Which movie most acuratly depicts Brazil?
Which movie most acuratly depicts Brazil?
Other urls found in this thread:
city of god
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Boys from Brazil
Tropa de Elite
Brazil is a huge country. Some states are like Africa and others like Europe. You can depicts Brazil right in a movie.
t. Brazilian
Planet of the Apes
All States are like africa
>as a certified brazilian
You should watch Behind the Sun, OP.
Kickin' and Screamin'
huehuehue and booing is all your race of monkey knows
first post best post
Why did this make me laugh
Bad Boys 2
>and others like Europe
t. monkey da silva
>never seen the southern Brazil
>never seen the financially broken states being taken over by niggers
Go back to /r/brasil.
Europe is equally shit since it's a muslim continent.
Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul are buttfuck ugly states aside from the costal line of SC.
Best brazilians states for a movie are the countryside of both Paraná, São Paulo and south Minas Gerais.
We do have very talented monkey storytellers, I see potential here for something aside from ugly favelas and shitty novelas.
The moment rede globo change the model to fully american style series instead of novelas we will see some serious good things.
What about Cinderela Baiana?
>others like Europe
to be fair, there are some cities that may look clean an civilized as long as you don't come too close
macacos acreditam que o país deles não é merda
Elite Squad 1 and 2, if anyone says anything else they are full of shit.
good joke
controla esse complexo de vira lata meu amigo
>and others like Europe
what did the huemonkey mean by this?
Novelas/Soap Operas may not be what we want to watch, but most of them win and won a lot of awards. At the 70's, 80's and 90's our soap operas were praised by newspapers around the world. It's alright if you don't watch it, I don't watch it. And since Avenida Brasil our soap operas are shit but that doesn't mean that it has always been like this.
Se Eu Fosse Você 2
Who's your Brazilfu?
Young Rita Lee
I would have sex with that girl. Like right now!!!
hold on
he gets it but then it breaks so he gives it back?
How accurate is this, brazilbros?
Yeah, he see it breaks so he gives it back.
Fast Five
Holy Fuck. Too accurate. Did you do it yourself or took that from someone?
>não incluindo pic related
>not Black God White Devil instead of Baile Perfumado
p l e b
>financially broken states being taken over by niggers
Like Europe, then?
>lisbela e o prisioneiro
God, I love that flick.
Frederico Evandro is the shit.
but not really, we wuz always niggers and shiet
Mas tá lá. Canto inferior direito.
huekino coming thru
i can't be the only one who hates Selton Mello out of my guts
Lisbela and Compadecida are great, but i liked them before finding out i hate him, now i can't watch Cheiro do ralo becouse of that
Don't forget Brazilian Mad Max
Also O Homem do Futuro is pretty good desu
would add Estomago for a drama/thriller and Besouro for action schlock
and maybe Febre do Rato for an arthouse, mainly becouse i love irandhir santos
How can you hate this
He seems like a guy you either love or hate, for some reason. Probably because his characters are all very alike. Still, O Cheiro do Ralo is incredible, and the role really suits him. You should check it out anyway.
>Probably because his characters are all very alike
this too, but for me it's the duck voice and the punchable face, he's like a brazilian adam sandler
>he's like a brazilian adam sandler
Kek, that's true
But I like some Adam Sandler movies
None, it's a huge country
Kino AS FUCK, also a great book, one of my favourites. It's just been translated as Ancient Tillage, along with his other book A Cup of Rage (which has also been adapted to a movie, a good one, but nowhere near Tillage) by Penguin, and I strongly recommend you both (they shouldn't have 250 pages together, so they're fairly quick reads).
What do huebros make of the Simpsons episode where they go to Brazil?
Terry Gilliam's movie about hueland
Raquel Scheherazade
Fucking kek'd when Homer talks about our money.
>No Pistoleiro Chamado Papaco for porn comedy
Come On
movie festival
all that's on spotlight are the Europe and USA films
they are like the rich side of the Family.whilethe poor one has almost no time nor relevant opinion
Central Station makes me sad.
Brazil is a complete shithole, so maybe shit-eating videos on some porn site.
I have to study a lot,but all I want to do is browse the internet all day while smoking weed
The Olympics.
Those jungle monkeys can't even keep a pool clean for one God damn week.
Not really accurate, lad.
Monkeys are no threat, mosquitos are a much bigger one.
There's no jungle near Rio, the Amazon Jungle is thousands of miles away.
The purple and pink notes are real, but they're worth 5 and 10 reais respectivelly, so it's unlikely they'd be used in such a transaction.
There are no man eating snakes either.
There aren't two cableways going side by side at the Sugarloaf Mountain.
And, of course, there are the common plot devices, like it being carnival whenever they got here, and everyone speaking in english, despite most of the population not being able to do that.
Actually accurate.
Top picture is from the movie Brazil, bottom is from Rio 2016.
actually, the pool was supposed to be green, to represent the brazilian flag colours, but they couldn't build another one to be the yellow one, so it just looked silly
and don't forget about all the Rio citzens being dancing conga
that too, Conga is not a brazilian dance
Why didn't they simply color the blue pool yellow
Oh yeah, Brazil is totally the one that's embarrassing itself during the Olympics
>chemical imbalance makes the pool water change color/smell bad
wow, that's so bad, meanwhile
>Irish old fuck jailed for selling fake tickets
>US journalist triggered as FUCK for thinking that a rock was actually someone shooting at her
>Athlete made fun of Brazil online by posting pictures of her ''survival kit'' to not get Zika, BRs respond by posting pictures of her horrible roastie warning themselves to be careful with not getting AIDS
>French asshole fumbling the Pole Vault finals and getting BTFO by the BR audience
>Japanese man losing because of his dick
>2 US swimmers being held in custody for lying about 2 criminals dressed as policemen stopping them
>US athletes shoving SJW shit whenever they can
It's funny because Brazil is the shithole
blue is also a colour of the brazilian flag
>monkey da silva
No need to get so triggered, you favela nigger. Nice showers btw. Is the live electrical wire optional?
A Xuxa acha a Sasha chata
Now in english or spanish please, I didn't quite get that (I don't know who sasha is)
try saying it out loud
fuck off back to r/montageparodies
ah, a tongue twister, gotcha
I'd include "O Homem do Ano" within the Crime and Corruption category; it's a movie that not only has a very interesting human theme to it, but also directly approaches the culture of vigilantism in the poorer communities, which is definitely worth noting for just how down-played it is.
You can rest like a King in one of our finest hotels any day, chump
Max Pane 3
not the most associated with brazil
it's green and yellow
between green and blue and green and yellow, they would 100% choose green and yellow, so I think you're full of shit
Yeah but green and yellow are the most recognizable
>French asshole fumbling the Pole Vault finals and getting BTFO by the BR audience
What did he do? huelanders always boo other competitors no matter what because they're assholes
I hope Germany makes another 7x1 on soccer
>that projecting
I ain't telling you, go look it up, asswipe.
I looked it up
They booed him during the competition
He was mad at that
They booed him at the podium until he cried
Who exactly is embarassing themselves?