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Agreed. I prefer Marvel's cellphone commercial-like cinematpograhy. It's clear, easy to follow, looks like the commercials i'm used to watching. DC is way to dark.
The notion that Captain America and Ironman can fight on equal terms is ludicrous at best desu
haha [insert comic book company that makes movies] shills and fanboys BTFO on suicide watch amirite
>The only time a Marvel flick can have a memorable shot is when it's taken directly from a comic
The comic is clearly superior
and the comic is mostly shit.
>like this
>The comic
yeah the Thor clone really made shit more realistic and down to earth
The finest kino.
With Evans. Whose better than CIA
Shouldn't Tony be getting pushed back as well? Newtonian physics, and all that. Isn't that how he flies?
New fag. What is kino?
The poses are much more dynamic in the comic example.
fuck off capeshitters. nobody cares how close it's to the comic except the neckbearded manbabies that you are
Yeah cap is too strong for that gay little rich boy.
>The only time a DC flick can have a memorable shot is when it's taken directly from a comic
>unironically using kino to describe something as good
if I've learned anything
kino = shit
every movie people claim is kino has been fucking awful
None of these shots are from a comic
They aren't memorable either
Man of Steel is the most underrated kino of our time.
>Zod looming over Superman as he is overcome by skulls
>Superman standing up using all his strength to push against the force of the world engine
>Superman and General Swaneke looking at each other from either side of the mirror, showing how the characters are both sifferent yet similar
Whatever you say Mouseketer
obviously they are
try to make an equally aesthetically pleasing grid with any marvel movie, hell you can even use all marvel movies and you won't get this level of pleasing imagery
They're also not that great.
>equally aesthetically pleasing grid
look at the shots individually. None of them are anything special on their own.
You could literally use any of them as a wallpaper.
>Zod looming over Superman as he is overcome by skulls
Probably not from a Superman comic but there's a very similar image in a Miracleman issue. Which makes me wonder if they really want a gritty and serious superhero movie, why not fucking adapt Miracleman* instead of turning Superman into something he's not. (*Oh right Miracleman is technically owned by Marvel now).
>Superman standing up using all his strength to push against the force of the world engine
Yeah that never happens in the comics at all.
>Superman and General Swaneke looking at each other from either side of the mirror, showing how the characters are both sifferent yet similar
It's two guys in front of each other, how is that memorable?
If you wanted everyone to know how bananas you are.
holy fuck
i have to rewatch that movie
>People actually unironically believe that BvS is a good film
How can Marvel even compete. This one scene BTFO every Marvel fight scene ever made.
>not using the kino version of the Zorro panel
holy shit even m nighto has more artistic sensibilities than capeshit
How could you tell, I literally can't see anything.
the two long-take fights in Daredevil have this beat, desu
No. Not even close. You can hardly make out what is going on.
The problem with that fight is while most of the choreography seems good, it's too dark to see most of it. Also, that ending move where he knocks the guy upside down is just nonsense.
>DC fans make a just point defending the integrity of their films
>Marvel fans just respond "le laughing evans maymay #475 xD"
Zack Snyder in a nutshell, ever since 300 and Watchmen: the only things he does great are lifted from the comics.
>tfw a meme is more memorable than 90000000000 hours of Disney marvel films
>homages are plagiarism
t. low cinema skill set
Stick to IMDB until you graduate to film
As does petty much every fight scene in The Winter Soldier.
if batman is fine with killing people and guns now why not just use an assault rifle? bravo zack the hack
>Warner Brothers buys rights to adapt a DC comic book
>Adapting said comic book is plagiarism
>Zack Snyder does what OP is referring to as kino but it's a bad thing when Snyder does it
that isnt a webm from the bluray, looks like from the china rip
>defending plagiarism
>People in this very thread actually believe the Martha scene isn't the stupidest thing in the history superhero movies
Proof or it didn't happen. Keep posting your epic maymays tho.
It's almost as if they were copying Snyder.
That's because the integrity of DC films is in question, and needs defending, and Marvel fans are just enjoying life, watching MCU movies, and seeing DC fans squirm.
>Marvelkeks will defend this
Something about copyrights?
Death of Superman involved like 20 different heroes, including the Justice League, all fighting and failing against Doomsday. BvsS was just three. Literally the same shit.
>we need an UFC fighter to legitimize this action scene
No thanks.
But the scene you posted exists. There's just so much wrong with it. The idea that you should hide under an overpass from a massive tornado, the idea that Clark couldn't save him in a minute or two without revealing his powers, the fact that he fucking died to save the dog who's likely to live 5 more years tops.
Told you, Marvelkeks defending dogshit. So sad it's laughable.
>mfw nothing will trigger a DCuck more than the laughter of Chris Evans
Where are all the bodies surrounding them? Oh, right nobody gets hurt in Captain America: Civil Pillow Fight
left looks like manchild shit
right looks like a movie
>Trying to compete with laughing Evans
>by posting sluts
>didn't get the point of that scene
Why are Marvelkeks so stupid?
>thinking evansposting is still a thing
top kek
>I'm a Game of Thrones fan who likes having characters killed off for no reason other than fake tension
>superman stands on the left at the beginning of the fight with zod
>kneels on the right at the end of the fight
>moses (representing the old way) is depicted to the left
>elijah (representing the new way) is on the right
can't get anymore kino than this
>fake tension is bad
It's all fake you moron. It's a movie
Your memes are weak. You can't win this.
>I just want movies that are fun
wow, you should really leave Sup Forums
Your memes are played out. Deal with it.
Movie was genuinely good at this part because you actually felt like someone was going to die, especially when Bucky got his arm blown off.
>these are memorable
> why?
> because i said so
just because you jerk off to these images does not mean the general public remembers these scense
>posting literal reddit memes from years ago
I liked Evansposting when it was about making fun of SJW's and Joss Whedon before autists decided to hijack it for their capeshit brand wars
>admitting you visit reddit
You can go back now.
>revealed that bucky killed tony's parents
>cap knew about it
>tony wanna kill bucky
>brutal fight ensues
>holy shit tension in a marvel movie
>actually excited for once
>was rooting for cap but now rooting for tony
>tony loses
>"my father made that shied! you don't deserve it!"
>cap throws shield away
>holy shit
>how will their friendship ever recover?
>cut to ending
>rhodey not dead
>just injured but no worries kids tony made him a leg brace he'll be okay
>cap sends tony a letter with quips
>they'll be friends again in the next one
Why don't you go back to Sup Forumseddit then? It's not like any of the authentic locals even want you here my friendo
There's nothing more Sup Forumseddit than brand wars
I have nothing but a complete lack of surprise that Batman v Superman was a pathetic, abysmal failure of a film, and I have nothing but scorn and contemptuous laughter for the morons who have been supporting Warner Bros for years. Laziness and lack of organisation will ALWAYS shine through, in the end.
Warner's DC studio have based their entire schtick around "dark and realistic" with Nolan's Batman but this time, when they themselves were put to the test without the help of Nolan ("can YOU make a good film, with all your supposed knowledge about it?") their true colors shone through for all to see. I knew it would happen, of course. I knew it from the first time I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and attempt to view Man of Steel.
Hopefully as a direct result of this, one or more of the members of Warner Bros executives will realise that they are, and have been, nothing but an abhorrent failure "half-assing it" through this cinematic universe, and put an end to it. Their life, that is. Now THAT I would buy tickets to.
Make your suicides happen, Warner Bros Executives. It's the only chance at redemption you all have.
try turning the fucking lights off in your kinoplex.
I like Evans and Renner, but it is my opinion that nothing the MCU has put out approaches the cinematography of Zack Snyder's films. They are visual feasts.
The writing has some weaknesses, like INVINCIBLE SON and Martha, but Marveldrones exist in an echo chamber. They repeat this simple mantra and never examine the bogus dialogue or absurd character motivations of the MCU.
>>tony loses
>>"my father made that shied! you don't deserve it!"
>>cap throws shield away
>>holy shit
>>how will their friendship ever recover?
>>cut to ending
>>rhodey not dead
>>just injured but no worries kids tony made him a leg brace he'll be okay
>>cap sends tony a letter with quips
>>they'll be friends again in the next one
Marveldrones will not only defend this, they will say it's somehow more logical or emotionally powerful than MARTHA
>it's too dark to see most of it.
Why do you retards keep saying this? Haven't you watched the movie? It's all extremely easy to see. Get off your phone and stop watching movies on a glossy monitor.
>snyder v critics
>bvs literally ruined his career
>he's getting forced out of WB after JL which only continued with him cause WB had to save face and had already signed all the contracts to film it right after BvS' debut
It's troll ammo. Anyone with functioning eyes can see the movie just fine.
There is nothing more Sup Forums than hating on reddit.
>Also, that ending move where he knocks the guy upside down is just nonsense.
But you'll probably defend this:
And this:
>inb4 Thor and Loki are gods
Good so, no tension ever whatsoever.
>"I'm 12!"
>Superman is dead
>Oh wait he's not
>Yes he is.
>Two funerals.
>Oh wait, he's not dead
All in the span of a half hour. DKeks will defend this