Why did she die?
Even the OOOBA robot didn't know
Why did she die?
Even the OOOBA robot didn't know
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What did Anakin see in that ugly Jewess
Kinky sex
>that grin
>She lost the """"""""""will"""""""" to live even after giving birth to two stable twins.
What a bitch
Women usually lose the will to live after having a baby, its an evolutionary survival tactic
>pregnant with twins
>have a belly that looks maybe 7 months pregnant with one kid
>dying is a survival tactic
i straight up lol'd my nigga
four star post
would you a bong padme or a jewess padme?
My dream wifey. Quiet, thoughtful,royal feminine good girl. Also, naive, loving to a fault and overly doting and caring. Played by the Most Beautiful Woman of All time in her sexual prime. She was an angel, taken too soon from this worthless cruel world that she was too good for
>Why did she die?
Cancer of the franchise.
Why not both?
You will never break into the fortress and rape natalie, Keria, and Sofia Coppola and put illegitimate kids in each of them.
>Women usually lose the will to live after having a baby, its an evolutionary survival tactic
t. an octopus
moar liek plot willed her to die amirte?
>he browses reddit
>Harrison Ford didn't show up for the picture with these faggots
Kek. I don't blame him.
>its an evolutionary survival tactic
>its an evolutionary survival tactic
The mom or the baby that'll die without the mom
i hate every faggot in this picture
The REAL reason (not the "loft the wild to lift" one) is that she gave birth to twin JEDI. When a Jedi is born, he gets most of his midichlorian from his mother (the father's side is what makes him able to USE the midichlorians, and how much he can store of them, but the midi themsleves comes from the mother at the time of birth).
By having twins (the only time in recorded history that Jedi twins were born. othe rtimes only one of the twin was Jedi (Jedi aka force sensitive, whatever), the other not), Padme had to give twice as much midi to the kids, and she didn't have enough left to live.
Sheev sucked her soul out to keep Vader alive.
Actually, Sheev used the former Sith called Flah Chto M'sonn (real name Poo-iin Louh) to do that.
Robots don't have hearts, they could never appreciate someone dying of a broken one
t. bored shitposter
It's highly implied that Sheev used Plagueis-eque methods to drain Padmes life force knowing that her death would fuel his hatred and that if she lived she was the only person who could sway Vader away from
him. Either way in his mind she needed to die
It's like you didn't even read Tarkin or Lords of the Sith
It was a kid friendly way of saying she committed suicide.
>she lost the will to live
Wtf I did that a long time ago and I'm still kicking
>dat sweet animation
>jumping from a 16 foot pillar onto the tough spine of an armored rhino type alien
Her poor vagina.
It's missing the captions.
Above: 9:10
Below: 9:11
That is an easy one. Broken heart!
It was prophecy nigga, how did Mary
give birth to Jesus; she was a virgin.
I still remember coming home from the cinema and fapping to her tummy
>she lost the will to live
what a fucking cunt she just gave birth to 2 children and she lost the will to live? how about living for your children you dumb skank.
A sudden death from a lost will to live can mean only one thing.
makes me think of the robot chicken episode
You forgot sadfu
top kek.
bitch cant say she just wants to be friends dressed like that in a dimly lit room by the fireplace. i feel for ani
$0.02 has been deposited in your account.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Ho no HIro
We back to 2005
Is the dog stuffed into BB8?
Was it rape when Anakin had sex with Padme?