Boy did he go to shit in the 90s

boy did he go to shit in the 90s

>things plebs say

It's true

Go and get your fucking shinebox

>Casio, Bringing Out the Dead and Cape fear are shit

>Cape fear isn't shit

Bringing out the Dead is his best diezlo

>the age of innocence

KY my man.

>Cape Fear is impressive moviemaking, showing Scorsese as a master of a traditional Hollywood genre who is able to mold it to his own themes and obsessions

Shutter Island and Departed are essential pleb filters,

Neither one of which was released in the 90s.

Departed is great except for the shitty romance sub-plot that simply sucked.

>Pleb remake

OP stating that MS turned into shit in the 90s sort of implies that he never rehabilitated from that.

I don't agree.

no it doesn't you illiterate it implies he was shit in the 90s

It's about the period starting with the 90s

Yesm it does. Otherwise OP would have asked why "was" he shit in the 90s or something. But I guess you retards don't care anyhow since you'd rather discuss semantics than movies.
>implying you are capable doing either

>>capable doing either

Let's not fool ourselves. He was always shit.

>Goodfellas, Casino, Kundun, Bringing Out The Dead, Cape Fear, Age of Innocence

That's a fantastic output over a decade. Name me one active filmmaker who's had a better decade from 1990 to now.


Compared to taxi driver and raging bull, yea

they all are shit. cape fear is the shittiest. god i hated that american family and wanted de niro to win so much. what a good family movie.

issue with cape fear is the original was better.

Departed was good except for the forced love plot. Though it was nice to see prime vera farmiga

Coens. Fincher.

Casino is probably his best, and it's from 1995 IIRC.


Casino is GOAT.

Coens 2001 - 2010 is pretty close. Lineball for me.

Fincher no. Great CV but he's never had a 10 year period that beats Marty's 90s.

Coen brothers
Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink, The Hudsucker Proxy, Fargo, The Big Lebowski , O brother...

I will hold off on steve mcqueen for now as he only made 3 films, but all are excellent, memes aside.

>Casino being better than Goodfellas

Are people stupid or are they just fucking dumb?

Cape Fear was garbage

Kundun was garbage

Age of innocence was garbage

Bringing Out the dead was okay

Casino was great

Goodfellas was great

I think Goodfellas is the better film but if someone saw Casino before Goodfellas I could probably understand.

Both are fantastic though and for me almost work as companion pieces: Fellas examines the mid level mob, Casino examines the high level mob. I guess if you consider Mean Streets to an extent examines the low level mob you've got a nice little mob trilogy.

>Cape Fear was garbage
>Kundun was garbage
>Age of innocence was garbage
Not even remotely

I think it depends on which you see first.

>Mean Streets - Goodfellas -Casino
Good mob trilogy of sorts


Goodfellas is the film. Casino is just a cashgrab.

everyone and everything went to shit in the 90's my famalam

people will never look back to the 90's with the same magic and nostalgia like the other decades.

>pure joint, flickery at its finest


Explain how

leo gtfo

Have you been living under a rock?

Goodfellas is the rough draft. Casino is the polished piece. Better acting, better writing, better shot selection, better editing, better voiceovers and more accurate casting.

Geez, whoever does these should be declared a Sup Forums treasure

This. If you don't like them you're a pleb, or a try hard which is another variant of pleb

Well this just isn't true at all.

People love 90's nostalgia


Well you see, the movie Goodfellas was actually a film, however, "Casino" is just cash grab to increase one's wealth.

Yeah, but what specifically about each one makes Goodfellas a film and Casino a cash grab in your opinion?

>meh where are the cool gangstas and shit

Grow up

Such a good show. I recently rewatched the whole series. They sure do say faggot a lot

>he likes cape fear

epic reaction image face bro, ninety nine upvotes to you

This is literally happening right now everywhere you look

But I forget most Sup Forums posters never leave their houses

>Are people stupid or are they just fucking dumb?

No, but you are. Casino is indeed better, but since you saw Goodfellas first, and since Casino is very similar in many ways, you think Casino is worse because it doesn't have the novelty of Goodfellas, but that's an actually dumb reason to think one is better than the other.

Casino is superior, but yes, it came afterwards.

If it had come before, you'd be saying the same shit about Goodfellas that you're saying about Casino.

>epic reaction image face bro, ninety nine upvotes to you

cape fear was garbaggio


Shutter island and the departed were great you moron

Back then people were not butthurt