Is this guy gonna make us rich Sup Forums?

Is this guy gonna make us rich Sup Forums?

he hasnt already?

I made $30k but that's not rich

that's awesome how do i get any

same person, do i have to buy a whole 1? :-/

Buy ethereum, hodl for a year


>2 posters

lots of samfag in here.


perfect, now that told us how hard OP is samefaggin.

Now it's like a Ponzi scheme, if you buy now, you will only make rich those who got them in the first place.

That guy clearly can't even take care of his own personal hygiene, so how is he going to take care of my financial future?

lol i literally called myself out and said "same person", jesus christ

are you the fucking police, kys

no u, summerfag

cool im downloading mist now

Btc is at $2200 Wtf... I'm killing myself for not buying ... You guys ever go on /biz? They're saying to buy dgb, they say it's gonna take off like ethereum did

should i not buy any now? :( is it completely too late

Nah it's going to keep going, it's the future of money Sup Forumsro

i made a coinbase account but it will take 7 days to get money into it, by then it might be on the moon or past

You can buy stuff now and it will take a while to get the money, but you'll buy it at the price it is now, if that makes sense

makes sense but i cant un-do it right, if it goes down and down i just have to watch it for a week as my money vanishes

anybody here in any good crypto slacks

Just don't watch it constantly, it's a long hodl bruh

eh ok, idk if i can afford to put any worthwhile amount in. good luck to everyone who already got in