Liking this movie is contrarian and shit-taste
Liking this movie is contrarian and shit-taste
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So is liking Suicide Squad
It's not the audiences fault DC makes shit movies and marvel always manages to be just barely above mediocre.
Despite finding it flawed, I really enjoyed BvS. I'm waiting to watch the Ultimate Cut to reconsider my opinion. But I'll admit it's an extremely divisive movie.
You got it all wrong, anons. Just liking BvS/Suicide Squad isn't automatically shit taste and being contrarian as long as you acknowledge the movie's flaws. But, if you're a person who'll say something similar to this "BvS was kino, MCucks just couldn't understand it" then you're contrarian.
I actually thought it was better than other Superhero movies that came out in the last couple of years. I hate Capeshit and always get made by friends to see it and this was only one that I actually thought was pretty cool.
The movie could'ev been actually great, if they focused the movie on their conflict, instead of resolving it in like 7 minutes, making Luthor pretentious as shit, and adding Doomsday to the mix.
Why did you like it?
I like the entire DCEU. I find the characters, universe, and story interesting.
>he still gets buttblasted because people discuss this more than captain mandingo: garbage war
or perhaps he's wondering why would you shot a man before throwing him out of the airplane
I just thought it was interesting seeing Batman in a more antagonist type role. Bringing up his psyche, and focusing on how obsessed and broken he is as a person. The story of his redemption is really cool too. It's like what two face said in TDK about you even die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. I also thought Lex(although nothing like the what I've seen in the other Superman movies) was really interesting with his stance on Superman. The fact that his father that he seems to look up to in the movie is actually the reason why Lex is so against the concept of Superman. It just seem more layered than most of the comic book movies I seen in the last couple of years. I'm mean it has problems but they never really affected my overall experience of the movie
Batman was probably my favorite thing about this movie. It made 3 hours and 10 minutes partly worth the watch.
Shill your youtube channel somewhere else.
Fuck off.
t. reddit
Am I the only that thinks that batfleck is among the worst batmans?
He's really not fit for the role. Looks to normie.
What? Are you retarded?
You first, ralphthemoviemaker.
I know everyone sucks his dick but to me he was the worst.
Simply cannot compare to bale.
It's a great film. Not without its flaws but I can overlook them as I enjoyed it so much.
Go back to Sup Forums pleb.
BvS is legit an interesting Film.
You actually think I'm him? Kek.
>can't compare to Bale
He can and he did. He fits the role better, in terms of looks and character. He was the only thing that I liked in BvS.
>He can and he did. He fits the role better, in terms of looks and character
Let's agree to disagree.
I think in terms of looks he is the total opposite of batman. Looks more like a superman desu. Character? meh. I didn't really like his acting.
I don't think he's fit for the role.
Other than Killing(which every live action Batman does.) I don't see how he wasn't great as Batman. Him Under minding Clark at Lex's party. Checking out Wonder Woman, and playfully messing with her. Pretending to be drunk when caught trying to get Lex's data. His obsession and fear and drive. Pretty much everything about his performance as Batman was great.
People who say this movie sucks haven't seen the movie. Seriously its a 10/10 kino
>Looks more like a superman desu
Let's not pretend Batman and Superman don't look like the same motherfucker for the last 75 years.
Like it feels when you're squeezing out a fat turd, except over and over
Boy I hope you posted that picture ironically.
Superman and Batman looks so similar in the comics that they have even posed for one another on multiple occasions.
I've only seen the ultimate cut. While a bit clunky in the first half I thought all the plotlines merged well. Lex's plan was all luck, he was literally insane. The Doomsday fight was awesome and looked better than every marvel fightscene.
The only real bad scene was papa kent peptalk.
My main problems with the movie (from ultimate cut) are:
1.The null chemistry between Louis and Clark
2.Lex sometimes WAY over the top
3.Muh Mother's name
I really enjoyed the last 30 minutes, pure capekino desu
I actually thought the Martha bit was great. Batman always outsmarts superman to win in the comics, but in BvS he wins by strength/kryptonite, and Superman, knowing Bruce's history, uses "martha" to psychologically break him
Suicide Squad is the only truly bad DCEU movie. The other 2 had their fair share of flaws, but were not terrible by any means. It's basically unavoidable when it comes to capeshit.
I hope DC finds their footing with the next couple of movies, because I'd actually like to watch some good movies
I never understood how so many people didn't understand the Martha scene. I know some people are just memeing but there is a frighting high number that didn't get it.
DCEU movies are worse than Marvel's(but maybe that just because I'm a marvel fan)but actually still really enjoy them a lot.
When the moments are Good they are really fucking good. Like "Holy shit best comicbook movie ever", good. But when they are bad they are really bad. If they could some how balance them it, they could be amazing capeshit.
I love it when people call me contrarian, sounds like they're butthurt about me disagreeing with them.
BvS was flawed sure but it was still entertaining, people honestly need to stop being butthurt about it not being Quippy Marvel. Snyders original vision was obviously tarnished by WB and the same thing happened with SS with their reddit tier recut.
The more I see it the better it becomes. Probably because the flaws seem to dissipate somehow like when you watch too long at something it becomes a blur.
I haven't seen it to begin with but I'm loving all the butthurt
Shit was dark; was not expecting that.
DC makes awesome movies and Marvel has such shit kiddy movies.
Saw it for the first time at the weekend and I was pleasantly surprised. Absolutely nowhere near as bad as /tv makes out.
I actually liked how dark it was just because of how much Marvel has Overflood the market. I think DC needs to stop pretending and just go full adult. Just only do R rated flicks. Think of a R rated Batman. Joker shooting people in the face. Getting to see Poison ivy fuck Harley then Rape Batman. Maybe seeing Jason Todd blown up like the stupid bitch he is.
>this fag haven't seen directors cut
>Absolutely nowhere near as bad as /tv makes out.
Most things aren't. The internet is always over dramatic about everything. I willing to bet that most people that "hate" the movie, and that bitch and moan, were actually just mildly annoyed when they watched it.
only reddit likes BvS.
Because DCucks are a subfaction of reddit.
I liked the Pa Kent scene. I think he was trying to say that every action that could've been taken in that scenario had negative consequences, kinda like the end of MoS
BvS Ultimate is better than the following:
All Captain America movies
The Avenger Movies
just answer me frankly: do you like BvS?
It was alright.
correct answer.
Agreed but the same goes for those who DISlike MOS.
MOS was in the top3 of super hero films.
Liking any capeshit is shit tastes.
It's pretty obvious that BvS is a better movie than Civil War though.
Rewatched this film to see why everyone hated it...still not seeing it.
a bit dark for a Superman film but a mildly depressed superman is kinda normal for Silver Age comics where he was always upset when a hero replaced him in metropolis (which happened every few months it seemed)
>tfw cape-idort
You rfags seem very obsessed about movies that you don't like.
Overacting at times and not MUH Lex, aside. Did anyone else actually really like Lex? I mean I found him very interesting and even quite menacing at times. I liked a lot of his lines, like "If God is all powerful, then he cannot be all good. And if he is all good, he cannot be all powerful." If he was an original character, I think he would be great.
I read a lot about BvS on Sup Forums and elsewhere before seeing it and I must admit I was surprised. I was expecting a cash grab pile of shit along the lines of Alien vs. Predator but it's a really fascinating trainwreck. I kind of respect the autistic madness of it all. Some films are so bad they're good in a cheesy way. BvS is so un-entertaining that watching it is clinically fascinating. It's so relentlessly pompous, dull, overbearing, baffling, and bizarre. Gigantic chunks of "normal" film stuff like establishing shots, exposition, character-building etc. have been excised completely
>establishing shots
The cop car speeding away with the sign and Gotham city skyline
The bats flying up the chimney
black newspaper guy
>character-building etc
Lex in Daddy's room
papa Kent mountain scene
>every live batman kills people
>citation needed (accidents don't count)
>it is clinically fascinating
You want to know what I'm fascinated by? How people on every major media site the past few months have some sort of unreal need to trash BvS.
I've been browsing the internet since the late 90s and I've never seen people bash a movie for so many months and so relentlessly.
What the hell did this movie even do to you guys?
BvS is one of those rare movies like the Star Wars Prequels and The Room in that the director is really passionate about and believes in the story they're trying to tell, they're just utterly incompetent as a filmmaker on every level.
It's just so poorly made it becomes important as a case study of what NOT to do when making a film.
>It's so relentlessly pompous, dull, overbearing, baffling, and bizarre.
You know subjective complaints, means nothing to the individual, right?
My sister liked him very much.
She isn't into capeshit at all tho.
Hyperbole the post.
I've never seen this movie but why is Superman putting his hand on Batman's chest?
The only difference between the incompetence of BvS and the incompetence of the Room is that BvS had a huge budget and the backing of a major studio
none of this shitposters can say how BvS (directors cut) was worse than last four marvel movies
True dat
so is hating this movie
To be perfectly fair (far more than snyder deserves) BvS was mostly the result of studio mismanagement. As there was no way to make a coherent 2.5 hour movie do the same thing as five movies did for the MCU.
But snyder is basically just a 50 year old special needs kid who just happily takes the money and enjoys working with all the big names and seeing what all the amazing people hes got working for him will do, while occasionally giving them some grand ideas like "okay and then make it all like BOOOM and KAPAOOOW!"
>"okay and then make it all like BOOOM and KAPAOOOW!"
Isn't that exactly what every marvel movie does? Are you actually going to make the case that anybody above the age of 12 actually cares about captain america or iron man?
I'm not a fan of either super hero studio, but it's extremely weird how BvS is judged and hated on a whole new level compared to the captain america movies.
Dude I'm not a shitposter. Saying Batman vs. Superman is a bad film isn't a "meme", especially when user takes the time to explain why they think the movie is bad. Someone's enjoyment of a piece of entertainment is subjective; I can't "persuade" you that you didn't enjoy BvS. What I can do is point out facts about it and then explain why I think those facts make it a bad movie.
For example, it is a fact that Batman vs. Superman is pompous. It is affectedly grand, solemn, and self-important. You might think a superhero movie SHOULD be pompous, because people need to take Superman and Batman more seriously, and therefore you'll see this aspect of the movie as a good thing. I think the movie's pomp detracts from my ability to empathise with the characters and relate to their situation, so I think the pomposity is a bad thing.
Because the Marvel flicks, for the most part, are competent actions movies with coherent character arcs
You're the contrarian 2deep4u faggot who unironically says things like "I only watch true cinema" and you're just sitting on the sidelines saying "WHO CARES BOTH SIDES ARE STUPID" so of course you wouldn't understand the difference
Yea, I'm not sure where you got that.
Marvel is completely unpretentious about being shitty action movies.
> it's extremely weird how BvS is judged and hated on a whole new level compared to the captain america movies.
Its because WB keeps trying to imply the next movie will be on the same level as The Dark Knight. Then the movie fails in every way possible and does nothing to indicate it is even aware of how utterly it is failing.
>It is affectedly grand, solemn, and self-important.
How dare a super hero movie try to be more than quips and badly shot action scenes?
Yes, BvS fails at what it's trying to do, but at least it tries to elevate the super hero genre, and I can respect it for that.
>competent actions movies
Watch a real action movie for once in your life, please.
>coherent character arcs
I'm fucking crying
nah, you're just a pleb who didn't get it
What are they staring at?
>a movie about action figures making big CGI explosions is trying to elevate the format
No, no it isn't. It's, at best, trying for the "tallest midget" award of "best writing in superhero movies." Which would only impress someone who's never seen another type of movie or even earlier movies.
>hes trying to imply BvS was competent in any way, shape, or form
so you're trolling?
snyder is looking at two different things, but cavill and affleck can only see one of his eyes, so they're just trying to match where hes looking.
You haven't watched it yet? It's absolutely astounding what they cut out, a lot of good stuff, but also some stuff that connects some important dots for the less-attentive viewer. A lot of things I assumed to have occurred are actually now shown in the extended cut. It integrates all of the characters even better into the whole story arc. A lot of things where cut that may not have altered the end result of the movie, but do make it more fun to get there.
First time I saw it in theaters, I thought it was okay. Second time in theaters I paid attention better and really liked it. Ultimate cut made me love it.
>if they focused the movie on their conflict, instead of resolving it in like 7 minutes
>people still think the fight was the point of the movie
BVS is a deep film covered in several layers of intellect. The quickest way to tell if a person is of a lower IQ bracket is to have them give there disdain for this movie.
There's all these subtle nuances that piece together to create a much more grandiloquent film then the average dumbass movie watcher can grasp.
The reasoning behind the charecters actions, the cinematography, the facial expressions, the symbolism, the little details that are carefully woven into a shot, the music, everything about it is put together meticulously.
Take Luthors character for an example. The average viewer would think of him as a weird pussy ass freak. But to us kinoagraphers, he was a physically frail man that suffered from PTSD from his abusive father while also having a god complex of sorts that spent years studying in isolation embracing his insanity all for the sake of developing himself into being a diety amongst your average man. But then hes faced with the reality that he isnt so special since a god like being appears from nowhere. So what would a frail psychopath with no empathy and a god complex do? Want to destroy the being that is a constant reminder of how weak and mortal he is.
When you have everything, you still want to indulge in the apex of everything and for Lex has it would be the skull of Superman to drink wine out of as he stares into the paradise lost painting of his in his fathers study knowing that he destroyed a god.
Let me ask you a serious question user: Why would you WANT the superhero genre to be "elevated"? For what purpose? For what benefit?
There are plenty of other film genres that delves into the human condition, into politics, society, interpersonal relationships.
Why do you need fucking *Batman*, a costumed vigilante from 1930s comic books, as an integral part of a movie about post 9/11 and War on Terror concerns about idolatry, the polarisation of human opinion, and unilateral military intervention?
If anything I'd say the presence of costumed imbeciles in such a movie DETRACTS from the ability to tell an important story because of the inherent stupidity of the concept.
it took a bloated mess and made it (20%) more bloated
>a movie about action figures making big CGI explosions is trying to elevate the format
If this is all BvS did then why is it hated so much? Shouldn't it just be treated just like another run of the mill popcorn movie then?
>it has problems but they never really affected my overall experience of the movie
Pretty much this. I think the ONE thing I would change is to make Batman seem a bit less resistant to listen at the start of the fight. Have Superman say that Lex has his mother, and for him to just brush it off as a lie or a trick. Or I also heard the theory that Batman can't really hear anything inside his armored helmet, which isn't a stretch. By the time it's broken open later, neither of them were in a mood to talk, anyway.
Or to put it another way, what's your need for your fantasy heroes to be taken seriously???
>The internet is always over dramatic about everything
The fucking truth. Everything is always either "THE BEST THING EVER" or "THE WORST THING EVER", especially where comic book adaptations are concerned, because people already have visions of what they want, or what it "needs" to be.
He's Mark Zuckerberg, villainous fedora tipping atheist. Haven't had a villain like that before.
>they cut out superman's investigations into why black lives matter, all threads related to which are dropped at exactly the 2 hour mark
>they cut out lois' investigations into lex framing superman for stuff, all threads of which are dropped at exactly the 2 hour mark
>they cut batman saying "I MUST LEAD DOOMSDAY BACK TO GOTHAM... IN MY JET... WHILE HES NOT MOVING OR DOING MUCH AT ALL... ON A COMPLETELY UNINHABITED ISLAND... THIS IS A GREAT PLAN," only to have him do absolutely nothing for an hour while everyone else fights doomsday.
As someone who can see BvS for the pile of shit it is, I'd like for most superhero movies to have writing on the same level as TDK. No one is actually trying that though. They're just trying to use shotgun symbolism to trick people into thinking that.
I think when you use symbolism in a film like this you need to make it obvious for the mass audience so I think a more intelligent viewer would've felt like he was being treated like an idiot with allegories about God and Man desu
Shotgun symbolism means they shoot out all the symbolism they can, without regard for actual interactions between the elements, then have people derive their own meaning from the random purposeless mess. Which pseudointellectual teenagers are more than happy to do.
Zack Snyder elevated these American icons into patheons of mythology whilst Nolan devalued Batman and gave an integral piece of his character away to Lucius.
T. Nolan and the TDK trilogy a shit
Don't worry user, literally all of Gotham City is completely abandoned for literally no reason. Luring Doomsday there is 100% safe.