Why did everyone forget about this movie?

Why did everyone forget about this movie?

Because it was a confusing mess to general audiences. Duncan Jones was too much of a fanboy to recognize what needed to be changed in order to turn it into something with broader appeal. Also when your leads are Dominic Cooper and the guy from Sons of Anarchy you're just fucked by default.

>Sons of anarchy

Guldan did nothing wrong.

Oh shit it was the Vikings guy. Whatever it's all the same

The people who watched it who never played Warcraft/WoW had no attachment to the characters.

The people who watched it who did play Warcraft/WoW were pissed off at the stupid fucking retconning that made no sense.

dude i wanna see this so bad, i saw the scene where durotan fights guldan and it made me teary

It was a really badly paced but cool movie. You should watch it.

Because it was a huge flop everywhere but China, and I don't think the Chinese can post on Sup Forums.

>$47.2 million domestic

They must have lost massive amounts of money on this. At least chinamen liked it.

no one forgot about it but only Sup Forums cared enough to pay to see it in theaters or download a shitty bootleg camrip quality video. we will see more threads than ever before once the bluray comes out and Sup Forums downloads it.

I like the light fantasy setting

Because it was a below average forgettable movie.
Not too hard to deduce.

I'm really into WC lore and the only change that bothered me was Dalaran and not so much that it was already in the sky but that it was already in the sky and there was clearly not much of a reason to include Dalaran for a scene that lasted less than two minutes. I could see doing that and having it already in the sky to differentiate it and for the cool factor if it was a bigger part of the film, but it really just seems like a waste of money and trailer hype bullshit.

Because it was awful

I've played a ton of Warcraft 3 and WoW and could tell from the first trailer it would be awful. People really wanted this movie to be good that they were so forgiving with it. It was a disaster.

I watched the other day and stopped about half way through because It was so bad.

Also the amount of changes they made to the story were ludicrous.

The fact they completely and entirely changed the orc backstory didn't bother you?

Nothing is more satisfying than watching my predictions come true.

I predicted this movie would be forgettable crap and I was right. No one has even mentioned this movie to me. It came and went like a fart in the wind.

The orc storyline has been going through revisions and redo's since the second games manual came out, then that book all about them and then the chronicle books that will probably make shit more complicated.

Part of the problem is the first game was horribly written and not with a mind to make a large franchise based on it's lore. I mean I liked it at the time, but it wasn't a surprise to me the second game almost immediately retconned a ton of things and kept only the most important events intact.

I don't think retcons were the problems with orcs in this film it was more the wasted potential of not doing anything or more with key orc characters like Blackhand. Basically it made one of WoD's biggest mistakes all over again.

I don't understand how the complete altering of most of the orc backstory (which will have ripple effects if sequels are made) doesn't bother you.

-Ner'zhul played pretty much no part in the film, despite being quite possibly the most influential orc in the entire story.
-Anduin killed Blackhand (in a fucking stupid fightscene, I couldn't stop laughing at how stupid it was), when Orgrim was meant to kill him.
-Orgrim was inexplicably made a Frostwolf, meaning he never becomes new Warchief after Blackhand's death
-Absolutely no hint of Sargeras anywhere
-Garona is now half human, half orc, as opposed to Draenei/Orc

There's probably more but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

wasnt garona also thought to be orc/human in the games as well, and then later got revealed to be half-draenei?

Also the fact that It wasn't the blood of Mannaroth that turned the Orcs It was just Gul'Dans "fel" magic that he acquired somehow because there was no mention of Kil'Jaeden and Mannaroth controlling Ner'Zhul and Gul'Dan

She was but her story was still changed in the movie. In the original story she's under the control of Gul'Dans shadow council and infiltrates Stormwinds command to assassinate Llane. Llane doesn't let Garona kill him.

Garona's origins were that orcs bred a captured Draenei (later revealed to be Maraad's sister) and she was aged and tortured to be Gul'Dan's personal assassin.

In the film and the accompanying novel it's stated that Medivh is Garona's father. This is completely different to the games as Medivh was meant to have a relationship with Garona (who is now his daughter) and she gives birth to Med'an (who is a stupid fucking character and has no place anywhere, I'll admit).

>-Orgrim was inexplicably made a Frostwolf, meaning he never becomes new Warchief after Blackhand's death
>-Absolutely no hint of Sargeras anywhere

Well these might be answered or touched upon in a sequel. Also given the orcs it was more Kil'jaeden who should have been present if anyone.

I already agreed Blackhand was wasted in another post, but I'll so add that I don't really get what the point was of getting an actor like Clancy Brown if he was just going to never have any speaking lines and die after two scenes.

They might be saving Ner'zhul for a sequel but they should've had a few scenes establishing him.

>guy from sons of anarchy

>everything in relation to how the orcs willingly corrupted themselves by drinking Mannoroth's blood, along with anything related to Mannoroth himself is written out and replaced with the simple blanket term of """"""fel"""""""
man that was some stupid fucking shit
did they somehow think that "drink blood, become corrupted, invade azeroth" is somehow too complicated for modern audiences

>no hint of Sargeras
Medivh literally turns into Sargeras' avatar at the end

oh really, you predicted a video game movie wouldn't do so well? Next you'll be telling me it's going to get cold in December

Mannoroth doesn't even make an appearance until Warcraft 3. Mannoroth's painting is in Gul'dans tent. Mannoroth still exists.

>Mannoroth's painting is in Gul'dans tent
this sounds very interesting
do you have a pic by any chance

*holds up paw*
I still like WarCraft


I didn't forget, I just don't feel like talking about it.


ok, its kinda sad to see that they put a lot of effort into it, but it got left by the wayside.

>No movie about a Guardian Druid Troll, Outlaw Rogue Dwarf, Mistweaver Monk Tauren, and a Demonology Warlock Human getting mixed up in a bad situation and becoming friends through adventure

Can we all agree that orcs suck?

These guys were cool to see but Grommash's lines were cut

it was an entertaining movie, nothing more, nothing less.
There's not much to talk about, and, since it's not made by DC, the discussion is not artificially entertained by an army of bitching fan-boy reddittors.

fuck general audiences

That sounds like a really generic pixar movie though.

get out

>Can we all agree that orcs suck?

fuck you kid.

Was the halforcs whatshername supposed to be part human? How did that happen considering there were no humans on orcworld? How did they even fuck up their own place so bad?

How did magedude communicate with grimdarkorc before they had that portal? Are they just being corrupted by green spacetravelling warpdaemons or something?

Because they went with a boring fucking backstory about orcs when the only interesting thing about it is the dark portal and because the lore pre-WC3 was never laid out well enough for most people to care about.
Also that fucking romance between Garona and Lothar.

>dawn of vidyakino
>$1bn box office
>realer than real life

That was the best part, it doesn't get any better.

I'm really sad that they'll give an extended cut to Batman V, but the movie that really needs it (warcraft) doesn't get one.

Should have they started with the 2nd war with making the first war a prologue and didn't made orcs sympathetic noble savages who are just led by a corrupted few?

Why would you deliberately make your characters evil caricatures? That's not interesting at all.

>Never play Warcraft
>go see movie with 20 people who've never played a Warcraft game
>everyone generally likes it except for certain actors

When will people stop saying "it didn't appeal to non-fanboys"? The problem was the human actors sucked absolute shit.

I couldn't understand why they cast the guy who played khadgar. He was painful to look at.

I enjoyed it but as said fucking human actors ruined it for me. The orcs were amazing though, both cgi and acting.
I dont know If I am hyped for a sequel, maybe if they change the story even more and kill Lothar very early in the second movie so they can have a decent human lead.

>Because it was a confusing mess to general audiences
That's my least favorite meme about Warcraft.

They started on the worst part of the story, compared to the rest of Warcrafts lore where you have Infinite demons flooding in, infinite undead flooding in or a giant mother fucking dragon fucking everything with his molten dragon dick you have nothing, not to meantion they fucked the story up.

>we gotta go through coz we didnt do nuffing and guldan

it should have shown why the orcs wanted blood lust, and why the really wanted to invade as well as the shadow council.

they should of just started with arthas.

>X years ago an army from another world invaded, bring with them dark magic
>thunder sound and flashing
>they sought nothing more than ruling our world
>using dark magic pacts they made with demons they had powers behold man
>with the joint forces of ther human race they formed the alliance and pushed back the evil that spewed forth from the portal
>most of the invaders would caught or killed
>but what of their masters that sent them?

cut too a scene of the cult of the damned feeding gain to hungry cunts starving due to the war

bam you just skipped all of that boring shit and made a better movie.

also because jaina was hot as fuck and wore skimpy outfits

Forget the wars. They should have opened with Arthas. Showing his descent into madness, the fall of Lordaeron, the orcs migrating to Kalimdor and being best buddies with the cowmen to avoid the movie being too dark, and ending with a shot of the Lich King rising to power as sequel bait.
You just know they'd be raking in the money if they did that.

Warcraft lore is not original or interesting in any way.
Grow up and give up your teenage hobby.

The story they adapted was fine. It was the technicalities, bad editing, godawful human actors and lots of cut footage that fucked up the movie.

>Duncan Jones was too much of a fanboy to recognize what needed to be changed

What the fuck are you talking about? The games lore was butchered and simplified to kindergarten level. Fuck all legion presence, Alliance characters funneled down to just the Lothar and Llane as the only stand outs, etc

Medivh is her daddy in the movieverse and traveled to Draenor

>-Absolutely no hint of Sargeras anywhere

Read the script/screenplay, it clarifies some things. The whispers Gul'dan heard were from Medivh alone, and Medivh was corrupted into a demon form by Fel magic. Neither had influence other than Fel.

The Legion doesn't exist in the warcraft movie story.

>Legion doesn't exist in the warcraft movie story
Yes it does. Rob Kazinsky confirmed Mannoroth and demons still exist, they just aren't shown yet. Medivh clearly takes the form of the avatar of Sargeras at the end of the movie as well.

Also scroll up this thread for pictures of Gul'dan and Mannoroth together from the actual movie set.

World of warcraft was popular ten years ago.

Because the studios stopped paying people to shill for it.

All this insane set design for nothing. Such a waste.

Because it was shit

So you can redeem them with Thrall of course.

Because it wasn't good.

It was ambitious... but it sucked.

too busy rewatching it

This was the real problem it was too little too late.

It would have been huge even 5 years ago just for people wanting to see what the fuss was about.


came here to post this


calm down baba vanga.

>The Legion doesn't exist in the warcraft movie story.

They are bringing them in the sequels I believe

Tell me why it's worth remembering.

Because it was generic fantasy trash. The only good part was the Orcs. If they had made a Warcraft spin-off movie just focusing on some no-name Orc tribe and their dealings, it'd have actual potential.
This contrived EPIC FANTASY WIZARDS struggle bullshit is as over-budgeted as it's dull.

-Amazing CGI
-Every part with orcs was interesting and dramatic
-Did not butcher the lore, only made a few aesthetic and sometimes positive changes
-Good artistic direction

The Lord of the Rings wasn't incredibly profound either.

>-Amazing CGI
That's it. That's literally all the movie had going for it.

Why is there space travel in a fantasy setting

I tried to watch this movie the other night and even though I was by myself I felt embarrassed by how idiotic it was and turned it off in less than five minutes

Because it's magic

It worked for Avatar

The fuckin CGI Orc was a better performed and written character than other other of the protagonists.

Durotan did nothing wrong.

Avatar was also an infinitely better movie than Warcraft was, so it had that going for it.

How can you even say that. Avatar had the plot of a bad saturday morning cartoon.

It was a well-told saturday morning cartoon, as opposed to Warcraft which fucked up even it's simple premise.

P R E M I U M price fan fiction

I remember all these

The story of warcraft was best when it was the simplest. All that retconned lore just turns everything into a sack o shit.

>The Lord of the Rings wasn't incredibly profound either.
>implying the end of FoTR with frodo and sam walking alone towards mordor wasn't god tier
>implying the end of the fellowship at the end of RoTK wasn't incredibly profound.

t. Imageboard browser

its utter dogshit m8.

Because it was forgettable? The story was a mess, there were no proper character arcs, it wasn't friendly to newcomers (or actual Warcraft fans for that matter). A lot of shit in the story didn't make sense, character motivations being the big culprit there.

If they toned down the spectacle and started a bit smaller, to try and build up an actual cinematic warcraft universe, then it would've been better. Instead, they just thrusted everything in dry and left.