He's conscious now right? I heard he was slowly improving, at least to the point where he might be able to speak. It's obvious he's never going to walk again tho. It's a fucking tragedy what happened to him.
its not the year's fault, bad shit happens every year every day. fuck this social media parroting and fuck u mehmed. enjoy your enrichment
at least he's healthy enough to be a NASCAR driver
all the famous people who died this year died to fuel his resurgence
he shall return to F1 soon and his reign will be terrible
did he finally died?
2016 is LITERALLY the WORST thing to ever happen to this planet.
>The state of contemporary health care
>blaming health care and not his family for trying to keep a dead man alive for 3 fucking years
is this nigga still alive wtf he ded
anyway 2016 was good for me until i met this girl
He died years ago in France. He was reincarnated as a potato.
I don't think they will let him die. At least not for some millennia.
Nothing makes me snigger more than knowing Michael Schumacher got his just deserts.
Nice edge there.
will we ever get any news about him?
pics? pics of him having lost half his weight and having aged by 30 years?
audio files of him trying to talk? trying to beg for his family to kill him?
imagine a video of him getting his ass wiped by a nurse
His residence is literally press fort knox.
If you get some shit on him you are a rich man.
Damn. Schumacher is the world's most expensive potato. Imagine how many people you could feed with that money (or grow potatoes with).
sup, Damon Hill. Still mad?
>fuck this time frame
alot of well known celebrities are getting old if they would have survived this year its not like they gain immunity in 2017
There were a few people who tried to leak some news.
>Das hohe Interesse am Gesundheitszustand des Ex-Rennfahrers führte darüberhinaus mehrfach zu kriminellen Handlungen. Noch im Dezember 2013 verkleidete sich angeblich ein Journalist als Priester, um ans Krankenbett zu gelangen. Im Jahr 2014 entwendete ein Mitarbeiter der Schweizer Rettungsflugwacht die Krankenakte des Verunglückten, um sie zu verkaufen. Und erst kürzlich wurde einem Verlag ein Foto von Schumacher im Krankenbett für eine Million Euro angeboten. Die Schumachers hatten eine Anzeige wegen Verletzung des persönlichen Lebensbereichs eingeleitet, die jedoch nicht weiter verfolgt wird. Ein Täter konnte nicht ermittelt werden. Und das Verlagshaus beruft sich angeblich auf den Informantenschutz.
gay thread
schumi is GOAT and will be ok
I want those socks.
wtf i hate samsara now
Well there's your problem.