Why do Brits hate To Catch a Predator so much?
Charlie Brooker on TCAP
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>obnoxious middle-class leftist sneering at things = all Brits
Why do Americans keep doing this?
Not liking pedos has been deemed culturally insensitive in their "country"
We all know he doesn't represent ALL brits
You can think to catch a predator is fucking garbage without being a pedo / pedo sympathizer. I may think it's funny but it's one step away from televising executions in terms of the 'cultural degeneracy' scale.
Fucking America man.
This was before he was a leftie curried cuck.
>one step away from televising executions
We do what we can :)
Gee I hope Hansen doesnt try to catch any muslim predators, that would be racist
all pedos caught must be white or maybe asian
Asian is codeword for muslim
Black pedos are okay, as long as they dont dress like rappers
I could film the same thing near my school and there wouldn't be a single paki.
The only people who think mudslimes have taken over are the shitters who live in the dogshit areas, good areas don't allow poor income paki slime.
so britian is racist
I'm racist, I can't speak for the rest of us mate.
only adolescent dilettantes rate charlie brooker.
but you speak for all "paki slime"
what's the point of this?
>Charlie Brooker
Oh surprise, another rant predominantly focused on strawman arguments vilifying anything he doesn't like under the banner of obvious immorality despite Brooker having the moral intelligence of a castrated hyena. But people give him the time of day so in his defense it's not like he's purposely being retarded, he just genuinely that the shit that comes out of his mouth is some powerful deep-hitting social commentary that could revolutionise the world
Also, he's probably fucking rich so fair play
considering this show was essentially entrapment made entertainment, I'm not surprised a lot of people don't like it. They practically show you how an adult eggs on pedos into saying a load of incriminating shit
asian children go to school
How can a muslim be a predator when its lawful under their religion to fuck 9 year olds?
>walks through an Asian ghetto
>OMG why are there so many foreigners?!
This is what happens when you live on a council estate reaping benefits
Pedoshits are sick fucks but this show is retarded, there was an episode where some fucking 23 year old or something got done in wanting to screw a 16 year old.
America is fucking retarded.
Britain is very pedopositive.
See this: youtube.com
Only people living on benefits in council-estates are racist really because they're surrounded by poor immigrants and see wealthy immigrants on tv and convince themselves that the wealthy immigrants are stealing their jobs and are the reason why they're poor instead of considering that maybe it's because they only got 2 GCSEs and had 3 kids by the age of 20
>They practically show you how an adult eggs on pedos into saying a load of incriminating shit
How are they suddenly ghettos?
I hate this because when they are working class areas they don't get funding and just call them council slums when they don't get maintained
but add brown people they are suddenly ghettos and need funding so lets funnel all your tax money to this specific area you white devils
They don't use 16 yr olds
They've used 15 before, but mainly stick to 13/14
Also, I'm 23 and dating a 19 yr old and I think it's a bit weird. So I do think it's kinda sick if a 23 yr old is trying to fuck a 16 yr old
>Britain is very pedopositive
>So I do think it's kinda sick if a 23 yr old is trying to fuck a 16 yr old
Yeah those extra few years makes a real difference.
>How are they suddenly ghettos?
Because the property value is relatively really low, and they all move/get to sent to the same area
Y'know, the normal definition of a ghetto
I never said they needed more funding. Stop projecting
Pedophilia is very halal!
Yeah those extra few years when your hormones are going crazy and then sort themselves out and where the concept of responsibility and accountability first hits you makes a real difference.
Glad we agree
Why don't more Americans hate it? It presents people as guilty without any trial or due process. It also makes no sense to let a tv show host interrogate suspected felons while police wait their turn.
Because all these guys are committing hypothetical crimes.
Even if they're found innocent for this stuff, they have no chance of readjusting to society since their image is out there and connected to TCAP.
Paedophilia is a byproduct of inbreeding
It helps that the Muslims like it too
Because it's so damn entertaining
And besides, it's not like they dig up evidence of a suspected crime and then confront them and badger them
They have an open house and pedos invite themselves over. There is literally no defense. If a homeless guy accidentally stumbled in, they wouldn't assume he was a predator because it would be obvious.
On top of that, all these pervs have chat-logs where they go into graphic detail as to what they're going to do
It's easy to sympathise with people on the show when they're crying and a similar age to yourself. But don't. Read the chat-logs if you don't believe me
Ok, I just watched that vid and Charlie does not say that he hates it.
>Also, I'm 23 and dating a 19 yr old and I think it's a bit weird
No sane person outside America would ever think of it even as slightly weird. You are so shamed and brainwashed in your pathetic country, it's unbelievable.
>hypothetical crimes
Here's the issue: all prevented crimes are hypothetical.
>get arrested while trying to stab someone
>"Your honour, I've been arrested for a hypothetical crime. I didn't actually stab anyone and being charged with attempted murder is thought-crime in its purest form"
Kek, you should try this defense
Is this how TV ruined your life or Screenwipe??
They're both fantastic anyway. Condescending leftism is the worst plague especially among hte most unbearable of the English but its worth it for hte high points of this show.
>You are so shamed and brainwashed in your pathetic country
I'm not shamed or brainwashed. I live in England where the legal age is 16. It's weird because I talk to her and the difference in maturity is still pretty great
Of course, if you actually talked to teenagers rather than whacked off to them, you'd know this you dirty pervert
> muh 16 year old babies
Lol shut up you faggot.
A 23 year old man is responsible enough, love, all you have to do is suck his dick and make his babies, not that hard.
God Americans are so brainwashed. Maybe its the shitty sex education. No maybe about it, its the shitty education. You don't give your kids real sex ed and they end up not knowing shit.
There is a reason why teens have more kids in America than in a lot of EU countries, because they teach their kids more about sex than "If you do it before the age of 21 you'll die of aids"
>Because it's so damn entertaining
It is. The problem is that it's presented as important news.
Has anyone provided any solid proof that the people walking into that house wrote the stuff they are reading? All you have is a tv host word of what he was told by other people. That is used to portray people as guilty before any trial or even police investigation happens.
Judge Judy has more credibility than this show.
>I refuse to empathise with how stupid teenagers are because I want to fuck them
Great argument
English, dickhead. But keep that strawman argument going, it's working really well
This is pretty far from the truth. You don't have the firm grasp on British demographics you seem to think you do.
All this obsession with sex crimes is quite specific to anglo countries. I think sex offender registries don't exist anywhere in the world outside the five main anglo countries.
Who did you side with Sup Forums? Spoiler, if you side with the pedo you're a sick, broken fuck.
>Has anyone provided any solid proof that the people walking into that house wrote the stuff they are reading?
If that was the case they could make a big buck on it.
There have been times when what perverted justice does is questionable and people have gotten off because of it. that doesn't make the show, but the part when Hanson reads it out loud is.
Yeah, Americans amirite? Being xenophobic is excellent my dude
Do Americans not have entrapment laws? This is clear entrapment. How can they even arrest these guys? Or is it all just fake?
Old Brooker>>>>>>>>>>>dogshit>>>>>>>Post marriage Brooker
Logs provided by Hansen are corroborated by the police and it's extremely easy to connect person to their dating website profile. Logs also can be verified by the dating website.
Oh boy! Another TCAP thread where a bunch of triggered pedos try to justify their sick-fetish
I present TCAP-thread Bingo!
>ruining lives
>"I'd [insert violent act] Chris Hansen if I ever met him"
>Pedophilia wasn't even a concept [insert arbitrary period of time] ago
>"I don't support child-molestation BUT..."
>Age of consent laws are barbaric
>Our European friends are much more understanding
>It's natural!
>"When I was a teenager I would've loved to fuck a milf!"
>[random conspiracy theory about population control]
How many are we on so far eh guys?
It probably does to be honest. Almost every girl I've known around that age is incredibly unstable and generally goes through a fairly obvious psychological maturation at some point. I wouldn't advise dating a girl that age even if she does have a nice ass and even if it does mean you'll be dating someone who had taken multiple cocks (not that a lot of 16 year olds haven't at this point).
Why is this entrapment exactly?
Also, read these simple posts before you try to formulate the answer.
This isn't entrapment for the billionth time. Look up what entrapment is
>its a stupid americans can only think of one example of banter thread
always hilarious
i'm surprised no one took the opportunity to show up with a gun to shoot and kill chris
>Go to San Francisco
>Walk through Chinatown
>"Holy shit I didnt know all Americans were Asian!"
>Is this how TV ruined your life or Screenwipe??
screenwipe, usa special
>corroborated by the police
That's when the police actually interrogate and look at the evidence. Before that its perverted justice assuring everyone that the chat was written by some guy on the other side of the internet. And stuff has been thrown out because they did it wrong.
>Before that its perverted justice assuring everyone that the chat was written by some guy on the other side of the internet.
Watch OPs video at 4:00. AFAIK PJ did not use police properly at some point but they do it now.
How do people ever side with the guy? He was a murdering pedophile.
well after the muslim influx pedophiles will be the norm
the brits must be riddled with it then inbreds in the royal family too
>The only people who think mudslimes have taken over are the shitters who live in the dogshit areas, good areas don't allow poor income paki slime.
You sound like a typical limousine liberal.
So why DO the guys show up to a teenagers house when they know they are there home alone?
With condoms?
Am i the only one that hates Charlie Brooker? His work is good but i feel like i would hate spending even an hour with the guy.
I'm not going to try and defend them. The only problem I have is with the show and a private group putting on their own public trial.
The best part is when the guys that get caught talk about watching the show
I went to this school and got bullied for being white.
that's literally the saddest story I've ever heard in my entire life
Fourth post best post.