What's the last time you've walked out of the theater in the middle of a movie?

What's the last time you've walked out of the theater in the middle of a movie?

Never. I choose my kino carefully.

Only time I ever walked out was during Meet the Spartans.

>So you quip first or I quip first ?

literally turned 360' and walked out of the cinéma


Jesus fucking christ

Never, not even for a bathroom break.

Hollywood Homicide.

A long time ago.

I also fell asleep in The Haunting remake.

I wanted to walk out of a few films, but I can't justify wasting a ticket like that.

Except Hollywood Homicide.

Back then me and my roommate would go and see 1 movie on opening night, and then one to two movies on the weekend depending on what was playing and timing, and then on the way home rent 8-10 videos for the weekend.

We just liked watching lots of movies.

There was one week when literally the only movie even remotely worth watching that was playing at our local theaters on the Thursday was Hollywood Homicide. We just gave up halfway and went home. Couldn't take it.

A wise choice

I've never done it. Even for really shitty ones.

ay, emergency exits?


SS, BVS and during one of the many endings of ROTK.

Only plebs walk out of movies.

i legitimately loved this movie
maybe because im not an autistic redditor shut in like you

fuck off with your shitty taste

sorry, you must only like foreign directors right? are comedies too lowbrow for such an intellectual mind as yours? virgin

>turned 360' and walked out of the cinéma
You would be in the same direction idiot

Dis is b8, no?

U got memed lad

First I fell asleep, then I woke up and left. Shitstain of a movie.

no u

Deadpool, entry level plebian garbage only made to appeal to edgy 13 year olds and people who think being an asshole is funny

>Deadpool, entry level plebian garbage

if you didnt already know this going in, then its your own fault

Oh no I knew, I just didn't know exactly how bad it would be.