
I just saw on Wikipedia the ratings for season 6 were total shit. What happened? Is this show dying?


Other urls found in this thread:

Wait, this is still on the air? I thought it ended like three years ago.

God I wish I could go back in time to when this first aired, things were so much better for me back then holy shit

What a depressing post. Go exercise or something mate, you'll feel better.

Yup, 7th season premieres around January I think.

Seasons 1 and 2 are god tier. 3 is alright but the downfall was apparent

it was funny in the beginning but it got pretty bad, like they had no idea what to do anymore and got old or something

They've been doing this for six seasons now. They've gone from mid twenties to early thirties. At what point does a show about three stoner losers living together go from funny to sad?

It costs literally nothing to produce.

>another thread about reddit: the show
>people say stuff like "it's god tier"

god you people are pathetic

Yeah, literally no one in this thread has said that. Go win some more arguments in the shower, retard.

It's run it's course. They should let it die.

Six season? What the fuck. Comedy Central should just shut down.

>seasons 1 and 2 are god tier.

learn to read, reddit.

B-but he said 'reddit'. Doesn't that mean he automatically wins the argument?

serious question:
we all know that redditaholics, bojack redditman and reddit and morty are the three most reddit shows currently airing, but, which one is the MOST reddit?

I wish Reddit and Sup Forums would just fuck and get it over with already.

How is Workaholics a redditshow?

reddit wants to fuck Sup Forums, but Sup Forums wants to behead reddit and put its head on a spike and put that spike in the frontyard. So, complicated situation.

>it's just a prank bro
>lol so randumb
>we're so cool, fuck le authority, rite guis?

redditaholics is litterally reddit: the show, and only reddit could fail to see that, reddit

Reddit tier post tbo, feel free to not attach any stars to your name.

Damn, son.

I bet you could cut through a tin can and STILL be able to easily slice a tomato with that edge!

World Peace is doing better than this... maybe there is hope for a season 2 after all

Season 4 was such a huge drop in quality that they lost an enormous amount of viewers.

I don't know if they got too big, too lazy, too high, or all three but they got really shit in Season 4.

I'm just stating the obviou:. Reddit is a nerdy nu-male with a complete apple set and Sup Forums is an animist primitive savage, half naked, wearing skulls and walking around with a spear.


excuse me?

>chan is an animist primitive savage, half naked, wearing skulls and walking around with a spear
Sup Forums is a fat as fuck dorf fort basement dweller who pees in bottles, doesn't shower for days and hardly goes out
half-naked and savage for sure though

so, basically, a city-savage.
Thanks for confirming my point.

>Sup Forums is an animist primitive savage, half naked, wearing skulls and walking around with a spear.

That might be the gayest thing I've ever seen on this site. And I have seen a LOT of gay porn.

What the hell did you even just type out there? Christ stop playing video games kid it's melting your brain.

Read your own post faggot

Oh, I'm sorry reddit, did I give you a hard-on?

>reddit the thread

If its anything like my life, around 27.

are your MtF parts wet?

Put on a skirt, stockings and panties and suck my dick you faggot.

So we had a workaholics thread on tuesday and some autist was calling everyone and everything reddit. Not much has changed apparently

I'll fucking rip your dick and make you suck it yourself, ladyboy.


it was me

>sophomore year of college


Adam ripped off Dane cook's stand up and it went viral. Also he got some move roles so he probably stopped caring

is reddit gone?

Fingers crossed

I'm still here.

redditors are easily startled, but they will soon be back and in greater numbers

He will be making bank from Modern Family

And Pitch Perfect. And Best Buy. And fucking Allstate.

That motherfucker sold out quicker than coat hangers in Ecuador.

See this is when most people here just "don't get" the show. It's actually skewering that aspect of our culture not encouraging it.

am i the only one who finds anders hot?

I've come here just to call you retarded

whatever helps you sleep, reddit.

ok reddit

I really want to fuck Alice

Post best moments to save the thread from faggots


my favorite moment is the one you where you go back.

this show is made SPECIFICALLY for 18-21 college cunts. I was that age when it first came out and everyone loved it, but then everyone quickly got bored of it.

It's declined in quality, really.

The first 2-3 seasons were good. It's become too cartoony.

once the roadkill taco thing and the smashin rats i stopped watching

youre the big mature adult you go back to redtit this is a site for teens you fucking retarded nigger

>it's tailor-made for reddit
color me surprised
>The first 2-3 seasons were good
ok reddit

this site is 18+kiddo, please go to that other place called reddit if you wanna discuss mlp tier shows like redditaholics.

Asking for a friend, does Blake have any nude scenes?????

The show, much like the characters, has run its course. How long could you tolerate people like these three in real life?

Last one I remember seeing is the one where at work they take Ayahuasca or some shit and make fun of Joe Rogan. That was gold in a sea of eh. Have they made one as funny since?

Some of you faggots ruin every thread
>reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit

I swear you're like a kid who has a crush but does that thing where they vehemently insist they don't while it's obvious to everyone else. Nice film talk, plebs.

ok reddit

wtf I'm btfo now

Pretty much this. It was of funny and silly when they were playing 23-25 year olds, but if they aged in real time they'd be 30 by now which is just starting to get sad

He said it again! LMAO!!

It's not about you "getting btfo" you fucking memelord redditor.

It's about pointing out the pettiness of people, like you, who feel the need to get excited and share their excitement about the most worthless shit. We shouldn't talk about redditaholics. We shouldn't even talk about movies in general, nor should we support that enslaving industry. We should free ourselves and the world, not play in the hand of the slavers and mindlessly enjoy being litteral mental slaves.
That's why I spam reddit. That's why I try to prevent any discussion about worthless shit, in hope that, if people, really must talk, they will talk about what matters, and more importantly, that they ACT to break their chains.

I thought this shit was already canceled lol

>the year when I moved into an apartment with my best friends and we all got addicted to Spice and had to break the lease early because one of us almost had a heart attack


Tell me more of your gang's spice addiction. I'd never try the stuff unless I was at rock bottom.

Bad, real bad. Never touch it. We were stupid and bought when our weed guy ran out. Then we moved to just spice because weed wouldn't even work at all anymore. Embarrassed myself in front of cute girls I had a chance with by getting retarded high and passing out, drooling like a retard. Real nasty stuff, had withdrawals for days after moving back home

the memes have gotten to your head

kill yourself

Don't do untested research chemicals kids

the fun may only be temporary, but at least the brain damage is permanent.


hi anders


that shit is wild my buddy would bring it over all the time, the worst is when you dont know how strong the batch is and you take that hit into crazy town.

I want you know you have autism and everyone thinks you are pathetic.

You will never change that.

This post is embarrassing.

reminder that Reddit boogeyman shitposting is against the rules

you know what to do guys

Get a load of this try-hard. Go through puberty before you end up being screencapped and posted to Sup Forums cringe threads.

Downhill after the Clemdog left.

Mmm yes, points

Comedy Central as a whole died. NOTHING on their channel gets good ratings now save for South Park and Tosh.

Damn is Tosh still limping to the barn? I thought he was retiring at 31.

>getting baited this hard

sup reddit

He definitely half asses it for the money. If you watch the older episode, he's clearly having more fun with the show


hola reddit

Newfag found this site looking through anonymouse vids and old 9gag raid pics now thinks normal discussion is reddit.

oh golly geez

I'm not the one that was posting, retard.
I'm just laughing at newfags getting baited by an obvious troll.

do you really not understand this guy is just having fun?
Are you this dense?

i think you got baited dude

What happened is that this show is shit and reddit-tier and it took 6 fucking seasons for normies to realize that.

shit bait go spam another board you fucking troll

>stating the obvious

whatever helps you sleep, reddit

>hating on a troll
do you even know where you are?


When you first watch it its boss.
But how many adventures can 3 junkies go to?
This show can't be fresh after so many seasons.
30 episodes max

>do you even know where you are?

this is the mentality that ruined Sup Forums more that Reddit ever did

kill yourself

>what I don't like is against the rules
>what I don't like is spam

sup reddit
