Would you watch a show about a young Gregory House in medical school?

Would you watch a show about a young Gregory House in medical school?


Who will play Dr. Who?


Definitely not.

Only if Wilson was his colleague, but I don't know if that's consistent with the original show's lore.


Depends on who is cast.

But no, it think not.

Gotta get someone good and maybe

Just get Hugh Laurie and have everyone pretend he's in his 20s

I always thought a Young House show in med school (pre cane) would be great. But then I remember it's been established how he only met Wilson a few years before House M.D. starts. And without young Wilson too it just wouldn't be the same.

Harry Styles as Young Doctor House

No but I'd watch one about House now practicing medicine illegally in Mexico or some other shithole

It's been years, but no, I don't think that would be consistent with the original show's lore.

I think House and Wilson met at some sort of medical convention after med school

These are good points. A "young House in med school" show wouldn't have Wilson because they didn't meet until after graduation, according to the original show.

Not only that, but it would be a completely different "House" character. Remember that he didn't become the cantankerous, sarcastic jackass that he was in the series until after the infarction in this leg. A younger House would probably had an average, mild temperament like most people.

This might be a better, more interesting idea.

Okay yes. Very yes.

I can't cite any source but I strongly remember that they implied House was always an arrogant asshole. Part of the whole "he uses his disability as an excuse for being an asshole" theme.

There wouldn't be any Wilson but Cuddy would be there if I'm not mistaken

>young, even more attractive cuddy

This, though im not sure exactly about this kind of story line, Id like to see where he is now sortve thing, maybe even see if 13 is at a bad stage for her Huntington disease by now.

If it's well written, why not.

His ex said that in season one or two, when Cameron asks if he was always an asshole

correct. Cuddy is younger than house and was three years below him and also had a crush on him.

Could be a pretty decnt drama desu

How would he find interesting cases that way?

House was always an asshole. Without his medical expertise, he will be like the smart snob guy, which doesn't sound that interesting.

Fuck no. We have enough Sherlock Holmes shows, we don't need anymore, especially boring medical school dogshit.

Wait was House actually a good show?

It's the only medical drama worth watching.

Not great, but v comfy and House the character is entertaining because he's constantly putting everyone in their place.

>Okay yes. Very yes.

go back to tumblr or reddit or whatever shithole you came from.

Medical drama was only roughly responsible for what made House MD a great show. It was the characters and their interactions. Only pretentious medical students watch House MD for the medical stuff.

But it's still a medical drama, not "characters interacting" show, you know?

I'm still waiting for that spinoff.

The cases themselves may not be as interesting to him, but the diagnosis would be as he wouldn't have access to the same resources. Without his team and the conveniences of the hospital in the original show, he would have to improvise and get back to basics when making his diagnoses.

Remember the episode where he had to treat the woman who was living in Antarctica over a video call? Where he was having to improvise and come up with alternative ways to test for things? It would be like that

Why does he have to go back to being a doctor though? He himself said there was more to life than that. He had an interest in physics.

Do you really think western television audiences are ready for a live action loli harem focused show?

>House P.H.d

Do you think Chase will go on to be as cynical and cranky as House

With a season if him realizing it and not accepting it but with him coming to terms with it in the last episode.

But House is dead

True. It should be about Jorge Casa instead.

what do you guys think

No. He didn't die, it wasn't even ambiguos. The writer pulled a Sherlock Holmes, since his character and the show is basically sherlock holmes MD.

Wilson, on the other hand, is pretty much dead. A show about house dealing with that doing shit illegally on some shithole has some seriously breaking bad potential.

They could show us flashbacks of House and Wilson enjoying Wilson's final days on their motorcycles.

Then Wilson dies and House is on his own. This show could get very dark.

jaded cynical house is an entertaining character

smug asswipe med student would just be annoying

I'd rather cut off my fucking thumb than watch a house prequel starring this untalented pleb, even his fucking face annoys me. Fuck him.

Not only that. Remember his hallucination arc? Which culminated in what is, for me, the biggest moment in the show which is Wilson's heart/House's brain episodes. Bring the hallucination back, with wilson this time.

Use his time on med school as flashback material. Make it dark with some room for comedy and brace ourselves for this ride. I'm up for this. Could be very very good and bring a new age of show reunion in terms of quality. It ends with House's suicide like it was foretold in the original show.

depends can we have an actor who can do a faintly believable accent this time round?

I'm not even American and even I knew Hugh's accent was laughably terrible. Ruined the show for me

His accent was flawless. Do you even know what an American accent sounds like

Here's your Young Dr. Cuddy

>tfw no Chase spin off with Masters

>psst its b8