She knows her shit and has good taste. I like her.
She knows her shit and has good taste. I like her
it's so ugly
does she have a femine cock ?
>its a Sup Forums shitposting about irrelevant youtube "e-celebs" thread
He's a genius! I wish my daughter can be as smart as her one day!
stop shilling this degenerate
The X Men thing she did was pretty good.
>pretty critical with her reviews
>similar contrarian opinions as most of Sup Forums
>Still hated by sperglords because she has a vagina
Bravo faggots
>would actually be pretty if she didn't go full shit haircut, dyed hair and tattoos
why do women do this?
>because she has a vagina
Sauce on that?
It's just a popular thing to do
Well she actually reads the comic books of the movies she reviews, so that automatically puts her above 99.99999999999999999999% of Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
I nailed her a few months ago
Okay, dad.
>She knows her shit
Apparently not when it comes to dressing her self like an adult.
Ok Chad
She is a paid shill who only ever talks about marvel /disney shit and netflix shows. The only DC stuff she has touched on are BvS and SS and not surprisingly she shat on them (for the stupidest reasons too). Yep, no bias there.
>"I shure do like her and it has nothin' to do with be just wishin' sum wummin like dis would fuck me. She's a angelic rare jewel"
Amazing projection son.
figures, she is a dodger clone
>doesn't like pre-All Star Superman
I'll give her credit for reading the books but that's still a pleb opinion.
>preferring generic plain girls with no ink or piercings
Stay pleb buddy
She frequently shits on Marvel products though (IM3, Wolverine).
There was a lot of shit before (and after) ASS and people can't really be blamed that DC pushed a lot of it in favour of the good stuff. Superman's biggest enemy is not Brainiac or Luthor, but DC editors.
She seems legit. Not doing herself any favors with her appearance, though. Was dissuaded from watching her initially because I thought she was another ditzy tumblrina trying to milk the nerd crowd.
More like oven dodger
That vid was RLM-ish, too bad she replaced that aspie with the faggot robot.
I want to snuggle up to her
who is this?
>Says that Nolan pulled off the TDKR
AFAIR her review is centered on the movie as an adaptation of the books. She's not really into the Nolan OC.
>good taste
grow up nigger brain
Living proof that you shouldnt judge a book by its cover
stay tUnEd
why didn't you post the latest
The new Mel Gibson looks crazy as balls.
but it looks it will be the same as the Taken movies, but now with Mel
he shoud've his comeback with Mad Max
ive been noticing more amnd more how T-bone is trying to make her comply and act like a normal youtube reviewer "this next blockbuster sounds AWESOOME" (screen junkie, jetremy jahns, etc) and her trying to get loose.
like you can se how she flips the finger to him when she is ragging on ghostbusters and he is telling her to change the subject
skip to 2:15
Is she on Patreon or does she have an actual job?
no phone in the phonebooth?
i dont know why this is relevant
I bet she has a gorgeous dong
She looks like she has a big penis
Iron Man 3 was best from trilogy(a single good IRON MAN related movie), no wonder such ugly pleb like she didn't like it.
>that hair
>those tattoos
>only talks about capeshit and game of thrones
>She knows her shit and has good taste.
Dodger is a midget..
I think she's cute. CUTE!
protip: never washes
So you're saying the tattoos are fake?
He passed on his chance for that when he decided to bail on the original production of MM4 he was involved in after delays to make Passion of the Christ
I would like to fuck her
>implying she knows shit and isn't just a mouthpiece for the guy voicing the robot and doing actual research
>look at me i have tats and unique hair color
>Superman's biggest enemy is not Brainiac or Luthor, but DC editors.
truer words will never be spoken again.
So how attractive would she actually be if she dropped the sidecut and other scene bullshit?
Not very
yea right lol she dyke
i think she talked an loved watchmen
>it's a mods won't delete an irrelevant thread but will nix posts in said thread episode
>if you like marvel over DC you're a paid shill
When will this meme end? They both have the same fanbase.
How is this thread irrelevant? It's a lot more relevant than the potpourri of thinly veiled Sup Forums and /r9k/ bullshit you find on the front page.
what the fuck is going on around here? they seriously deleted a picture of her sitting by the pool?
Mods are faggots. If it was stuckman's ass they would have let it slide.
good to see shes not taking it badly
I'd like to see her taking it badly if you know what I mean
>e celebs
Why is her face yellow
her game of thrones reviews are quite comfy
I want make love to her soles.
CBG gets shilled hard on Sup Forums. I don't know anyone who actually cares or likes her though. She's super boring and uncontroversial.
Plus she has a really eccentric and whacky pink hair, just look at it.
She's clearly a nerd just like me.
>"hurrsh how dare u try to make me out to be nothin' but a thrishy nERdbeard *hurf purrf* I'm a gentleman"
Face it grandad, your prime is passed
she does
She went JesseOtaku mode?
what a horny footslut
nigga marvel gave her a show
she/he is as shill as it gets
>capeshit fanatic
>pink haired dyke
>good taste
"generic plain girls" who aren't praising mental illness and feminism are a rarity these days
>implying "generic" and "plain" mean "not putting superficial shit like ink and dye on your body"
Nice tits but has anyone noticed she's cross eyed in some of her vids.
So which one of you fuckers can tell us how big her dick is????