>"Alright Jared, you're gonna get naked for this scene"
>scene gets cut
"Alright Jared, you're gonna get naked for this scene"
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If he refuses to do the next movie, my respect for him would skyrocket.
I would laugh so hard
That definetly would be a Joker move
He's probably under contract for like 2-3 more movies in the DCEU.
>Records an hour of footage
>Ayer puts in 7 minutes worth
haha what a shithead lol
Jesus Christ hahahahahah. Imagine how much more of a PR nightmare that would be for DCEU.
I enjoyed BvS, but it reeked of meddling. The suits and producers don't know what the fuck they're doing. They need to scale everything down and start with single stories.
Perhaps they should watch films like Chronicle, The Fly and so on. Get rid of the faceless CGI.
Wait a gritty film with the joker is pg13? Hahahahahhaajajhaa
>He's probably under contract for like 2-3 more movies in the DCEU
He actually is.
Ayer has Jared Leto nude footage.
Really makes you think.
/fa/ as fuck
Also I do remember Margot talking about a naked scene or something like that. They sure cut this movie with a goddamn machete.
Holy shit Jared is based, he's literally taking it to the Jews that run Warner Bros.
>write script with joker abusing Harley, naked Joker
>even SHOOT the fucking scenes
>nahhh pg13 it is lads
Are Warner Bros literally retarded?
Extended cut fucking when
Jared was bent over backwards for this movie. He does his weird ass method acting, and is barely in the movie making him look like a bigger fool than he is. Not to mention they cut out half of his scenes which could have saved his performance as the Joker. I like his take on the Joker, but Warner Bros keep digging their ditch deeper and deeper.
an extended cut won't help
they changed joker/harley from abusive to jack/rose from titanic
Mom freaked so they cut it.
>they changed joker/harley from abusive to jack/rose from titanic
Let's not blow that out of proportions now.
i stand by my statement
It's still OTT m8.
He should just say he's still method acting and it's what the Joker would do
>fire of my loins
>romantic kiss when he rescues her
come the fuck on
Well, take a look at the state of the DCU. What do you think?
they are both dyels and one of them has tits
Is he /ourguy/?
Yeah, that's a big part of Wonder Woman. Also, those beutiful blue eyes.
>>fire of my loins
That's Nabokov.
They both look great there tbqh.
>only guy on the girls' jet
Do you think they had an orgy on the flight
There's Cara and Leto there, of course.
>Jared, you need to eat a live cockroach for this scene
[cuts scene]
>Jared, we need to you set fire to your pubes for this scene
[cuts scene]
Maybe David Ayer was the REAL Joker all along
What does he have against aging?
>44 years old
Fuck me.
Leto thought he played Joker, but he was played by the Joker instead!
He fucks prime 16 y.o. pussies, eats healthy, sleeps well and enjoys life. And you're having instant butthurt in the basement of your mother's house, eat shit and fap to kuck porn.
That was gay as fuck.
Not sure you think I was being butthurt. I applaud the guy for aging so well and I intend to age as he does. For this, I eat healthy too, I work out, I never cut on my sleep, and I probably don't enjoy life as much as he does.
I have a job, my own place, a car, a woman, and I don't like cuck anything.
Why did you think I was butthurted? Were you butthurt?
>I have a job, my own place, a car, a woman, and I don't like cuck anything
So what are you even doing here?
Flicks like this and BvS are not made for kids that's the mistake DC are making, I felt bad for the kids I saw from my cage as they would've been hating it
I'm on holiday until Monday. I like to shitpost and get into interesting arguments. I also like typing. I have a mechanical keyboard and I need to practice typing daily, so that's that.
>inb4 autismo
Mm you're living the American dream.
When will you realize that IT'S A NIGHTMAAAARE
Leto is a lovely guy
>that face
Can a grown ass man be cute?
>I'll just go live in a fucking cave somewhere
Leto debunked this. He was just making funny faces to his friend on the other side of the runway.
I find him very soothing.
I don't see a problem.
where did it all go so wrong
I never realised he was the singer from Thirty Seconds to Mars.
That's what fucks up DC big time. The fact that their "cinematic capeshit universe" started years late when compared to Marvel so now they try to shoehorn everything in 2 movies before Justice League which of course has to compete with Infinity Wars. I just feel sorry for Ben Al Afflazir and Batman/Gotham universe. A stand alone Muslim's Protector's Batman movie would be pure Kino.
He is either biggest alpha out there or a closet faggot. Looking at his flamboyant acting and baby face I start leaning towards second option.
He's definitely not a fag.
I think he's a suave homo. No doubt.
I wouldn't mind it to be but his sexual life is public knowledge. If you go at a concert of his band and you're a pretty girl you have good chances.
>Ayer made him shave everywhere
For what purpose?
Maybe they cut it, so that he would be even crazier on set in the sequel.
>“Mr. Frost is a good man. He’s a loyal man. He’s like a Time x. Not too fancy but always keeps perfect time… And he’s fantastic at getting blood out of carpet.”
I wish ledger never died
>Even actor Jared Leto wasn't safe from Ayer's twisted vision.
>"One time I did my scene and David turned to me and said 'What if someone just stood in the middle of an editing room and yelled 'CUT'. Maybe the critics in the magazines would forget their trained routine of rating DC movies shit.' My jaw hit the floor and it never really came back up. That's when I thought, is he getting in character to play a hack, or is being a hack something that's been in him all along?"
>"Sometimes i would go to look at the scripts, and I noticed David had scribbled something through my lines. It was stuff like 'What if I cut all of Leto's scenes? Would the movie still be good?' and 'LIGHTS. CAMERAS. FLOP.' I had to ask him to stop because I was feeling too scared to act."
Ayer had been pimping him out for months, saying that he made him do insane shit.
He's too calm about it, I'd be pissed.
Maybe if he wasnt so shit, his scenes wouldnt be cut. I was never a big fan of Heath Ledger, but wow do I have an appreciation or his Joker now that Ive seen how shit Leto's was. Leto's shtick was basically this:
>laugh alot randomly for no reason
>be cucked by Harley (Deadshot was the twice the man Joker was, he probably buttfucked Harley repeatedly offscree)
>Wear funny suits
Ledger was a much more subtle and dark portrayal,Leto was shit
Their plan is to make a movie...butcher it...release ultimate super deluxe blu Ray edition
It's not a totally bad business plan
But the extended cut would have the abusive scenes
>abusing Harley
W-what was he going to do to her? Go on....
Nolanbabby please.
>"First one to blow me gets to stay in my aircraft!"
My thought exactly another guy agreed with me too on it. And yep Im gonna have to buy the blu ray and almost never do unless epic like Mad Max.
>Jared and Cara on the same plane with a bunch of girls
No one's safe.
Not him but slaps come to mind right now.
Perhaps shes wondering why you'd blow a load, before partaking in an orgy
Was getting std part of your plan?
slaps her to the ground and pisses on her
>that camel toe
>quits DCU
>quits Hollywood
>kidnaps Margot Robbie
>goes on actual crime spree
>all while obsessively trolling Ben Affleck on Twitter
>kills Chris O'Donnell
>he reveals that he wanted to create the origin story of the Joker: A villain who was a famous musician and heartthrob turned Oscar-winning method actor that descended into madness trying to emulate a fictional comic book villain named Joker, who is a famous musician heartthrob turned Oscar-winning method actor that descended into madness trying to emulate...
There are suddenly rumors popping up that he's fucking Margot and "sources" rushing to deny it.
Really makes you think.
>goes on crime spree:
>enters restaurant
>steals napkins
>goes up to garcon
>"would YOU like to try our special?"
>"our special is INSANITY"
>runs away
>is seen trying to leave a convenience store in Beverly Hills with like 15 milky ways in his arms without paying
>cashier says he has to pay for those
>he pays
>in HAIR
>"I'm a sick little puppy!"
>cashier freaks
>claims to have killed Chris O'Donnell
>Nobody cares enough about Chris O'Donnell to check
Could Ledgers death be looked at as the turning point for DC? Where things were just getting good then a death in the family really just shook things up. Because of his death, his character was completely omitted from the sequel, thus the script suffered, the movie suffered, and DC had to be rebooted, again.
Ledger's death was a bad thing.
If Ledger didn't die, it would've been subjeced to criticism too.
Hollywood taught me that dying makes you become a legend and people forget all the shit things you've ever done.
The rating ruined the movie.
>get naked Jared
>get into character Jared
>we're counting on you Jared
>jk we cut all your scenes lmao it's PG-13 now
im glad hes not hiding the fact that hes pissed
hes doing a very good job of shitting on everyone involved in the creation of the film, without burning the bridges to those in charge
letos pretty based
>has perfect genetics, a hollyjew career, and a dick built like a redbull can
>gets humiliated worldwide for being a tryhard Heath Ledger wannabe who only got 7 minutes of screentime
lol paying
Why'd they cut all his scenes bros
>joker has a phone
>the joker went to a phone shop
>the joker has a custom phone case
>the joker made the conscious decision to purchase a custom phone case
>the joker wears bling like a black rapper
this fucking movie man
the joker is all about style and appearance. he's a narcissist above all else.
he seems more of a gay best friend sort of guy than an alpha male. i mean hes wearing a pink silk shirt in that picture and doing a blowjob mouth pose, the same pose slutty girls do when their hungry for dick
I feel like a joker thing to do would be to take some other guys phone and just use it as yours or something
Same with the bling
>70's = blue eyes beautiful wonder
>10' = ms skeleton jew wonder
Cause his method acting came off as cringe-worthy compared to will and margot who gave decent performances without going full retard
Wow. I almost just started to cry.
I hope it will be on director cut version on bluray
jared and jon hamm are living lethal weapons
Does the MADMAN joker pay a monthly phone bill? Like did he go to T-Mobile and ask for there most INSANE monthly rate?
jesus is that real?