wtf i hate diane now
Wtf i hate diane now
She's been even worse than Todd since the first season. Just literally kill her off.
wtf i hate abortions now
wtf i hate gifs now
wtf i hate tumblr gifs now
wtf I hate Roe now
wtf i hate wtf i hate x now now
Is she the new Lisa?
wtf i hate feeling shitty physically now
Is Bojack+Diane still on the table?
I don't get it, this show couldn't possibly be any more Reddit if it tried, but Sup Forums don't call it out on that. Yet you faggots call everything else Reddit 24/7
>Sup Forums
Fuck my life. Obviously meant Sup Forums
>Expecting consistency in how people use a meaningless descriptor
>slowly sucking the life out of mr peanutbutter, the only vaguely positive character in this way too edgy emo show
Should have aborted herself too
They make fun of her being a lisa character.
I think Diana is supposed to end up with bojack in the end. Bojack, and Diane forever!
Abortion is murder tbqhwyfam
Maybe her and bogart horsememe and everyone else can all finally commit mass suicide together.
You are now aware that everyone on this show has 6s in their ears
Princess Carolyn >>> Vincent adultman >>>>> Bojack > Mr Peanutbutter >>>> Diane > Todd
That's actually a lower-case a
Her character as the archetypical know-it-all, holier than thou, fuckwit Californian was masked slightly early on when she was just some girl Bojack wanted to fuck, but as she got more screen time she very quickly became the worst
She's like Lisa if Lisa was literally never wrong about anything
Mr Peanutbutter > everything
Mr. Peanutbutter is a beacon of goodness and normalcy shining through the relentless fog of everyone else's narcissism, immorality and navel-gazing extistentialism bullshit.
Mr. Peanutbutter is this generation's Hank Hill
Diane's literally always wrong though
Her character is just the show making fun of self-righteous hipsters who don't actually do anything
>She's like Lisa if Lisa was literally never wrong about anything
She's literally wrong all the time.
She's a worse person than Bojack right now in the show.
Like, that's what the show thinks and portrays.
Princess Carolyn is the obvious Hank hill of this show
>voice of reason
>but still makes the mistake in their life over and over again
Sounds right
I didn't get the abortion subplot
>having an affair with a married man
>dating three children in a trench coat to make someone jealous
>not being able to balance dong a good job at work with having a good life at home
At best she's Boomhauer
The season was about how important family is and what it can do for you.
Dianne having an abortion was her rejecting that idea and still trying to find validation in her "change the world" feminist garbage stuff.
Diane is the typical girl who had an abortion.
>complain about edge
>end your shitpost with "Should have aborted herself too"
>Diana is a 30 something unmarries woman who just aborted her child
>her friend that supporters her is a 40+ year old single woman who has never had children
Is California really like this? well, minus all the animals?
And then the show would end with both killing themselves.
Julie Bindel wasn't serious when she said that.
To be fair to Julie Bindel she can take a joke and tell a joke, still fucking nuts but better than most of the tumblr feminists.
wtf i hate you now
southern california yes
everything north of monterey is much better
wtf i hate reddit now
>everything north of monterey is much better
Because it's part of Cascadia then
She was already a trash girl with a shit personality and stupid opinions, but the fact that she's actually had an abortion just makes her literal trash. Like im all for the right to get an abortion, but the kinds of girls that get abortions are trash, ya know?