Hey Sup Forums there are some Muslim kids across the street from my house they keep throwing eggs at my window...

Hey Sup Forums there are some Muslim kids across the street from my house they keep throwing eggs at my window, they have an issue with one of my housemates. It's 3 am now, I called the police but they haven't turned up.

I want to do something evil to them, but something that can't be traced back to me. I moving out in 2 weeks so its will be the perfect opportunity to avoid the escalation. Any ideas?

bomb the mosque, radicalise the moderates

le baseball bat

Rape them.

Drop of antifreeze in their sweets m8.

>Make some cookies
>Use bacon greese and rat poison when baking them
>Hand them out

Impale their asses. Mark your territory.

I would normally just egg them back, but these dumb kids deserve what's coming to them. I went up and told them to stop and they said they didn't know what I was talking about.

I am thinking about knifing their tyres and bricking their window, maybe setting fire to the bushes

Throw bacon at their window

Enjoy lots of bacon.

Save the grease. Slip some under the hood of their car once it's nice and congealed proper. If you can introduce a bit to the air filter (not too much), all the better.

Nothin' like driving a mile or two and realizing your entire car now smells like delicious, delicious bacon and you're covered in vaporized pork byproducts as the engine's gone and melted that lovely bacon grease all over the block.

Bonus: Grease the door handles and windowsills. It'll also attract ants.

Oh, and incidentally, this is known as performing an act of jiham.

none of these things are evil and youre all faggots

think of something that destroys property or ruins their life somehow


Throw water balloons with pigs blood at em and their place


Break some windows and frame them

Buy a pigs head and leave it in front of their house. I'm sure there are some at a local butcher

Maybe it's your housemates' fault?

The only time me and a friend ever showed up at someone's window and started throwing shit was because the guy was a rapist

Bacon on doorknob. Bacon on porch. Bacon everywhere

Video games and movies have taught me that molotovs are great for unskilled marksmen.

Do one better.

Get some Chicken bits from the deli and throw it at their window at night.

Uh are your roommates/friends going to have to clean up your mess or they moving out too?

Videotape their aggressions then stop recording and brutalize in self-defense

yea that is an issue

they're not aggressive to my face, I know thy live with their parents so damage to property would really mess with them

kill them then bury them in the 500km square forest right outside your backyard

oh wait you're british eh? guess you cant do that then as you can in Canada

use your rights to bear arms and defend your gome! oh wait, you arent American eh?

looks like you're up shit creek without a paddle

Thread reported, enjoy getting radicalized by Hacheem in jail



>Any ideas?

Call Sadiq Khan....

All those ideas sound good OP.
Though you should also do something that targets their disgusting "religion". Need to aquire an Islamophobia reputation to slow down the subhumans migrating.

Cut them in half with your katana.

time-delayed incendiary device near the most flammable portion of their dwelling. Set it to go off for a week after you've left.

>use your rights to bear arms and defend your gome! oh wait, you arent American eh?
m8 you don't have the right to keep and bear arms either

what the fuck are you even doing leaf?