League of legends thread. Guess my elo

League of legends thread. Guess my elo



Faggot levels off the charts!




league is for faggots who can't play vidya

Idk start a post when you main a champ that isn't cancer though.

3 ez hyper carries at least gold

Damn she's hot

Haha which champ?

I appreciate the assumption but I am b1 at the moment

doda2 tutorial thread*

Lying ass cunt

Lmao I have tried DotA and I'm not a fan. I see why people like it though

Why so hostile lmao


Idk, Cass or Vlad or something...

I meant which champ do I main that's cancer

doo doo



Guess mine


Silver 3 to like gold 3? In that range? Probably higher

poo poo wack ass

Hell yeah

G4 Solo
S5 Flex
Close enough

Are you deadass?

Do u have any climbing tips? I'm hard stuck bronze one right now

Use a rope

Thanks man

Uh, idk...
You need at least 2 good champs for every position
Use 4 page runes: AD, AP and two more for your principal mains.
Choose jungle or support these are more important than the others, believe it or not.
Also play broken champs (Darius, in my case) but master them so you can use all their potential.
Have a "future vision", think about wat would do the enemy next then take a step forward.
Also in solo lane you can "bait" the enemy so it can waste some abilities, have imagination.
I'm not a pro but I hope this can help ya

Traps are gay

Alright man thanks. You played Darius top?

guess me faggots


Fucking cancer

Yeap, if you gonna use him I have some tips.
Against melee champs take corrupt potion and W at first, against distance (Teemo, Vladimir) which are principal counters take boots, 3 pots, and use Q at first.
On the first case you can 1v1 at lvl 1 and win cause you will stack 3 passives wit AA+W+AA then pursuit using offensive kitting, first blood secured.
On the other hand you'll need to FARM, use Q just for healing, boots will help you to not fail it cause you know teemo is a coward asshole that runs wen you aproach, get at least 1300 gold so back and buy Spectre's Cowl, you'll be unkillable after that in lane so rush Spirit Visage and GG

Guess mine, I guess?.

Came from DOTA2 and been playing League for about 3 months now.

Lmao thanks. I'ma try to one trick him to silver

hmm a bottom bitch?


If you only played for 3 months you might be Bronze 3 - Silver 5, or unranked.
Also I think you can scale easy to Gold 5 'cause it's very hard to main support.

Nice screencap faggot.

Anyone on NA wanna play some norms or ARAM? Hit a brother up
>M1 Abrams

Got to Gold 2 with 0 strategy. I don't track enemy CD, I don't know counter picks, I don't do any of that stuff. Literally just be super aggressive if they're worse than me and passive and wait for ganks if they outplay me. I don't understand now people cam be stuck in bronze.

Placed S1 playing exclusively supp and got to G4 after a couple weeks. Stopped ranking so much after some bad streaks due to multiple games un-supportable teams in a row.

I'm just capitalizing on the fact that there are few dedicated supports, so a good, committed one can make a difference more easily.

Nice, try Taric, he's very good, you can twist a game just by pressing R.
74% Win rate with me.

Man, I don't know where this perception of supports in LOL comes from.

In DOTA, even though supports have a much rougher time and it's a much more self-sacrificed role (you literally gift potions and shit to your carry and there are no gold generation items), there is absolutely no negativity towards the role.

did you expect people to say nice things to you? fucking cancer.

Totally believe you. But... does he work in games without a duo?. I played him a few times when he was free but I found out that his stun is very hard to land without communication.

I guess you are mechanically good and could climb much higher if you work on what you're missing. Some people just don't have good reflexes or decision-making and will never climb much. Not everyone is good at MOBA's. There is also the time investment thing, some people can't afford to play so much to git gud.

What's an elo?

It does, once you take practice you can stun by yourself so easy, with a non-duo partner you'll need to predict its moves so you can also get a hit. He goes well whit champs that are very mobile (Lucian, Vayne, Ezreal, Lee, Kassadin)


Alright my nigga. I am purchasing Taric as we speak. I'll play him a bit next couple days and see how it goes!.

Big issue for me is that I am not all that familiar with ballsy melee supports (Thresh / Taric). Since I play mostly mage supports, I have a hard time telling apart which trades will be good, and often get punished too much when attempting to poke. Time to learn something new I guess.

Are you in LAN or LAS by the way?. I am in LAN, might as well add you.

That's how you tell when someones low elo. They don't know how to play in a team, only as an individual.

kill yo self

Lmao I'm in LAN too.