Is Hannibal a good show? Should I bother watching?
Is Hannibal a good show? Should I bother watching?
GOAT, better then most medical shows.
It lasted 2 seasons, first season was okay, 2nd season caused it to be cancelled
3 seasons... and 4th is still to come...
you sure you're thinking about the same show. Mads doing dr. strange is why it's on hiatus and it wasn't cancelled
First season is GOAT. Second season is good. Third season is absolute shit.
ITT: Plebs being filtered
It has 3 major female roles and one guest role played by actresses with noticeably hairy arms, so yeah, it's pretty good by that standard (Caroline Dhavernas, Kacey Rohl, Lara Jean Chorostecki, and Ellen Muth)
It was actually kino, best visuals on TV.
I'm sorry that my opinions differ from your own, but I just couldn't get into season 3. It was a chore to watch. It had a few good sequences but the delusion angle was overwrought and hamfisted.
If you like food shows, go ahead.
Your "opinion" is absolute trash and belongs in the shitter along with the syphilitic and AIDS ridden whore that birthed you.
There is, after all, a reason that your mind can't fathom what's going on in season three, and it has to do with your genes.
I understand your desire to find some kind of deeper meaning in what is ultimately artless television but you should really turn to literature if you want some kind of intellectual fulfillment from media.
The first two seasons are decently paced, well-directed visual masterpieces with a backdrop of solid storytelling. The third season is visually interesting but fails on all other accounts. It is sub-par. I'm sorry if that bothers you, my friend.
>durr, I didn't like it
Quality post, pham.
Perhaps Dexter would be more in line with your intellectual capacity.
I did explain to you why I didn't like it. You're apparently so upset by the fact that anyone could not like something that you yourself like that it is impairing your reading comprehension.
It must be difficult for you to post on Sup Forums with this condition. I genuinely pity you.
>pure ad hominem
Try again.
Not him, but you do sound like a retard here
Hey mate, thanks for the honest opinion and nice dubs
Yes, I did turn to insulting you (deservedly enough) after you disregarded my arguments on the topic and spewed a bunch of vitriolic retardation my way.
You're right. I shouldn't have done that. You're not even worth acknowledging enough to insult directly. Please, do continue to make an idiot of yourself in this thread for everyone's enjoyment.
S3 was the season where the plot was not OC donut steel, but was instead from the book.
I guess you really like bryan fullers writing more than the source material.
Third season is objectively shit for the latter part. Also its cancelled and there won't be another season.
>You're right.
That's all I needed pham.
The guy that plays Will Graham is dogshit.
He actually may be the worst starring character in a show Sup Forums has cared about.
Obviously Mads carries the show.
Final verdict: you don't need to watch it
Season 1 was the weakest because of the tired police procedural show formula.
It all looked lovely and was well done for what it was but the killer of the week thing is so played out by now there's just no way to make it interesting anymore.
In season 2 it moves away from this format and improves significantly as a result.
Ignore the plebs season 3 is also great but its even further removed from the police procedural much to their dismay.
Nah Mate, Hugh Dancy is elite. He really is pretty good and Laurence Fishbourne is neat as well, the show has this triumvirate which solidly carries it.
If you disagree with this you are a fucking pleb and should be shot on sight thanks
Hannibal is great. Season 2 is the peak but despite how butthurt eveyone gets there's still some great moments in Season 3.
Like Femdom Alana and Punished Will
I just rewatched it a few weeks back and Season 2 was by far the best. Season 3's visuals felt way too try hard not to mention some of the writing got a little whacky. It didn't feel as concise.
and indestructible chilton confirmed
Season one starts out with a very good first episode, then slows down and pick up again towards the end.
Season two is good from begging to end.
Season three starts slow and pick up about halfway through.
Great series, do watch it.
They should've given Margot steroids to become massive and grow her clit to 3+ inches, like in the book.
>A broad-shouldered person with short blond hair swung down from the saddle, handed the reins to the valet without looking at him. "Walk him back," the rider said in a deep scratchy voice. "I'm Margot Verger." At close inspection, she was a woman, holding out her hand, arm extended straight from the shoulder. Clearly Margot Verger was a bodybuilder. Beneath her corded neck, her massive shoulders and arms stretched the mesh of her tennis shirt.
>The twill riding breeches whistled on Margot Verger's big thighs as she climbed the stairs. Her cornsilk hair had receded enough to make Starling wonder if she took steroids and had to tape her clitoris down
>"I've messed myself up, Mason. I've shriveled my ovaries with all the stuff I took."
season 3.0: poo
season 3.5: kino
The plot didn't make any sense :^)
First season is like all the stupid police procedural shows for people with adhd with some extra edginess added for flavor. It is ok, kind of.
Second season is a LOT better. It imrpoves on what was good in first one and adds more depth to characters. It also ends beatifuly.
Third one whoever is pure fuckin brain cancer. It's like art film for brain dead morons. Everything is artsy just for the sake of it but at the same time it starts to be even more campy and full of cliches. And everyone in main cast is confirmed unkillable by now. It gets a little better towards the end though.
*Third one however
I unironically love Dexter, but goddamn if the writing wasn't fucking terrible.
3rd is a masterpiece
i liked it. 1st season is kinda procedural, but i do like the way fuller does will's recreation of the crime scenes. 2nd season is the best. 3rd is based on the red dragon novel, so there is a new plot/characters, but nothing shitty. totally worth a watch
>make Starling wonder if she took steroids and had to tape her clitoris down
>"I've messed myself up, Mason. I've shriveled my ovaries with all the stuff I took."
is this for real? sounds like horrible writing
Yeah, that's directly from the second book.
The books are fucking terrible.
Is this series in canon with the movies? Is he from Latvia and has a British accent?
jesus. i've seen the books talked up and all this time i thought they were /lit/ tier. that's fucking disappointing cause the premise itself is cool. same problem i've had with the martian book, absolute trash writing.
Oh god, you have no idea how many ridiculous bullshit things from the books were adapted to be somewhat reasonable.
A lot of the bullshit "will they, won't they" gay shit from the show is originally with Clarice, and she (from the books) has been pretty much split into Will and Bedelia (in the show). For example in the end of the Hannibal book, Clarice elopes with Hannibal and joins him in traveling the world etc. like Bedelia did in the show. Thank god they didn't do that shit in the Hannibal movie at least.
Also, if you want a good preview of the general quality of the books, Hannibal Rising is pretty much a straight 1:1 adaptation.