Muslim Hate Thread

Muslim Hate Thread


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>*Pizza is ready*
>"It's ok, white people are full of hate and are Nazis, I forgive you"


Islam is a poison to the mind.

fuck, arab men are so hot

Sand niggers live in the desert, lots of sun there.

They don't even have big dicks like blacks, thats why they are so violent and uppity, they have nothing and know the world needs to put them down

>No Russia


السلام عليكم

good, I dont need nigger dick to make me lose

theyre sexy as fuck tho


why does everyone here always bring it back to the bbc stereotype. you a little insecure about racism there bud?

what the fuck is your point? what solution do you have to islamic extremists other than posting stupid pictures on Sup Forums?

It probably won't help but we still retain the right to complain about it.

Mind if I spam a few more?






I'll do one or two more



>Killed 270 Million Jews
I don't think that's bad.


Even the worst people and ideologies had some good qualities


Noted Terrorism Expert Katy Perry Has A Genius Idea To Prevent More Attacks: Open Borders And Love

Hitler did plenty wrong
Fucked up the battle of Britain
Invaded Russia and got fucked by the Russian winter just like Napoleon did, and Hitler studied Napoleon.
Used the Me-262 as a fighter bomber instead of an air superiority fighter
Redirected funds from the nuclear weapon program

Hitler fucked up in lots of ways and it lost him the war.

When the media shows dead muslim kids it's a lie, when young girls get massacred at a concert they get culturally enriched


They multilate children as a ritual. The children don't die, but theu sure as hell don't like it....

My heart is with the White Brothers of England.

Make it as hard as possible for them to remain in the country and obtain residency because you cant deny them completely due to some free-movement laws.
Gather some data and those whom agree with Sharia, participate at protests and think that what happened at Charlie Hebdo is normal to be kept on a watch list.
Reduce benefits because it encourages them to fuck like rabbits and because of this they do indeed abuse the welfare. Why dont they come to other countries in EU? Because they cant live off benefits there and they head straight for the juiciest ones, Germany, UK, France, Sweeden.

What have you thought about??


I agrew I don't like him, just his ideas on how whites should also have rights and their own countries if they really want.

Russia has like 20% sandniggers though.

There's a final solution to any problem

Any Americans who support russia is a cuck.

People trying to brainwash Sup Forums.

I thought this was common knowledge.

This is why Sup Forums needs an up vote button

She should lead by example and launch a concert tour across the middle east. I'm sure they would appreciate her message of love and acceptance.

Silence? I guess all those Turkish, Syrian and Iranian soldiers are Atheists.

>no Norway
That's kinda impressive.

No Poland either

Isis related

Inaccurate. She was hitchhiking to promote “marriage between different peoples and nations.” Nothing about Muslims specifically except for the fact that much of her planned route was through the Middle East.

Maybe don't post every piece of trash you find on the Internet.

Muslim in the photo

What type of mutilation?
Are they carving symbols into their foreheads like that cult in game of thrones? cause that's what it looks like.

Also who is "they"? most Muslims I've seen don't have weird shit carved into their forehead, even the extremists. Are they some weird obscure sect that I've never heard about?

She WAS raped and murdered, though. Still doesn't speak well of the area.


More like it doesn't speak well of hitchhiking. Same thing could happen in nearly any part of the world.

this already takes place.

>>Gather some data and those whom agree with Sharia, participate at protests and think that what happened at Charlie Hebdo is normal to be kept on a watch list.

maybe the same authorities should gather data on Sup Forums and those who post hitler pictures or use "nigger" like 3dgy kiddies. fuck off with your fascist shit

Ok I'm done spamming now

muslims are pretty cool.

they have inclusive, autocratic governments that punish faggots, keep women in line, and persecute thieving jews. thats an accomplishment.

if they stay in their part of the world, they're cool. they are obviously doing better than we are in the west where our governments are liberal jew-loving fag-havens filled with crime and abnormality.

of course, they are all going to hell when they die for being the wrong religion. but they are actually a good role model for what we should be doing in the west.

that being said, it should be legal to murder any non-white person in our side of the world, so fuck all muslim refugees.

why is it bad to kill a baby sand nigger? they are doing our work for us!! thanks, muslims!

So... basically let them in but make their lives miserable until they leave? Or maybe they won't leave because they blew their life savings trying to get there and their only other option is to go back to a warzone. So instead they stay and bide their time and remain miserable until some nice young man comes up to them and offers them money or a little bit of food, or maybe even a job if they'll come attend his lecture on the West's war on Islam.

I'm sure that'll work just fine.

Fuck you.

She was doing it in the name of peace and trust. It was basically a show to try and show that the middle east is full of great people, and then she was raped and killed there. Funny af

>a concert tour across the middle east

She's not bing crosby.

The sad part is, the logical conclusion to the islam problem is the crusades 2.0..we all quietly accept and know this, but we keep postponing and delaying it with the hope a more reasonable solution will arise..and quietly again, we know it wont

Also muslims do boston bombing and 9/11 and ariana grande and ISIS.... But its a religion of peace i promise

you're posting memes from a child predator website to prove how evil muslims are?

guess what? milo is also evil. he rapes children.

you will do anything in order to not paint muslims in a bad light, right?

As if the details of why she was raped and murdered by muslims changes the fact she was raped and murdered by muslims.

Hey man, I'm just saying the image is inaccurate. No need to get your panties in a bunch.

I agree with the fact that you cant bomb their countries and them invite them over. They are not all degenerates and to assume that is simply wrong. You cant deny them access due to free movement laws, those whom come from bombed countries and lost family members are more inclined to seek revenge. Those already established are more...modernized and not that insane/

Do you have an idea? If so, do share it.

there is no such thing as a religion of peace. the islamic world is fucked because they are run by fundamentalist autocrats.

the problem isn't islam (i mean, religion is troubling, but they are all stupid and hateful), the problem is fascism and fundamentalism.

this doesn't mean we should pretend to like muslims. you shouldn't like any religious fundamentalist. we should nuke them to hell.

There are Muslims who aren't associated with these backward middle easterners, believe it or not.


But that's no reason to ignore the ones who fuck things up for everybody else.

we should murder them all. same with the niggers and faggots. i thought trump would have done something about this by now.

Actually Muslims beginning is the same, the story splits with Hagar and Ishmael being forced out by Sarah when she gets knocked up with Isaac

I hope and pray the Muslims will some day learn and understand that the rules of Morality apply to them and that they will adjust their behavior.


He'd probably go to hell if he took off his pants

Yeah these are the fuckers that keep us from going in there and massacring them. I wish they would just stop existing or start calling themselves like Oslam, instead of staying 1 religion. Good ole christians started new religious factions when they disagreed why cant these morons.

Sorry for tagging twice was an accident


and this is why its important to get rid of The Hadith, this is the book of hatred , not Q'ran, go on google the fuck out of that.

>I agree with the fact that you cant bomb their countries and them invite them over.

Yeah we have such a problem with all those violent Japanese and German immigrants to the USA after WWII.

Vietnamese migrants after the Vietnam war are also carrying out terrorist strikes at an alarming rate.

Okay, here it goes:

Three-pronged attack:

Housing-free or low-cost subsidized housing to refugees with an emphasis on keeping families together and avoiding ghettoization (keep some families close together but don't fill entire neighborhoods with Muslims; spread them out).

Jobs: this one is going to be tough (I mean, they're all gonna be tough, but FUCK) but you need to give them jobs. If there aren't any jobs, you gotta find some or make some up. Public works projects, Roman-style military auxiliaries, make them break fucking rocks with their heads, whatever. They need to stay busy and have the dignity of an honest paycheck. Unemployment breeds social alienation, which breeds antisocial behavior, which makes one vulnerable to extremist ideologies. Any Sup Forumstard knows this personally.

Social-Cultural learning: This one mostly involves language/culture classes, public education for children (ideally with dual language classes that gradually fade into the local language only as the children get older), and indoctrination into the hosting nation's laws and customs.

That's just a back of the napkin draft. What do you think?

Because Hagar was a whore. Sarah tossed the cunt because she was a whore. Ishmael is the son of a diseased cunt.

Oh please Sarah was just being vendictive like the good Christian woman she was

What the fuck is this?

I'd say keep put them into ghettos
Build walls around them
Then exterminate them

Honestly, I think my plan is cheaper.

Sarah was blessed by god and being a good wife thought she was barren and urged abe to fuck haegar, but when god gave her issac she was being a good mother and was trying to get her son the inheritance of abe instead of ishmael, sorry ishmael but yo momma was a servant and issacs momma was the actual wife and knew how the world worked

It can work with a lot of people but not with the Muslims
If these fuckers don't want to get the fuck out then only the final solution will be the appropriate one

Typical Christian

Fact check that you flaming faggot

Immigration is not an irreversible process
We can drive them back to where they belong with adequate measures such as not considering them as full human beings anymore
Without the protection of the law or the constitution we could hunt them down and kill them easily

Seems like some vague predictions, I mean it is like if I say 'there is going to be a bunch of threads where OP says nigger over the next week' and then when it happens it is a conspiracy.