Is it wrong to expect a "thanks" after sending a camgirl a Gift card?

Is it wrong to expect a "thanks" after sending a camgirl a Gift card?


LOL, sending a camwhore anything is wrong.

Why send her a gift card in the first place?



And also wtf is brazilian wax???

you should feel bad

fuck off

>twitter shit

I would have said thank you xD

you realize you can't achieve true hapiness if you pay to get aknowledged by a girl ? Seriously you're a huge fag get your life together

why not?

Why can't you betas just watch free porn and be happy. I know deep down you know these slags don't give a fuck about you and love sucking the money out of your wallet.

Kill yourself tbh

No, women should never give thanks to men for things they had to earn and were not just given because they are male

but look at her tits, doesn't giving her money increase the chance of hooking up?

Hello kiddo, come back when you've past puberty.

Now we know this is bait or a 14 year old. IF it isn't then no you fucking autist it does not . These girls want your money and to NEVER meet you in person. They know the only people that do this are desperate losers.

>yfw you realised this wad a cleverly disguised advertising thread for ally kitten on twitter and my free cams
>yfw you just realised it now

lol does that work in real life? not a fucking chance


>These girls want your money and to NEVER meet you in person.

she takes pictures with her fans a porn conventions

Giving her lots of money, looking like you have lots more to give, and having a big Johnson increases your chances.

yeah she does it cause she gets money from it, not becasue she wants to meat you you accoustic nerd

Lol that guy

>accoustic nerd
Fucking kek

Dat bait doh

that's so fucking sad oh my days

Acoustic Nerd would be an awesome album

>sending whores money
This wrong. If you didn't send her money she'd be fucking guys on the street. That means you are cock blocking like 30 different guys a day by sending her shit and you don't get any action. You're a giant cuck

I don't think you understand what a cuck is.

you have a point, but that's such an incorrect use of the word 'cuck'

Yeah nice fake tits, payed for by retards like yourself..

Obvious bait is obvious tho

Lol at all you virgins trying to explain to another virgin how women work.

Of course a camwhore will fuck you for money. The trouble is that a lot of other guys are sending her shit and to get her attention, you need to be the high bidder.

It's way cheaper and easier to just get a hooker.

Old cuck was a man who enjoyed watching other men have sex with his wife

Nu-wave cuck 2016- means anyone you disagree with so stop being a cuck you bundle of sticks


I just think she's hot, probably 1/2 you fags like traps

More camwhores with their sad pieceos of shit wallets.

I sent her an mfcmail with links to screenshots of this thread, im sure she can work out who you are from the info, I also sent her links i said you posted to ger videos in, enjoy your life, dont advertise your virtualwhore on Sup Forums next time :^)

Holy kek, also quads blesses this user.

if dubs you have to murder her

yea, shes better than the average camwore, but your a gigantic fucking acoustic beta ecuck if you give a camwhore anything
