Why didn't Batman just craft Kryptonite bullets and put them into the mounted Machine guns?

Why didn't Batman just craft Kryptonite bullets and put them into the mounted Machine guns?

In fact why did so many people make fun of the whole BvS idea by pointing out that Superman would crush the shit out of Batman. Superman is actually an extremely weak superhero if you think about it. Any fucking retard can destroy Superman if they own Kryptonite.

Because they couldn't have led into a whole bunch of sequel and spin off movies, and Batman killing Superman wouldn't have gone over well with audiences. Plus the movie wouldn't have been 90-150 minutes if they had done that.

Kryptonite isn't a material that can easily be shaped into whatever you want like metal, and bullets require a very precise balance. Even if you did manage to shape Kryptonite into a bullet, it's highly likely it would just shatter in the chamber of the gun if you tried to fire it.

The movie is insanely flawed. Snyder is a yes man. This movie was made for the sole purpose of brand name recognition and to sell toys. The studio doesn't give a fuck about these movies. They know they have a loyal group of fans that will shill for them regardless of the quality.

LOL trying to apply science to kryptonite...kys you nerd.

>highly likely it would just shatter in the chamber of the gun if you tried to fire it

Superman flew with it straight into Doomsday's rib cage and it didn't break. And we already know that it can be used as gas grenades. So if Bruce figures out that bullets won't work then just create a fucking mine-field of gas grenades that shoot out of multiple directions. When he's weakened use the spear that you already have with you. Fucking simple.

>The studio doesn't give a fuck about these movies
This sums it up. Prepare for the next DC movies to suck too since the last two have made money despite shit reception.

turning something into a dust/gas is way different than molding it you fucking retard

also a staff shape is much, much sturdier than a bullet. I mean think about it, its one piece of kryptonite being held by a staff v a little kryptonite that will just shatter

STOP! Comprehending! Movies!

Why didn't he make a kryptonite shiv to go along with his gas bombs? Gas bombs work and then go in and finish the job with the knife.

Probably the same reason why he neglected to give his employees the day off of work when massive superpowered Kryptonians were fighting right next to his building. Bruce is responsible for all of his employees dying in that building because he forced them to work in danger just to line his bank account with a few more Jew dollars.

>talking about practicalities of a comic book
kinda a pot kettle situation there huh buddy

Then put it into a shotgun shell.

What was even the point of this scene?

why didn't superman just use his super reflexes to avoid all kryptonite contact?

He wanted Supes to know that he was beaten by a man, and then dehumanised.

It's a note from TDKR, I wish it was played more straight, 2bh. In TDKR it's more or less Bruce proving a point that even the governments top weapon can't stop him, and there's a personal element to it. It wasn't about the threat of possible world destruction, it was Bruce's hand being forced. That element is there in BvS, but its played behind "muh 1% chance of annihilation!"

To set up Superman.
>super reflexes
When has superman in this universe shown he has super reflexes? He can fly fast but I never seen him on the level as Flash were things actually slow down for him. This Superman is actually de-powered in many areas.

Comprehending? on Sup Forums? fuck no way

What? In the comic books, Batman makes kryptonite bullets all the time.

I think that is how they're going to get over the common trope of "Superman > Flash". Like, Superman has fast reflexes as long as he is comprehending what he is seeing/hearing, whereas Flash, when tapping in to the speedforce, comprehends time at a much slower rate, allowing him to take in information at a much quicker rate, and react accordingly. Its similar to how they got around the issue in post-crisis continuity.

>In the comic books
This guy
>all the time
I don't think I've seen him make kryptonite bullets more than once, actually

Well if you dont like the source material, then in Justice League Doom, Superman was shot by metallo with a kryptonite bullet.


Wat. If Kryptonite is so easy to break then just smash the Kryptonite into Kryptonite dust and weave it into standard bullet material. The bullet won't break because it's mostly made out of normal bullet material but it can still penetrate Superman's body since it still contains Kryptonite.

As if fucking Bruce Wayne can't figure out a way to make Kryptonite bullets.

The ONLY explanation here that would make sense why bullets don't work is that Superman has to be exposed to it for a couple of seconds so it actually weakens his body. A Kryptonite bullet wouldn't penetrate it immediately because of the moment of impact his cells wouldn't be weakened. If that's the case then just hit him with a gas grenade first, THEN with bullets.

>Kryptonite isn't a material that can easily be shaped into whatever you want like

>Even if you did manage to shape Kryptonite into a bullet, it's highly likely it would just shatter in the chamber


I saw the ultimate cut recently and thought it was pretty good. Mainly for Batman's story. Should have had the whole movie about him basically going criminally insane trying to kill superman. Movie could have ended with him getting turbo-triggered about 'Martha'.

It took time and effort to turn it into a spear blade, and it can barely be called a blade. Just a sharpened chunk of Kryptonite on a stick. Imagine how much more time and effort it would take to turn them into a functional bullet.

>Making bullets
>Using guns

Pick one.

none because see here
create Kryptonite dust just as he did for the Grenades, create regular bullets but use the dust in conjunction with the regular mixture. Congratulations, Kryptonite bullets.

A bullet is merely a hamburger shaped piece of metal.

>Americans use the word "Hamburger" to describe the shape of an oval

What kind of hamburgers have you been eating?

watch the fuckin movie, batman of murder drives tank and shoots people

Looks just like a burger.

He said ">Batman, >guns" because the other user said that Batman in the COMICS makes kryptonite bullets. Comicbook Batman doesn't use guns.

>create Kryptonite dust just as he did for the Grenades

The dust was leftover kryptonite from sharpening it into a blade.

Also, I know its pointless to emphasize to an autist the drama of using a spear over just holding a guy at gunpoint with a fucking revolver, but sadly, I have to mention it anyway. We'll just call it the "lightsaber effect".

Why does DC make garbage movies?

You all need to consider that the effects of Kryptonite don't occur on Superman instantaneously. Suppose it takes 0.25 seconds for Kryotonite's radiation to weaken Superman's cells to the point where a bullet can pierce him. Well, a bullet would bounce off in less than 0.25 seconds without giving the radiation a chance to take effect.
Forced inhalation of gas was not a bad idea but Superman can of course exhale it to recover. A type of napalm or glue made from powdered Kryptonite would have been more effective, it would stick to Superman and fuck him right up.