I lost my temper in chat a few days ago, and now no one responds to my farewell message. Have I completely fucked my chances of having community status? It's a small community, only about 50 people, and they were really nice in the beginning. What do I do? I'm very lonely, and need the approval of strangers online.
I lost my temper in chat a few days ago, and now no one responds to my farewell message...
Go fuck yourself you tallywacking POOP widdler,
Anything else before your bedtime?
Also, checking myself.
Triggered, so fucking triggered you must be
"literally" screaming and shaking life the quivering fat you are. Do you like being upset, chewtoy?
I don't get the reference. Explain.
Checking yourself for thr vomit swallowing piddly toe-picker that you are. Oh chewtoy, you need a paddling.
And you never will chewtoy, you probably think "literally" makes you sound smart while widdling POOP.
Oh, you're just retarded. Sorry.
You're such a slimy trousersnake caressing premature born babie that you can't even come up with a remotely original insult. How was the smell of your first diaper? Can you even remember? I bet it was like cheese horseradish and disappointment. Guess what, chewtoy? That reflects your POOP widdling life.