Anybody have anything graphic on that Ariana concert? Any videos of the bomb actually going off?

Anybody have anything graphic on that Ariana concert? Any videos of the bomb actually going off?

>pic unrelated







I have this pic of the aftermath and a short video of the bombing but the explosion is not visible, only the sound is heard


Arena Grenade


Why do you wanna see people suffering?



> On Sup Forums
> on Sup Forums
> asks, "Why do you wanna see people suffering?"
I want to see you mimic the cat in the picture, in very way possible :)




I don't enjoy people suffering. I request this media for a more detailed understanding of the situation.



Funny thing is that 90% of you aren't about that action, but i am.

> actually tries to defend himself
> on Sup Forums



I like the massive orgy of Chinese pictures you're plaguing us with.
Here have a kek



Lol i'd spill your brains girl, cartel made.



wtf are you going on about



How does one anhero now that they cut helium tanks with air to stop it?

Im going on about 90% of the bitches here wanna see violence and gore but won't do it in real life.

> in that '90%'

>knows he's a punk and that i'd make him my bitch irl

> implying that they are gay

Watch out guys, we got a special snowflake over here

says the edgelord

The grand keyboard assassin

It's hard to quit smonking.


Allahu Granade



no shit. why the fuck would i want to torture someone

I like watching boxing, too, but I don't box, because want to be able to remember things in my 40s

He got them from heaven

What? Gore and snuff videos? Did you just discover the Internet, or society in general? Watching other people suffer and die is the classic human pasttime.