me Sup Forums