Help me, Sup Forums. My start menu will not work, nor will Cortana. I'm running Windows 10. It seems like Microsoft Egde and the Microsoft Store icons are also missing from my toolbar and are not clickable. I will give cam girl videos to whoever can help. Please help. I've tried all the troubleshooting I've found through google and nothing's worked so far.
Help me, Sup Forums. My start menu will not work, nor will Cortana. I'm running Windows 10...
Other urls found in this thread:
Does it work in safe mode?
Give me instructions, user. I'm kinda dumb on this stuff.
Forgot to add, I ran the Start Menu troubleshooter from MS and it said my "Tile database is corrupt." and ""Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost" and "Microsoft.Windows.Cortana" applications need to be installed correctly." But did not repair either.
Do all 3 steps and make sure you reboot at the end
I'll try thanks. If you want the video this and the OP webm is from, here's a mega link for your troubles.
Hell I can't even do the second step:
"Right-click the Start button, then Command Prompt (Admin)
If that fails try Press WINDOWS key + X Key and select Command Prompt (Admin)"
Right clicking the start button doesn't work, and Windows key+x does nothing either. :(
Does windows key + R do anything?
yes. I was able to run powershell by using that earlier
As long as you have admin rights on the computer then it should work if you just run CMD through the run box
OK, thank you so much for your help. Want another video? lol
sure !!
you're not him shit head
but still i want to fap
you still there user? when trying to add the temp users it says System 5 error has occurred. Access is denied.
I'm fucked aren't I?
Not the dude, but that means you don't have admin access which was what the right clicking the command prompt was all about. Does file explorer work at all? Go to C:\Windows\System32 and find cmd manually so that you can right click and then follow the rest of the guys instructions
thank you! doing it now.
when trying to do this net localgroup administrators “TempAdmin2” /add
It says "There is no such global user or group :TempAdmin2."
The first two worked though...
net user TempAdmin2″“password2” /add
The " after the 2 is a typo in the directions. Run that command without that and then try the one that was giving you issues
so like
net user TempAdmin2 “password2” /add
Use local users and groups to verify that the accounts are being created correctly
thank you
the third command worked now. hoping this does it
I have to go to work, I'll check back in 30 min
thank you user
yeah it didn't work. I got to this step
Double click your way to C:\Users\TempAdmin1\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer
And TileDataLayer did not exist in Local
Also, when I log into my main account, all the icons on my desktop flash and then my screen goes black, then they flash again. Then they all come on, except for Microsoft Edge and Store. If that's any help.
bump. Mods, please don't delete this.
download rkill, run it
then run an antivirus + an anti malware
will try it thanks
It downloaded some file that I can't run with the name $
it's simply to neutralize whatever process that the active threats are doing, then you use a combination of an antivirus, anti malware, antispyware
kinda like spraying some cleaning solution before doing the actual cleaning, catch my drift?
that's impossible man it's not a virus you stupid dumbshit
did you get it from bleepingcomputer? Cause if so, you're safe
so it doesn't actually run. I can't open it.
Then whoever is fucking your computer up is holding you by the balls, you'll have to reformat it
got it from cnet. and now am getting it from bleeping, and it works. cnet was safe I thought
can you screen cap your desktop? Just to see how fucked it is
Always get something straight from the source man, should've looked up the software before blindly following my instructions
I had that issue when 10 first came out. A fex updates and it fixed it, runs smoothly ever since. Try updating your shit user?
Or just reboot. Rebooting usually fixed it for me. Ctrl Alt Del and reboot from that screen (bottom right).
I've rebooted about 5 times.
scanning for malware now, rkill is done
This is what rkill said btw. I think I'm missing a shit load of stuff. Which sucks
Checking for Windows services to stop:
* No malware services found to stop.
Checking for processes to terminate:
* No malware processes found to kill.
Checking Registry for malware related settings:
* No issues found in the Registry.
Resetting .EXE, .COM, & .BAT associations in the Windows Registry.
Performing miscellaneous checks:
* No issues found.
Checking Windows Service Integrity:
* gagp30kx [Missing Service]
* IEEtwCollectorService [Missing Service]
* IoQos [Missing Service]
* nv_agp [Missing Service]
* TimeBroker [Missing Service]
* uagp35 [Missing Service]
* uliagpkx [Missing Service]
* WcsPlugInService [Missing Service]
* wpcfltr [Missing Service]
* WSService [Missing Service]
* agp440 [Missing ImagePath]
* AJRouter => %SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted [Incorrect ImagePath]
* WpnService => %systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs [Incorrect ImagePath]
* vmicrdv => %SystemRoot%\System32\icsvcext.dll [Incorrect ServiceDLL]
* vmicvss => %SystemRoot%\System32\icsvcext.dll [Incorrect ServiceDLL]
Searching for Missing Digital Signatures:
* No issues found.
Checking HOSTS File:
* No issues found.
Do you have view hidden files turned on? That TileDataLayer directory might be hidden. This doesn't sound like a virus at all but I don't know for sure. Did you have an AV program before this all started?
>Do you have view hidden files turned on?
>Did you have an AV program before this all started?
don't only run rkil and an anti malware, i said to also run an anti virus and an anti spyware, just for the sake of cleaning the fuck outta your computer
>anti virus and an anti spyware
any suggestions?
did you do something like put it into tablet mode through the action center button near the clock?
antivirus: comodo
Anti spyware: SUPERantispyware free edition
both are free
I don't think so, but I did just notice that I can't get to the calendar when clicking on the clock.
No AV software come on man seriously? Just use Avast in the future, it's annoying sometimes but if you don't know what you're doing you need to have something
btw, i had malwarebytes then when i downloaded Comodo, it detected shit Malwarebytes never did
when i downloaded SUPERantispyware, it detected spywares that comodo didn't
just a heads up
thank you
You're lucky you're better off
no problem, i hope for you that it's just minor dumb virus and nothing worse
Just be safe in the future, internet is like the real world, you gotta protect your back cause you can never tell from appearances what to trust
yeah I can't even click the action center...
if it's not a Comodo or Superantispyware don't find anything, I pretty much need to reformat or something?
Task Manager opens
scroll around and if you can't find "Windows Explorer":
press "File" -> "Run new task" -> "explorer.exe" -> ENTER
Sorry I sound like an idiot, I've been up like 20 hours or some shit. Comodo didn't find anything btw
I'm not an expert, i just gave some tips that i thought could've helped
also, you never posted any screencaps of your desktop so it's hard to know what we're dealing with
I'm able to get to explorer, I just can't use the start menu or cortana. and my calendar won't display when clicking my clock
My "TileDataLayer" seems to be missing and I can't recover it.
My desktop is fine, it's my toolbar that is fucked. And I can't find Paint to be able to show to make a screenshot.
Thank you for your help though. I am about to give up.
and I can't open Action Center
seriously? delete the TileDataLayer folder?
Why dont u try it atleast
Ive had the same thing for a long time now. Easy to work around, i never use start anyways
it didn't work
same here dawg. I cant right click on tool bar icon either
I can do that