does this movie trigger Sup Forums?
Does this movie trigger Sup Forums?
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I really hate uppity negroes.
Send them all to Africa like Lincoln wanted.
back 2 pol
Fck off back to
Racist Drumpf voter
I don't like liberals so I didn't watch it.
I have no idea what this movie's about, Sup Forums posters said it was making fun of college liberals or something.
>giving them back their home
Not really. When the Nat Turner movie glorifying the killing of those evil white women and children wins best picture, THAT will trigger Sup Forums
It kinda does. I'd say it was fairly balanced in showcasing insensitivity from whites and hypocrisy/victim complex from blacks.
is liking this movie wrong?
because i dont hate it
Does Sup Forums mods not banning posters aligned with right wing ideologies trigger you OP?
I have never seen any white person ask to touch black, or for the matter, anyone's hair. All my black co-workers said they never seen it happen either.
Who the fuck is pushing this meme so hard?
The (((( ))))
It's the East Asians that do that. I have blonde hair and when I went to Singapore I had so many strangers touching my hair for good luck, I can imagine they do that to black nappy hair too
kids do it
Do americans actually touch strangers' hair?
Do Europeans really let other men touch their wives?
could you provide examples?
white liberals
Well meme'd, kid.
no they're not american
>their home
They were born in America though. America is their home.
Also I'm totally not Sup Forums and you should consider my opinions the opinions of Sup Forums. Fucking retards
Back to 2011
I did it as a kid. Afros are cool.
i think that was the joke noob. get pwned
Actually black here.
A ton of people have asked to touch my hair before, happened all throughout school. Wasn't just white people though, other black people liked touching it because they said the texture was nice, but it just all feels like normal hair to me, probably because I'm used to having it.
I find the term "White People" highly offensive. I know my heritage, I'm Scots-Ukrainian. Just because you can only estimate your heritage, and assume you must, at least, be from a certain continent, doesn't give you the right to lump the rest of us into a similarly vague category. I don't want or deserve to be lumped in with the Serbians, English, Italian or the bloody French!
yeah shit like this is literally racist
and then CNN interviews black gangs about killing cops and white people like it's a cute story
Worth watching just for the scene where the guy's sister answers the door naked
scots-ukranian is possibly the worst white mix going
>Justin Simien
>Justin Simian
I don't even have to fucking try LUL
Pot calling the kettle black
Same for me but not full black and people used to play with my curls all the time
to be honest, i just don't give a shit about black people, their struggle, or whether or not it's "real"
>film about horrible oppression black people who attend Ivy League school face
must be hard having opportunities better than 99,9% of the US and like 99,999999% of the world
such suffering
im reminded of a greek girl i once knew who would always humble brag that she HATED when people asked where she was from but would otherwise talk for hours on end about how proud she was to be greek
i feel like some universal human trait toward petulance can be discerned herein
Sup Forums is Sup Forums territory now
fuck chimps
chimps are fucking awful
Great apes (that aren't chimps) > New World monkeys > Old World monkeys > chimps
I have a jewfro and people used to ask to touch it too. I never let it really grow long, but people still touch it. I don't get why it would be an actual point in the movie. Who cares? I haven't watched it though and am not planning to
post pic of your hair
Wait I was thinking of Dope. This is the scene but I'm pretty sure she's naked under the robe in the actual movie
are you saying he's simple?
justin simpleton?
it was refreshing to see a gay black who wasn't a disgusting closet freak.
I'm mixed and everyone used to ask to touch my hair in HS...
>I don't get why it would be an actual point in the movie. Who cares?
there's a meme in liberal black culture that assumes everyone is trying to make them slaves again, and they claim that the wanting to touch their hair fetishizes their bodies (as opposed to liking them for their minds?) or some shit.
Also, something like "No you can't touch me, you don't own me! Do you think I'm your slave?!" bullshit.
there also may or may not be some African myth about proud warriors who wouldn't let people mess with their hair or some shit ..
black here. yes it happens. happened to my 5 siblings as well. a lot.
>Also I'm totally not Sup Forums
That's obvious, Reddit.
Whites do it without asking me.
Remember user the world is bigger than you and your 2 friends.
don't worry user, whites touch each others hair without asking either.
Actually, it's proven that white felons still have better job prospects than black people with college degrees.
That's not addressing the people who don't ask permission. It's treating you as if you are some sort of animal. Maybe you don't mind being treated like that, but some people do.
>if you're not Sup Forums then you're reddit!
Jesus Christ just fuck off back to stormfront or whatever shithole you came from already.
People who invade your boundaries are just social autists and they're a problem for everyone. No need to be one yourself and chimp out because someone's arm lightly touched your gigantic hairdo though.
>chimp out
that's racist user
then don't do it
I didn't. None of us did. What are you saying man?
stop chimping out
Just settle down already. You're on an image board, no one's trying to snatch your precious pubes.
Reddit confirmed.
I'm mexican and black chicks used to touch my hair
Where the fuck is my movie "Dear Black Negros"?
They are more american than micks and degos
The director spams the usual fuck whitey stuff in interviews and twitter.
lol thanks you're right. gonna go grab some lunch, you want anything?
I lived all around the west coast and the south.
Perhaps hair touching is common elsewhere but not in the areas I've lived in.
Nobody has ever tried to touch my hair
Mostly because I was fucking disgusting
Someone tried to touch my friend's hair, he got so pissed, threw the other guy across the desk
bring back snacks
Reddit, please.
Tumblr spotted
why would it?
oh wait the majority of tv doesnt actually watch the movies and just follows whatever the shitposting says
desu it was annoying but took the air out of the balloon of both sides
the main girl is lambasted by pretty much everyone for being a hipster racist douche
If you actually saw the movie, you'd know it doesn't.
The movies was marketed as an anti-white movie, but it's actually an anti-black movie. It's about a self-loathing mulatto that hates her own blackness and secretly dates a white guy. She wishes she was white.
tumblr gtfo
I just like playing with hair, I always have. But I would still never do so with someone I didn't know, that's retarded.
I always taught the mulatto stereotype was that they hate their white half.
They did better than average until the natives destroyed everything
oh the ironing
I heard a story about this movie. There is a part where a gay black guy is getting bullied and kisses one of the guys bullying him. They beat the shit out of the gay kid.
The funny part was that some liberal blogger was watching this in the theater and there was a whole squad of football players in there. These niggers were cheering and hooting and hollering as the gay guy was getting beat up.
Really makes you think.
"stop playing with my hair" is a slight downgrade from "stop whipping me massa"
mel brooks did it better 40 years ago
Didnt they enslaved the natives in a plantation model.
They need to post a source. You need to post a source. Everyone who makes a statistical claim needs to post a source.
Otherwise you might as well be talking out your ass.
>reddit core
Happened to my black coworker just a few nights ago
It happened to me all the fucking time when I was in school, regardless of what haircut I had. It could be braids, dreads, a fade, a mohawk and of course when I had an afro too. On the plus side, for some reason it made the bitches wet so I used to to my advantage, but it was beyond goddamn annoying.
I loved this movie and here is why. That trailer where the black radio host calls out white people with rules is the beginning of the movie. She starts out as pompous, but finds herself doing mental gymnastics to rationalize her cause in the face of her white boyfriend and dying father.
She begins to ask the question that few college students ask themselves in their politics: Am I wrong?
A black preppy starts to buckle under the pressure of not being anything less than a standup black man that isn't a stereotype. A black viral whore starts despising the celebrity status she originally wanted. A black gay nerd begins to rage over race and political issues he wanted to stay away from.
Even the white frat leader who hosts a black themed racist party is reluctant to do so.
It was good
But it falls apart and makes no sense by the end
Same with Dope, just got boring by the end
Is this a thing with black movies?
black people think they're special.
go to any place as a minority and people will be interested in you.
my parents went to china and had people touched my moms hair because it was orange.
not seen: all the africans asking for american money
I've never even heard of this movie, but people frequently asked to touch my hair in school when I had an afro (not even a bit one, mind you). Only a couple times did they do it without asking. The one time it bothered me was because this kid had some greasy hands, and I didn't like him anyway.
Other than that, meh. Worse shit has happened. The only openly racist thing I experienced was some guy walking past me and quickly saying "dirty nigger" as he passed. I just kept walking.
I would almost argue that the only thing worse than being full anti-white is making the blacks' side seem like it has any legitimacy whatsoever.