How would this be remade in the current year?
How would this be remade in the current year?
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female army of spawns...that will destroy the world ruled by men ?
yes but stupid men, who are white.
With much better CGI
>main antagonist is a spic
>secondary antagonist is a spic
>main character is a nignog
It would remain the exact same with even shittier cgi.
Why does he wear the mask?
Batman split his face in half with a boomerang
It's not a mask.
Reminder that McFarlane is working on a script for the sequel, wants to make it a Horror film, Spawn being the supernatural horrifying element.
No fucking idea what he's thinking, but Spawn is his baby, so good for him.
script is finished
Probably wouldn't be so damn fat.
McFarlane as in creator of Family Guy etc.?
>a literally nobody upset that anons don't know another nobody
well he's the famous one
Can't wait for the reboot. Should get funded now that memepool made massive amount of money. Should be hard R.
Edgy grim dark reboot
Female PoC Spawn has to stop blonde, blue eyed Jesus from returning to oppress PoC
Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn.
Without him we also wouldn't have fucking McFarlane Toys. Absolutely gorgeous statuettes and figures.
Protagonist showing his face 90% of times
More romance
Since it's an origin story wouldn't wear the costume until the climax/very end
I know who it is but do you honestly blame people for not knowing who a sub-par writer is? You like spawn, great, nobody else does.
lol gay
It is being remade OP
ey yo
On my planet, it means BIG.
I can't find anything about this?
Very edgy with lots of quips
Think Deadpool but with 20% more edge and 40% less quips
It will star Idris Elba and the angel chick will be the co-hero because stronk wimmen
Not with Jai White in it that's for sure
>and the angel chick will be the co-hero because stronk wimmen
Angela belongs to Marvel now
Jason Staham as the lead
villian right here
he is black you know (and he gets cucked by a white guy)
looks like a rat
>Current year
that MacFarlane were nowhere when Todd already was one of the best drawer of Spider-man, and other comics and founder of image comics
Constantine sequel when?
>he is black you know (and he gets cucked by a white guy)
only in the movie, the character was black in the comics, and the child was his and Wanda's
I've been reading Spawn here and there over the years, it has a pretty cool world that I'd like to see in movies. It might be too grimdark and controversial to be commercially viable though.
>No idea what he's thinking
Watch the animated series of Spawn. That seems to be the correct way to go about Spawn if he wants it to be a Horror movie
How does that make any sense she Spawn is already Grim Dark?
>in desperation, mcfarlane sells the movie rights to Disney
>crossover with Ghostrider called Highway to Hell
>makes a billion dollars
It's too overbearingly dark to the point where it diminishes its effectiveness. When EVERYTHING is dark and bloody and bleak then nothing is.
It's like WH40k. All that brutality stops seeming so brutal in the context of where its coming from.
Ghost Rider will never escape the confines of Agents of SHIELD
>best drawer
wow he shud get an award 4 dat
dream movie
Nick Cage co-starring right?
this is one of those shitty-comfy 90s movies, i love those things.
spawn, anaconda, deep rising, that one movie with the weird monster in the museum and shit, good stuff
the spawn animated series was pretty great
that wasn't the question
>best drawer of Spider-man
If only he stayed a drawer instead of trying to be a texterer as well. Spawn's textering quality was pure shit.
The question is just bait for retarded responses like
Just.... Fucking die
It also doesn't help that 90s were full of edgy shit and Spawn wasn't even at the top of the list.
why is this movie so damn comfy
>Collecting dolls
Fucking this.
satirical responses you mean
it would be racist to remake it because the lead was already black and that's all they are equipped to change in movies anymore.
>i guess they could make it an all female cast and have spawn focus on her victim complex and social media updates.
doubles of truth.
they'd just ruin it.
As long as John Leguizamo comes back for Clown/Violator he can do whatever he wants.
Al would be really, really Black, like with a sassy, soulful granny that lives with his family. His wife wouldn't marry a White man.
Spawn is rewritten as a black man
Whitewash him, because why not
Part of me wants Redeemer to be the villain, but my brain is telling me he's the kind of villain who's best left for a sequel.
He's best left in the trash with Killdozer and Cygor
>do you honestly blame people for not knowing who a sub-par writer is?
If you don't know who McFarlane is and what Spawn is you are underage.