About to go masturbate in the shower. first dubs says what I do

About to go masturbate in the shower. first dubs says what I do

Piss into shampoo and squirt it into your ass

hot water all the way up,no cold at all.

slip and fall on your rock hard erection and shatter your penis

Just cold water to the max. And then the shampoo into your peepeehole

cum in your hand then use it as shampoo

Pour shampoo in your penis hole and piss it out. Take pictures.

poop in your hand and jerk off with it.

post results

roll, dubs get


Fill a condom with bodyspray. Then put the condom on your dick. Gl hf

shower head up butt

stick your balls up your asshole and post pics

bonus points for shit on your balls

roll for shatter cock

I remember back in the days when you didn't see this shit all the fucking time. Users created original content and didn't rely on dubs for every fucking decision in their "lives."

Now it's just "dubs says what I do with my dick," "dubs says this," "dubs says that."

Back in the days before the FB fap threads, porn dumps, traps, and rekt's, there was a real joy in communicating on Sup Forums.

Those days are gone.

Shampoo in ass

Get a hairbrush, round-ish. Be sure to lube the fucker up. BUT, with shaving cream. Shove it in your ass and leave it there while you fap. The when you finish, pull it out slowly. Have a nice shit :)

give a blowjob to a log of shit

hard drop won't stop




Yes, those days are gone. As an oldfag, I ask you whether you're going to make another thread about it, or accept that fact and move on as well.

give self penile fracture


plz get, I want OP to get e.coli

aww yeah high five user



There's no point in making a thread about it. I've had my time to mourn. Now I just feel pity for people experiencing Sup Forums for the first time with this shit, and making threads just like these because they have no view that extends beyond them.

shove shit in peepee hole pics to prove

if you have a detachable shower head shove it all up your ass and keep it on

if not shove your cock down a shampoo bottle to make sure its in your dick hole

no pretzels up urethra and im fine

wank for frank

The loss I have experienced is by no means as terrible as the experience new users are having to endure (lack of historical context from past Sup Forums culture).

did u just assume their gender ?


A micro fracture is still a fracture. Will comply

motherfucker no fucking go the whole nine yards




I mourned Sup Forums almost a decade ago. I haven't felt anything since. It doesn't matter anymore. It's over.

OP is to pussy to deliver

op better deliver harder than the fucking hiroshima bomb

OP deliver

change sex

eat shit

fuck your dog

Soon, a light will come that will prevail against the darkness of these dubs threads. Sup Forums will be restored to how it was in the good ol' days, and users will get the same wonderful experiences I had years ago before the evil of mindless FB fap threads, traps, rekts, and porn dumps began to overrun this genuine community.

Mark my fucking words.

>Mark my fucking words.
Mark them.

Yes this



I hope so too, Sup Forumsro




they are marked




The irony.


Words have been marked today.

Just coming in from another thre-HOLY SHIT.


Current Word Status:



kill yourself

They will prevail marked for eternity user.


It must be true.

The autistic kekistani gods have come down to bless these words, this post, and this thread. May we all take a moment to mark the words of glorious user.

fucking marked

That, or all colf and no hot. Or fill up the bathtub with all hot water.

THIS THREAD, HOLY SHIT. Wasn't this originally about trying to fuck-up OP's dick?

Faggot, the subject of this thread has changed. No one cares about the "dubs for my dick" guy anymore.

Kek has blessed us.

In no less than true b fashion, a dubs thread that op will not deliver on.

we have ascended beyond now, user

Take a vid of you eating your cum. I need it for research purposes

>not heeding the words of the man they would call prophet
>speaking false truths that would shame him
>not realizing Kek is the antichrist of the repeating sextillion

mark'd n check'd

s h i t

>Op has a holy dick confirmed.

s h i t

Not as impressive as mine, but I still appreciate the support.

my god man go buy a lottery ticket now


s h i t

>Sup Forums has already forgotten the prophecy, starts becoming impressed by dubs.

I will
>mark my words


Guess that means it can't be shattered.
Also, not an oldfag, but I agree with the user who got his words marked. Sup Forums used to be better than this (Sup Forums especially).

Good shit user, good shit.

ive seen better


g o t e e m

So close.


god fucking damn it i came in here to see someone snap their dick fucking gay shit niggers fuck this


op pls fuckin deliver