is islam a religion of peace?
Is islam a religion of peace?
Is christianity a religion of peace?
which religion is free of bad things?
which ANYTHING is free of bad things?
Is religion a islam of peace?
Yes, so much (no ironic).
hitler was right.
If everyone was an atheist we'd probably get shit sorted.
All I want is a global government so we can exploit science and explore space
acording to the data? right now yes.
Religion of peace, religion of war, Christianity and Islam are both both religions but by NO means the same, Islam has specific very bad problems
> Ariana Grande confirmed safe
...Why are Muslims completely useless? What point is there in killing the commoner? They're supposed to be killing the privileged cunts...they're everyone's enemy.
Are those $500 pre-ripped jeans?
also one has a hippie as its prophet and the other has a warlord.
But there are Christian dictatorships in africa? We also cannot forget that Christians caused the tai pei rebellion (which caused more deaths than WW2) and also participated in the overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom and their followed subjugation as an American colony.
No westerner follows Jesus. They follow Paul. Most Americans follow the old testament with a few new testament things thrown in. Many even add shit to Jesus to make him less hippy and more manly.
every religion aims for peace. it's the extremists that fuck it up for everyone.
see. Isreal vs. Palestine
see. spanish raids
see. roman raids
see. persian wars
im christian btw. also countries like malaysia, indonesia, thailand, india - that have large islamic populations (more than the middle east) are quite peaceful and don't practice sharia law.
in short - gr8 b8 m8 no go fuck your sister
People are always going to find a way to interpret any religion in the way that allows them to do the same shitty shit they were going to do anyways. And people are always going to find a way to use religion to manipulate others into doing their dirty work, and keeping them in power. Terrorism has less to do with Islam and more to do with stupidity and brainwashing.
No Abrahamic religion is one of peace.
>wanting a global govt
>not even once
no im pretty sure you have your facts backwards there m8.
nice fancy historical references you have there but if you look at recent christian peacful outreaches vs muslim ones you might just be suprised at what you find.
gtfo you self righteous prick.
> global government
OK, but only if Americans are in charge, as is our god-given manifest destiny.
Of course not, Islam is a religion of war. Read the Qu'ran, the whole thing is based on violence.
Thats working with a complete disregard for history tho mate. You gotta think of the past, not just the present.
>No Abrahamic religion is one of peace.
Pretty sure this is either factory made or this chick made them look like this.