Question for USA voters in November

Do you think that as many career politicians need to voted out this year,,?? most have held the job to long and forgot whom they work for, am I right or what,

Yes and that's the plan. If we fail, democracy has failed and we have fallen to globlalism and the welfare state was the tool of our downfall. Buy guns.

This is now a dat boi thread

Oh shit waddup


Who /datboi/ here?


>dat boi memes

more dat boi pls


When was this? I've been gone for a week.

(1 meme gen i guess)


oh shit waddup

yo that beamers sick rofl

oh shit waddup

Oh shit waddup

forced tumblr/reddit meme leeching on pepe's dankness
don't distribute them

Any explain?



I just started seeing them a few days ago. It's a retarded tumblr forced meme with no context.


this. it's forced as fuck.
Our memes are far superior and come naturally

oh shit waddup

Thank God, stupid meme needs to die.

Look at the quality of this image, the art belongs in a gilt frame in a museum