guys doing OK today? guys doing OK today?
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Im ok. Typing this with stumps that were my hands. Also I'm dead.
Glad to hear you're OK. Can I come to your funeral?
it's official faggot, and as if any other group than islamic cunts would be able to commit such an atrocity
WW3 begins
in a hundred years from now Grande will still be associated with the third ww. so sad.
>blame western governments for stuff
>kill random civilians and kids in retaliation that have no influence in what happens in the middle east
>government gives 0 fucks prime minister just does a little speech and bombings in me intensify
How retarded are they down there?
time to burn every mosque in the EU.
trop est trop
and please just nuke raqqa and mosul while we're at it.
What did one terrorist say when the other said he was going to blow up a concert hall?
You type this twice and still forgot to add the punchline
Autism playing up again?
Ariana Grande performed there last night...
>I heard she really bombed