The uncontested greatest film of all time tbhw/u

The uncontested greatest film of all time tbhw/u.

I've seen it sober.

I've seen it high.

I've seen it drunk.

Nothing comes close.

It created another world on film.

Other urls found in this thread:

Heh, okay kid

>capitalization without punctuation
iphone child please

Its fucking great

why didn't they just fly the ring to mordor?

Confirmation bias is a crazy thing, user. But I'll let you live in your little fantasy world where everything can be explained by simple scapegoats.

>starts using full stops
nice deflection bud

Not even the greatest fantasy adventure movie of all time. It's great, though. But you're clearly still entry level.

Cause the eagles don't involve themselves in the affairs of Middle Earth. In the Hobbit and in Two Towers they only help as a favor to Gandalf who is an angel sent from Heaven to help Middle Earth.


blacks were a mistake

Probably accurate.

Too bad the other two progressively declined.

What could have been the best film trilogy of all time has to settle into the top 20.

> judging a movie by what state of intoxication you were or were not in

sheltered child detected

Merely meant that nothing that effects your perception negatively effects your perception of this film.

>Not even the greatest fantasy adventure movie of all time.
>muh Excalibur
Zack pls

Star Wars is better, more interesting.

CGI army sword battles gets repetitive and boring by the second LOTR movie, and Frodo and Sam are not that interesting.

Han Solo is more interesting than any LOTR character.

>that fucking score

Can somebody explain this meme?

While trilogy seems pretty godlike to me. Why to people on this board prefer the first movie which is mostly set-up where the least actually happens?

Is it because of the Nazgul scenes that were lifted from the bakshi adaption??

that's not Amadeus

You are correct. It is not Amadeus.

Because the fellowship set up the world, had a great atmosphere. You start off in an idyllic village so you know what's at stake should they fail their mission. You're introduced to the characters and overall the vibe and the feel of the movie is very comfy.

Comparing two film series that are not even the same genre

>thinking that some generic anti-hero smuggler is more interesting than Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo, Sam, Saruman, Sauron, Theoden, or Elrond

What the fuck is this guy smoking?
Han is literally derivative of Aragorn.

My gf liked the first one the most as well because she said the battle scenes in Two Towers and Return of the King dragged on too long. She's a dumb cunt but that might be why other Sup Forums pedos don't like the others as much

So the movie is the best of the three because of the village life and muh comfy?

Sorry bro but that's weak af. I enjoy the comfiness but I like the battles too. If you don't know what the battles stake without the comfy, than the comfy means nothing until it's risked in open war.

Opinion discarded

>My gf

>She's a dumb cunt
post some part of her

The last two movies are really just parts of a trilogy whereas the first stands on its own really well. It feels like a journey with a start and a finish. Setting everything up perfectly. The fellowship begins and ends there in a way. Everyone goes their own direction after.

>the least actually happens
>Gandalf vs Saruman
>Rivendell and the council
>Mines of Moria
>death of Gandalf
>death of Boromir
Oh but muh battles

>dumb druggie

Opinion discarded.

>battles dragged on too long

If you don't like action then why are you watching LotR?

If all you care about is muh comfy midget village then go watch Willow, faggot.

At last, a legitmate criticism.

Opinion considered


are apes real or makebelieve

How much would you pay for a piece of that world?

I hated this movie. Everyone just moseys through forests and shit and no one ever really gets killed or hurt. I thought the entire trilogy was dull.

>EXTENDED hobbit

>no one ever really gets killed or hurt
Froddo gets stabbed, Gandalf dies, Bohmir gets killed

Star Wars is fantasy, so is Lord of the Rings.

It's okay user.

Great works of art are just wasted on plebs like yourself.

Star Wars is sci-fi.

The setting, world building, set pieces, costumes, dialect, and character tropes are completely distinct.

How do you go from this...

What is the greatest fantasy adventure of all time then? I'd like to watch it.

>Star Wars is sci-fi.

Ladies and Gentleman LOTR fans

>Star Wars is sci-fi.

It's an adaptation of high fantasy books with little to no actual literary merit, popcorn fiction
Calling others plebs over the lord of the fucking rings is the textbook definition of cultural bankruptcy

No fuck you.

To this.

>Star Wars is sci-fi

You are killing me Sup Forums

If star wars isn't sci-fi then the exorcist is a romantic comedy

Name a superior work of fantasy in film or literary format.

Go on, I'll wait.

Science fantasy, star wars is science fantasy, the inner workings of absolutely nothing are established, it's all about the adventure, and the character tropes are classic fantasy shit, the princess in distress, the hero on a journey, the old sage, the thief with a heart of gold etc

>created a functional language
>no literary merit
time to kill yourself

Do you even know what sci-fi is?

Pro tip a spaceship and robots don't make something sci-fi.

Social commentary about humans, technology, and our relationship with it, and some semblance of a science basis for the technology featured in the story, is what makes something sci-fi.

There is almost never anything supernatural in a straight sci-fi story. Like the force, or robots/spaceships so advanced they might as well be magical.

Anything written by the Grimm brothers, wheel of time, pendragon cycle, his dark matters trilogy, excalibur, the neverending story.

>laser swords
>faster than light space travel
>telekinesis, electrokinesis, telepathy

I-it's not sci-fi! It's fantasy!

Curious but what makes something space opera instead of simply sci-fi?

It's hardly even science fantasy because where does the science come in?

There's more magic than science in star wars, anything with potential for a scientific explanation is so far advanced it might as well be magical. The Aliens are just space equivalents of Orcs, Elves.

I'd say Space fantasy would be a better term. Science fantasy sounds like a cross between sci-fi and fantasy.

Grimm didn't create stories, merely wrote them down for posterities sake.

Everything else stole/borrowed elements from LoTR so you're wrong.

>claims superior culture
>this is the list he comes back with

Thanks for the laugh.

Opinion discarded.

>telekinesis, electrokinesis, telepathy

>literally saying the magic in the movies as evidence that its sci-fi

Basically you're saying words should just mean what your uneducated brain thinks they mean?

I'm also glad you tried to hide your samefagging by not replying to anyone. Kys retard

Just like LotR borrows/steals tons of shit from greek, nordic and egyptian mythology, sigurd, Wagner, as well as arthurian and christian myths?

Darth Vader = Dark Knight
Emperor = Dark Wizard
Luke = Young Arthur
Obi-Wan = Merlin
Leia = Princess
Jedi = Knights of the Round Table

I'm not trying to hide anything.

And after reading some these replies, I'll concede that science fantasy is a better term. Fair point, you guys win this round.

>I haven't even read lotr let alone superior fantasy fiction but since I'm anonymous I'll just act smug about shit I know nothing about
Good job

People call it an Opera because its a large scale work in multiple installments all following the same characters.

>hurr durr I like battles and fighting
Battles don't mean shit if there are no stakes. The drama comes from the consequences of losing the battle.

Go watch capeshit.

Space fantasy at best. It isn't a cross between sci-fi and fantasy. Its just fantasy in space. There is 0 science in starwars.

That's pretty cool, thanks user.

I'm still crying about the inevitable sjw remake

>Space fantasy

Is the correct term

>crippled black trans geriatric man plays frodo


Same two towers and Rotk were not at this level.

Mythology is all shit though.
All bad ends. Tolkein took the best of everything and made it blend

As if

I've read anything on your list except for His Dark Materials (which is what I think you meant to write.) one is a literal children's story, it's not bad but it's very simplistic and childish. Wheel of time is decent heavily derivative of LotR and has nowhere near the richness of worldbuilding, language and culture that Tolkien devised. Pendragon is okay but very pulpy and bloated and also lacks LotR's richness or refinement of time. The only decent entry you made was Excalibur which i 100% expected you to make.

The list you came back with is laughable, considering that you claimed LotR is culturally bankrupt, and then you turn around and literally cite works that are derived of Tolkien. I guess the Grimm mention was supposed to lend an air of historical authenticism to this shitty list.

Your opinion is laughable and hardly worth engaging. This entire reply is an enormous waste since you are clearly to stupid to discern what has literary merit and what doesn't. You will not receive another one.

>trans men are real men

Only men are real men.
Everything else is imitation.
See this, this isn't dog, it's imitation.

Two Towers is my favorite.

Gandalf fighting the Balrog was the coolest fantasy shit ever recorded on film until the motherfucking ents assaulted Isengard.

Oh yeah and the battle for Helm's Deep happened too.

Fellowship and RotK are for assholes.

>the neverending story is simplistic and childish
>Ever childish
Opinion absolutely discarded, did you just use 'pulpy' in an explanation for why the Pendragon cycle is not as good as the same fucking story poorly told? This is rich, go ahead and don't reply.

>>Ever childish
What did he mean by this?

RotK meanders too much for its middle hour.

LOTR is an allegory of white culture being destroyed by primitive negroid elements and materialism.

Okay reddit.

I want this, but without all the hobbit shit

No it's not. Tolkien explicitly states at the start of the book that it's not an allegory for anything, you pleb.

Holy shit this fedora tipping is off the fucking scale

>dark forces of primitive chaos vs light forces of European heroic virtue
>implying negroids don't embody the chaotic element of humanity
>non-white humans in the universe are literally non-white because they are evil and evil because they are not white

It's all about heroic tradition being destroyed by modernity and chaotic primitivity.

>Tolkien explicitly states at the start of the book that it's not an allegory for anything
More people need to get this through their heads.
That's the biggest reason why Tolkien is based.
He created his own meaning.

nigger please
read a book

Like I said, Tolkien states specifically that it isn't an allegory for anything. I know it feel great to think everyone you like is secretly affirming your political views, but in this instance that is not the case.

Apply whatever meaning you want to the story, just don't pretend the author intended it. Especially when you haven't actually read the book

Lol ok Tyrone. Tolkien despised modernity and adored everything white and Germanic in particular - you think his writing wouldn't reflect these biases intentionally or not? LOTR is a perfect allegory for what's going on now, and I don't mean immigration so much as the corruption of morals.

The more shire the better, fambles.

I like the fellowship for the atmosphere, I love the shire and everything about it. It is the least depressing title to, with all the gang together and sets the mood very well for the trilogy.

Two towers is my favourite, it brings such iconic memes such as looks likes meat back on the menu. The scene when Sam give the speach about tales of heroes to Frodo is my favourite scene in the trilogy too.

Helms deep was better than minis tirith, even if It was shorter. I thought the atmosphere was much better and it felt like a hopless battle, as opposed to minis tirrith where every one is there with an army.

Overall each film is great, but first two are my favourite.

The silmarillion is better but that may be because I am a tolkien fanboi.

In Tolkien's time it was legal to fuck kids and animals in some european countries.
Not anymore, so tell me how this is a "corruption of morals"

>grimm brothers
>writing down folk tales.

It is.
Tuor best man.
Glorfindel best elf.

>implying every generation ever hasn't believed that exact same thing