School me on modern capeshit, Sup Forums
these are the only capeshit that i've seen.
School me on modern capeshit, Sup Forums
what do the green dots mean?
Ant-Man and Man of Steel are good
The ones with the green dots for the marvel stuff are the ones that I have seen. sorry I couldn't find something like that for DC's.
I'll watch MoS and going to download Ant-Man. Thanks.
Substitute BvS and the overrated Nolan shit for Ant Man and Civil WAr and that's all you need, senpai. Literally every other capeshit is garbage.
OP has pretty good taste desu senpai.
I'm also open to non-marvel or DC cape stuff.
please help me.
Why haven't you seen civil war? It is the best.
>man of steel good
I hope you posted this ironically.
I wasn't available during the time they showed it. Like I was busy for a whole month or something.
I don't think I can watch it now, so I'll just have to wait for it to show up online.
It's already online. Watch it now.
Hancock offers a tongue-in-cheek reflection on the genre.
I can wait for a proper WEB-DL for it.
Oh yeah, I've seen that one it was quite funny.
watch Iron Man 2
it's kino
> QUITE funny.
I agree, and applaud your ability to appreciate levels of quality where it can be found.
Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Chief Keef ain’t bout this, Chief Keef ain’t bout that My boy a BD on fucking Lamron and them He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work
SHUTTHE FUCKUP! Y’all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Chief Keef ain’t no hitta Chief Keef ain’t this Chief Keef a fake.
SHUTTHEFUCKUP Y’all don’t live with that nigga Y’all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet Shootin’ at the police and shit Nigga been on probation since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin’ playin’ him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Chief Keef I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Lil’ Reese and them.
You really shouldn't bother with capeshit
Alright, I think I'll go with MoS to Ant-Man and then Iron Man 2.
Thanks, Sup Forums
Have a Ben "Let's Behead Sam Harris in the middle of Paris" Al-Afleqi
it's all garbage, don't waste your time and actually watch something worthwhile
Check out this if you like a dark comedy
If you're planning on watching all those on the same day prepare for one of the dullest and most forgettable day of your life.
No, I'm gonna watch one per day.
Iron Man 2 sucks
Remember, fans of capeshit are betas in real life. They like capeshit because they pretend to be the superheroes. It gives them 2 hours break from their beta lives, they imagine all the control and power a superhero has and dream of it.
Avoid capeshit.
marvel movies
ironman 1
hulk ( edward norton one, although some do legitmately prefer the ang lee one)
all three captain americas.
blade 2
watch the avengers movies if you can get around to it, their not great but are decent enough to watch
dc movies
nolans batman movies
suicide squad
give BvS a watch if you get around to it
fox movies to watch
first xmen
second xmen
xmen: apocolypse and first class you should watch if you get around to it
random others
superhero movie
kick ass 2 if you get around to it
whatever you have to tell youself
how much did that projector run you by the way?
As far as Marvel goes:
>Iron Man came out in 2008 and blew people away. Genuinely great movie. Creators were given a lot of free reign and everyone was really passionate about the project.
>Iron Man's success led to Iron Man 2 instantly being greenlit without a plot or anything, and set a template for Marvel heroes and villains that is still being used: Quick-witted, sarcastic hero, and evil businessman villain.
>Now nearly every Marvel protagonist has the same voice as Tony Stark because he was such a beloved character. They're all witty and sarcastic, which led to the mostly-true meme of Marvel movies being oversaturated with quips.
>Disney is finally starting to move away from that, in the form of the Captain America movies.
>They're generally pretty decent superhero movies but rely on massive plot contrivances.
In summary:
>Best Marvel: Iron Man
>Good Marvel movies: Cap 2 and 3
>Watchable Marvel movies: Incredible Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Avengers, Cap 1
>Your mileage may vary: Iron Man 2 (Sam Rockwell was GOAT), Thor
>TRASH Marvel movies: Iron Man 3, Avengers 2, Thor 2
Netflix Daredevil is quite good. S1 starts really strong and the quality falls a bit after the first 3 episodes, and then dips significantly in the last 3 episodes, though overall it's strong. S2 is more consistent in terms of quality, and its first arc is widely considered to be superior to its second arc, though the second is by no means bad. Definitely recommended over the majority of Marvel's movies.
Capeshit hit it's peak at Spider-Man 2 in my opinion. Some movies have been pretty decent, but not as good.
>Sam Rockwell
was the wrost part of ironman 2
he was cringey as fuck, and not in a way that he was supposed to be. i kept having to remind myself that he was a legit actor and not someone who won a contest to be in the film
That entire movie is terrible and his part is the only entertaining one.
OP here, thanks for every rec. A bit overwhelming.
ay thanks for being so open to suggestions
>Best Marvel: Captain America Winter soldier
>Good Marvel movies: Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers 1, Ironman, Ant-man, Captain America Civil war
>Watchable Marvel movies: all the rest
The standalone movies are good. The team up ones are absolute shit because they move at a break neck speed, have too many characters that they try to shove into a 2 hour movie and have retarded stories.