Post all your 5/22/2017 Manchester terrorist attack vids/pics (Ariana Grande Concert)
Post all your 5/22/2017 Manchester terrorist attack vids/pics (Ariana Grande Concert)
dont have any but im wondering if the eu will ever properly retaliate on those goatfuckers or should the slavic countries prepare for western european refugee crisis. ps. blame it on putin, it'll be much easier.
Slavs would rather make their own union rather than letting EU cuck them desu.
Will never happen
Nothing will EVER be done about these terrorist goat fuckers until someone of noble birth gets killed, basicly they have been given a green light to kill as many plebs as they want.
Ariana Grande and ariana grande-fans. Who the hell care? They don't count anyway.
There are billions of them. Much easier to kill the kike politicians that open the gates to the barbarians
slavs & putin are are cuck niggers
Slavs are best Eurofags.
Are they literally supervillains?
Stop wasting energy and resources
Pay a fair prize to all other country for their resources.
Stop sending troops to the assholes of the world to kill random people.
Don't obey USA and Russian politics.
Start thinking instead of blindly listening to the media.
And go fuck yourselfs faggots
>wondering if the eu will ever properly retaliate on those goatfuckers
Which goatfuckers are those again? Do you even know who did this?
Spicy Manchester-memes? Can we get #ShariaGrande to trend? I'm hungover and miserable, need some gud lulz
fucking kek
Where do you wanna do it tho, twitter? Need to see if I still have my account there, I never use it
lmme get uhhhhhhhh vod
Are we gonna do this?
I think she masterminded this all herself. She said
Ariana Grande overheard saying she hoped her 'fans would all fucking die'
Yeah, I'm definitely down! Trying to spam official accounts, got some friends with me, figured it'd be a lot of fun
So start on twitter and we gonna do it anywhere else?
Oh dear.
Definitely open to suggestions!
Probably and most likely, yea. But I'm pretty sure he's in the right ballpark.
Holy shit the orb of chaos works.
dunno about you guys but i'm already on it with
#sharianagrande and #shariagrande
pic is all wrong .... manchester is hate
>gunchester as it's known across the uk
Fuck! Shariana was gold!
Account got locked already RIP
>live in UK
>nobody calls it that
>daily mail
thanks for this but could someone post a closer video when it gets released? I looked it up on liveleak and this is the only one so far
ultra hot jail bait
no one calls it that you mong. Only similar legit one is Shottingham.
Top tier!
I want that Doom hoodie
can we spread that this is a picture of the bmber getting arested?
bitch let's not get this banned. She's 19 okay ;)
Rip in peace proud man
Libtard Detected.
I live in uk and plenty of peeps call it that
That's a good one!
Anyway we can try to frame Reddit. It shouldn't be that hard remember the time they "caught" the Boston Marathon Bomber?
Retaliation doesn't work and will never work. USA has been fucking up Afghanistan for 16 years and the Taliban are stronger now than back when the war first started. Terrorism in general is way more prevalent now thanks to the genius war on terror
retard detected
retaliation works if you do it on the right target
muslim countries are not the problem, islam is
the rest are just symptoms of it
still a fan of trump after he just sucked this goatfucker's dick ?
Also from Manchester, nobody calls it that.
Can you guys give me definitive proof that he was a Muslim, friends refuse to believe me
Anyone is better than some libtard. I'll take Trump any day. :)
try leaving manc, it's common where I am
Can you guys give me definitive proof that he was a Muslim, my friends don't believe me.
You're sick in the head. The asshole will destroy this country.
aha, was thinking the same
He appreciates a good wall.
>work all over the uk
>friends from all corners of the uk
>never heard a single person say "gunchester"
Maybe it's only "common" in your retarded little corner of the country, like, your bedroom?
limey cunts don't even know their own country, leave it to a yank to fix up your fuckin messes daft cunts
>amerifats think mudslimes did it
>it was jews
>its always the jews
kekked heartily
Live about 50 miles from Manchester and have travelled and lived all over the UK, never heard it called that before, where the hell do you live?
I've never in my life heard the term 'Gunchester' and I live closeby
Oh, I see. It's a nigger thing.
I don't give a fuck about you personal experience of it, I don't give a fuck if you've travelled to the fucking moon and never heard it, it's common where I am.
cornwall and loadsa people call it gunchester round here
I don't know what this thread is about but I'm here to check these quads
onto the next thread
well there sir, you might ad well pledge allegiance to hitler if thats what your implicating.
the same retard who would complain about Hillary shills/hacks and yet is a complete hack to Trump.
Only libtards believe that. Liberals are mentally ill.
well you're all goat sired interbreds so who the fuck cares what you think
makes sense that we've established you live in some sort of negroid ghetto
fair point, maybe my goat ears are all fucked up and I havn't been hearing what I think I've been hearing all these years
cornwall .... negroid ghetto
>no niggers in cornwall
Fuck off american cunt
Even if he attended mosque, read the quran, pray everyday and fuck his five goat wife, you friend would still not believe you
He would just say "He was not a true muslims, he didn't read the quran correctly. Real muslims are peaceful people and islam teaches love"
fuck off, all organised religion is about power and teaches hate and seperatism, FACT!!!
no he kind of has so far he has put us about 50 million dollars further in the red just to launch missles and the biggest nonnuclear bomb in our arsenal at another country. why would we waste our money on more stupid shit when we already dont have money. Sadly it wasnt just trump either our nation went downhill after the second Roosevelt(Franklin) left office.Also terrorists never did 9/11 jet fuel dont melt that shit. government needed a goddamn scapegoat so they could start two wars (three if you count the so called war on terror) just to get money and resources .all thats really done is put us even further in the hole obama was shit trump was shit bush was shit. the last good prez we had was clinton. and im not even a liberal or a conservative.fuck the media its a bunch of bias that can cater to whatever your political allegations are. Im pretty much whatever the fuck seems like a good policy and if the ideals are correct and it doesnt interfere with people or there constitutional rights then i think it should be a thing.
You could find a dumb nigger from Bournemouth and he'd call it Gunmouth and say it was the most dangerous place in the UK, numbnuts.
I know I've made some typos but I think you missed the point of my comment
haha you seem to be lost . you should try finding your way to a different thread.
allah akbar
Trump=Muslim confirmed?
i just got blocked, need a while to reactivate, anyone else still tryin?
boner apple tea ! a fresh dose ov ze tragedy
when i search it i only find one tweet... so no?